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Close-Up for Professionals
by Regardt Laubscher

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Close-Up for Professionals by Regardt Laubscher

The following book is a complete breakdown of my own professional roaming set. You might not agree with everything I write, but I can honestly say that I have had much success over the past two decades in using ideas, tips and tricks shared in this ebook.

  • Dress Code
  • Table
  • Opening Lines
  • First Effect: Chop Cup
  • Second Effect: Male, Or Female
  • Third Effect: Ambitious Card
  • Fourth Effect: Body Language
  • Children
  • Awareness
  • Use Your Time And Present!
  • Your First Table/Group
  • Following You Around
  • Extra Content For My Set
  • Cellphone App Magic
  • Balloon Animals
  • Last Performance
  • Review
  • Who Is Regardt Laubscher?

1st edition 2023, PDF 38 pages.
word count: 5008 which is equivalent to 20 standard pages of text