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Personal Growth Self-Hypnosis New Age (Self Help) Motivational & Inspirational Creativity Meditation


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Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 products)

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Maurice Fogel
Fogelism: An Attitude to Life by Maurice Fogel

The famous British mentalist, Maurice Fogel, leveraged his success as performer to branch out into the self-help category, by writing this book. He writes:

There is no strange mysticism about Fogelism; it is simply a mental attitude towards life which, I have found, achieves unsuspected results. It is the logical training of one's mind so that it sizes up the approach to a problem and tackles it rationally, instead of allowing the magnitude of that problem to overwhelm.

  • Foreword
  • The Mind Is Lazy
  • Controlled By Subconscious
  • Secret Of Hypnotism
  • Learn To Relax
  • Power Of Suggestion ...
Rob Chapman
The Art by Rob Chapman

The Art is your path to Transformation, Healing and Happiness. Drawing on aspects of the western mystery tradition, symbolism and self hypnosis. Rob leads you through a powerful yet simple system for personal growth and change. With a simple message of DO IT! This ebook will show you how to make small changes in your life that lead to success and fulfillment.

1st edition 2017, 137 pages.

Rob Chapman
Musings from the Pilgrim's Grove by Rob Chapman

Musings is a combination of inspired writings, thoughts and wisdom taken from the Pilgrim's Grove Blog. All together in one read, this ebook will enlighten, inspire and challenge your everyday.

1st edition 2017, 55 pages.

Rob Chapman
You Can Do It - Meditation by Rob Chapman

Life on the go can mean we do not always have the time to get into something new. With this micro-book all you need to start a rewarding meditation practice is instantly accessable. Stripped of all the unnecessary weight. This ebook will get you meditating within a day.

1st edition 2017, 25 pages.

Michael Daniels
Self-Discovery The Jungian Way by Michael Daniels

Clearly and entertainingly written, Self-discovery the Jungian Way presents an exciting new technique of self-analysis. Based on the theories of the great psychologist C.G. Jung, the 'Watchword' technique will enable you to identify your psychological type and to explore the structure and dynamics of your personality. As you learn to recognize the various forces and tendencies within the psyche, you will acquire greater understanding of your inner self and your personal relationships.

This practical method of self-exploration guides you systematically along the difficult path towards the...

Timothy Hyde
Sleight of Mind: Give Your Creativity a Kick-Start by Timothy Hyde

Sleight of Mind, is a unique 7 day thinking course, designed to unleash a torrent of bright ideas.

Written by magician and creativity expert Timothy Hyde, it will change the way you think. This ebook was first developed as an online course and then fine tuned by many hundreds of participants over the last three years at many different workshop sessions.

As well as his work as a mentalist in the high end corporate market and on luxury cruise ships, Timothy has developed a number of in demand corporate development workshops. This particular course has been run on 8 separate occasions for...

Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 products)