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by Ian Baxter

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Courtskill by Ian Baxter

A new approach to the Stewart James classic Miraskill.

Theo Annemann's journal The Jinx, September 1936, was where Miraskill was first published. Subsequently reprinted in various books and magazines over the years, this Stewart James creation still baffles one and all. The years have not dulled the remarkable impact it can have on today's audiences.

Courtskill is a brand-new version of Miraskill. Australian card man Ian Baxter has concocted a totally new version, with some very distinct advantages.

Barely half the deck is used, trimming the performance time considerably, not to mention a surprise approach involving court cards. The expected two written predictions take place, just as in the Stewart James original, but the novelty involving Jacks, Queens and Kings is where this really takes off, leaving a lasting impression. Totally impromptu, absolutely no sleight of hand, fakes, gimmicks or extras. All you need is any deck of cards, two slips of paper and a pen.

From start to finish, Courtskill is a winner.

1st edition 2023, PDF 4 pages.
word count: 1127 which is equivalent to 4 standard pages of text