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Exciting Experiments in ESP
by Fred Kolb


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Exciting Experiments in ESP by Fred Kolb

A collaborative effort between the author and Ken Kline, an expert on extrasensory perception.

Excerpt from the preface:

A bachelor in his early fifties, Ken Kline was an armchair mentalist who loved the theory and occasional practice of his art. By profession, a theatrical photographer and was later involved in hotel management, all his spare hours were spent in research into the varied occult sciences. Over the years he kept a set of detailed notebooks and, at his bequest, they were left to me. I felt it was important that his ideas and enthusiasm be shared with others. Having this in mind, I culled through our vast correspondence and carefully checked the voluminous notebooks. What I have reconstructed in this book can be taken as a good cross-section of Ken's varied ideas and contributions. I use them regularly and many are highlights in my own professional show.

  • About The Author - Hunch or Intuitio? Call It ESP (Ginny Potter)
  • Preface
  • The Cold And Hot Read: Introductory observations
  • The Mental Image: A version of Jak's masterpiece using items only
  • Ken's File Card Read: A fully routined message reading method with patter that makes sense, done under any conditions anywhere
  • Ken's Phone Book Test: Use any 'phone book; entirely impromptu
  • A Number Change: Used in conjunction with "a way out" but will make a miracle out of other billet tests
  • The Cracking Crystal: An easy, fast method of doing this "odd" effect
  • Ken's Newspaper TV Test: Better, faster, and more topical than any "want add" test
  • The File Card Read: (Commercial Version): A really top-notch advertising stunt
  • Ken's Skullo Living And Dead Test: A table stunt with a triple climax that leaves them gasping
  • Ken's Bill Reading: A simple, direct method for reading numbers on borrowed bills
  • Ken's Super Number Addition Test: A double climax "16 digit" effect
  • Ken's File Card Fold: An entirely new method of getting some writing inside a folded billet
  • Ken's Mental Image: Stage Size: A method featuring visibility before large audiences
  • Special Delivery: A streamlined and highly dramatic version of M. Christopher's mental gem

1st edition 1970, 76 pages; PDF 46 pages.
word count: 17864 which is equivalent to 71 standard pages of text