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Close Up Journey 2
by Paul A. Lelekis


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Close Up Journey 2 by Paul A. Lelekis

Long-time pro, Paul A. Lelekis, presents the second ebook of his trilogy for the performing professional, Close Up Journey 2, and just like Close Up Journey 1, this one is a monster! No fluff, no filler! 7 MORE WORKERS!

Photographs of Paul's hands explain every nuance!

To begin with, Paul has graciously provided a 4-page synopsis on "How Do I Control My Spectators!" This section contains valuable information. Included is excellent advice on close-up performance, dressing up your presentations and patter, how to be in command of your spectators, putting them at ease, how to choose your spectators, how to approach tables, the 5 different kinds of spectators, how to get the wait-staff on your side and much more. This section will not only "fatten" your pocket book but also the "pocketbooks" of the wait staff. This is important information!

A Glossary of Sleights, included at the end of this ebook, will provide the close-up magician with an arsenal of sleights, some of which have never before seen publication!

Here is a list of effects included with complete patter:

1) My Sister's Meatballs – This sponge ball routine alone is worth twice the price of this ebook! It will become one of your absolute favorites. This is Paul's, 3-stage routine, created by Eddie Fechter and NEVER before published. Great spectator interaction and can be performed on spectators ages 3 -100. This has been in Paul's repertoire for over 25 years. You will LOVE it!

2) QT – A "quickie" Triumph that will make your head spin.

3) 4 Different Methods! – This is a hilarious, E-Z to do coin routine that will have everyone laughing so hard (especially the kids!) that it will be tough to continue. The patter is what makes it.

4) Committed! – This easy routine combines ESP with amazing card magic. Take the spectators on a journey.

5) Metallic Attraction – This "coins across" routine dispenses with all of those "extraneous" sleights. This one is very hard-hitting.

6) Embarrassing Bluff Aces – This 4 Ace routine is a rendition of a Steve Reynolds and John Bannon effect – except this one borders on the "ridiculous"! It is so easy and ends with two huge "kickers". This one is a lot of fun to perform.

7) Choices! – This Harry Lorayne effect involves the spectator in not one, but TWO separate effects that will leave her astounded. The best part is this beautiful, double effect is self-working!

1st edition 2013, 39 pages.
word count: 14595 which is equivalent to 58 standard pages of text