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Commercial Gems Volume 3
by Mel Mellers


(2 reviews, 3 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Commercial Gems Volume 3 by Mel Mellers

#1 in Comedy Magic top-reviews

Here we go with another three routines that are all audience-tested designed for maximum impact. They all explain the handling and variations and sample scripts. None of them are particularly hard to do relying on basic level skills and presentational hooks to drive the entertainment.


This is a quirky Q & A routine involving a teapot. Questions or target information are written on pieces of paper by members of the audience. The papers are folded and placed in a teapot. The performer removes one of the pieces of paper and places it into the spout of the teapot. Holding the spout to his ear the performer is able to identify and feedback the information. Includes sample scripts, gags, and the essential plot.


This is stand-up comedy mentalism bit with built-in laughs. The routine is built around jokes and their punchlines. Its very adaptable and relies on a very subtle method. As I explain in the manuscript. I have used this for many years as a stand-alone piece. You don't even have to be funny because the jokes do the hard work for you. You can even use your own jokes. A highly adaptable routine that's a great crowd-pleaser.


This is a comic display of mentalism built around a comic ploy. You tell a member of the audience you are going to let them read your mind. You assist them by giving them obvious clues. As the obvious clues are integral to the effect two sample scripts are included.

The spectator writes down what they think you are thinking and places it in an envelope and put it in their pocket. You now read their mind and write your thoughts, placing it in an envelope which is given to the spectator. With the spectator holding on to both envelopes. You reveal the thoughts. A nice fun routine with a clean ending.

1st edition 2021, PDF 39 pages.
word count: 7283 which is equivalent to 29 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Brian Reaves (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 18 January, 2023

Mel delivers some great jokes here and two of the routines are easily doable in a pinch. The Q&A Teapot routine requires a little work and probably will fly by most non-British audiences who don't see teapots very often, but the other two are fun. I wouldn't call any of them mind-blowing or incredible finales, but these are nice asides to have ready for the right audience and situation. Mel's sense of humor is evident here and I can only imagine how much fun he must be live. For the price, you're getting a couple of great routines and one you probably won't use as-is, but all of it can be adapted to your performing style, I think.

Reviewed by Larry Brodahl (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 05 April, 2022

This booklet is the third in the series, and it doesn't disappoint either.

The first item mind reading teapot left me completely cold. It wouldn't fit my style, persona, or personal likes. But it is clever, well-thought out material.

#2 is PUNCH LINES, and it's worth the price of the booklet to a good comedic performer. Technically, it's a yawner, but if you're doing magic to learn techniques, you won't like any of Mr. Mellers' books.

Finally comes YOU READ MY MIND AND I'LL READ YOURS. Technically not that tough, but will require some courage to do. And once you learn it, you'll have an effect that is really solid. And I can't imagine a lay audience unraveling it at all.

It's a good solid book.