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Delphos Kleeblatt Conjuring Articles 1892 - 1904
by unknown

#1 Gambling author
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Delphos Kleeblatt Conjuring Articles 1892 - 1904 by unknown

The Delphos Kleeblatt, a German newspaper, was established by Carl Jettinger in December 1889 on a suggestion by Edward Gallaway. It ran until 1905. Gallaway approached Jettinger with the idea, having just returned to Delphos from a stint as a typesetter at a German newspaper in Indiana, and convinced him to partner with him in this newspaper startup. However, before the newspaper was launched Gallaway changed his mind, left Delphos, moved to Ft. Payne in Alabama and started there the Payne Weekly People. Carl Jettinger, a bit miffed by first being convinced of the great idea, and then Edward bailing out just before it was launched, decided to do it anyway all by himself.

The articles reproduced here are broadly speaking about conjuring, gambling, and related subjects. Edward Gallaway had a keen interest in conjuring, sleight-of-hand, and card sharping. He was traveling with small circuses during the time of 1892-1897 performing among other things magic tricks. It is possible that Gallaway authored some of these articles in the Delphos Kleeblatt. Gallaway spoke German fluently. For more on Edward Gallaway see The Cardsharp and His Book.

  • Introduction
    • Memory Artist
    • Magicians
    • A delicate hint
    • An evil seven
    • Gedankenkünstler
    • Zauberkünstler
    • Ein zarter Wink
    • Eine böse Sieben

1st edition 1892 - 1904, English translation 2023, PDF 20 pages.
word count: 4862 which is equivalent to 19 standard pages of text