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Fast and Noose
by Richard Southall


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Fast and Noose by Richard Southall

For those who are familiar with the effect called Fast and Loose or the Endless Chain I don't have to tell you what a brilliant effect this is or the impact it has on an audience. It is because of this that Fast and Loose has been performed for at least 400 years. There are other reasons magicians love this effect, it is not only easy to perform but it is also a joy to perform and it can become a part of your EDC. In fact, if you can get your hands on a piece of string or twine you can perform Fast and Loose.

So what makes this ebook different to the many other books on Fast and Loose? It includes new techniques for performing Fast and Loose off the table. There are also three new routines one of which offers a bizarre presentation of the effect. There is also a list of effects that can be combined with Fast and Loose and a discussion of ways to open and finish your routine. This ebook was written so that a beginner can read it and learn enough to become a capable performer and an expert can read it and learn some new things about the effect they love.


  • Introduction
  • Important Points
  • Props
  • On the Table Fast and Loose
  • Stand Up Fast and Loose
  • Openings
  • Finishes
  • Routines
  • Appendix: other effects with props
  • Further Reading and Viewing
  • Bibliography

1st edition 2023, PDF 44 pages.
word count: 13104 which is equivalent to 52 standard pages of text