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Cheat Hand
by Gerard Zitta


(1 review, 3 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Cheat Hand by Gerard Zitta

Have you ever played "Which hand" with somebody, and they hid the coin behind their back? Here is a way to overcome this problem.


A spectator takes one of his coins, and puts it in any hand behind his back. You won't look either. They can even hide it in their back pocket, or on the chair, if they decide to cheat. You find out where the coin is (which hand, or which pocket).

100% improvised and hands-off.

(The method here is different than in Coin Games or in Bluff.)

1st edition 2014, 7 pages.
word count: 1909 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Sarin Suriyakoon
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 22 January, 2017

Another "Lie Detector" effect that you can use with your remote friends. If you already performed that kind of patter, you will nail it with this one too. The price is also fair. If you never read this author's ebook before, you can start with this one. You will see how he emphasize his ebook.