$3(1 review, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★
Magic with choppers, guillotines, cutters, knives, etc., found a place in the programs of famous magicians like Virgil, Dr. Satan, Sorcar, Kalanag, Blackstone, and many others. In this compilation, we give you the secrets of more than ten such tricks. With some magical sense, you can get your illusions of decapitation or beheading made by
a good carpenter, or else you can buy one ready-made for your show.
Illusions featured:
- Just A Few Words
- Cigarette Cutter
- Finger Chopper
- Wrist Chopper
- Mino Hand Wrist Guillotine
- Goodliffe's Leg Chopper
- Will Ayling's Leg/Head Chopper
- Virgil's Head Chopper
- Lester Lake Guillotine
- Chinese Chopper
- French Guillotine
- Decapitation Of A Clown
1st edition 2001, 14 pages.
word count: 1875 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text
Reviewed by John Kauth (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Wednesday 17 May, 2023For historical reference worth the 3 bucks. The most important part is the trick blades, which are simply and clearly diagrammed. There are no instructions for building the actual devices.