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Fogelism: An Attitude to Life
by Maurice Fogel

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Fogelism: An Attitude to Life by Maurice Fogel

The famous British mentalist, Maurice Fogel, leveraged his success as performer to branch out into the self-help category, by writing this book. He writes:

There is no strange mysticism about Fogelism; it is simply a mental attitude towards life which, I have found, achieves unsuspected results. It is the logical training of one's mind so that it sizes up the approach to a problem and tackles it rationally, instead of allowing the magnitude of that problem to overwhelm.

  • Foreword
  • The Mind Is Lazy
  • Controlled By Subconscious
  • Secret Of Hypnotism
  • Learn To Relax
  • Power Of Suggestion
  • Nerves, Too, Must Relax
  • First Lesson
  • Self Treatment
  • Personal Faults
  • Mind Becomes Malleable
  • Help Through Suggestion
  • Source Of Confidence
  • Change Of Character
  • Analysing Self-Consciousness

1st edition 1949, 24 pages; PDF 20 pages.
word count: 5414 which is equivalent to 21 standard pages of text

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Conjuring / Theory, Articles & Reviews

Nonfiction / Self