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Sandu Writes Again
by Paul Stadelman

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Sandu Writes Again by Paul Stadelman

Written by a past master at the art of misdirection, many of the effects are off the beaten path, revealing the original and creative mind of the author. Here's what magical inventor R. W. Hull had to say about a few of Sandu's original mysteries:

In "So Simple" is a mystery that has baffled the brightest minds who've seen it, when you're able to tell how many cards a spectator has cut from a shuffled deck.

"The Sequence of Suits" can be made into a dandy "betcha" stunt and becomes more fun the more times it is repeated.

"Sandu's Prognostication" is something a little different. It is a delightful routine, and the spectator shuffling the cards makes the final effect outstanding.

"How Far Down?" is something that's different, too. It's another gem and a principle you can use in other effects as well.

"Aural Detection" and "Temperature Location" are both problems of an unfathomable character, while the "Key to the Situation" unlocks the mysteries and opens up a whole new avenue in the "key card" realm.

"The Comedy Rising Cards" is a jewel. Here is a delightful innovation in card magic; truly a new effect in rising cards, at last! An effect that undoubtedly will find a place on many a performer's program and rightfully so. This is real magic, and the comedic feature makes the trick a masterpiece.

"Sandu's Book Tests" are the simplest yet devised, and just as effective, if not more so, than the most elaborate. The old saying, "the simpler the trick, the more mystifying" is exemplified in this instance.

All in all, there are over 15 effects and methods described, many of which will be new to the reader, due to the unavailability of the original edition.

"You will appreciate this collection. All are tricks that you will use." - T. J. Crawford

"All practical and meritorious. Perhaps the most effective is the picking of any mentally-selected card from a pack spread face down." - Tom Bowyer

"Talk about card originality! This is what you've looked for. Only the ingenious mind of SANDU could originate such card effects." - R. W. Hull

"There's a lot to like in this collection. My favorite has to be the original and laugh-provoking presentation for the Rising Cards." - T. A. Whitney

1st edition 1934, PDF 37 pages.
word count: 11629 which is equivalent to 46 standard pages of text
