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Jerry Andrus

Jerry Andrus

(Sheridan, Wyoming: 28th January 1918 - 26th August 2007)

Interested at age 12 seeing performance of a reformed spiritualist medium. Joined the International Society of Junior Magicians at age 16. Mentor of Ray Hyman, Loren Pankratz, etc. Lecturer. Noted for his sleight-of-hand skill and work on optical illusions.

Invented the Linking Pins (1954, his version), Panoramic Shift (by 1955), and Paradox Box. 1979 AMA Best Lecturer. 1988 AMA Creative Fellowship.

Wrote one book, Andrus Deals You In (1956 [sic], 190pp), and several booklets, including Safety Pin-Trix (1955, 70pp), Andrus Deals Again (1957, 6pp), Up Close with Andrus (1957, 9pp), Sleeving from the Deck (1961, 18pp), Sleightly Miraculous (1961, 15pp), The Miser's Miracle (1961, 19pp); Steals and Palms (1961, 34pp), Kurious Kards (1973). Tricks in Hugard's Magic Monthly, New Directions, and Onyx.

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★★★★★ $5
Jerry Andrus
Optical Illusions by Jerry Andrus

This is NOT a complete account of optical illusions created by Jerry Andrus. We are collecting here explanations and instructions for a few of Jerry's optical illusions. We simply do not want to have these things get lost. If you do have other instruction sheets of this kind, please contact us.

Illusions described are:

  • Tri-Zonal Space Warper
  • Nut and Bolt Optical Illusion
  • Box Impossible

1st edition 2015, 8 pages.

★★★★ $30
Jerry Andrus
Andrus Card Control by Jerry Andrus

This is Jerry Andrus' most important publication.

This ebook includes volume 1 and 2 of the printed version. The more than 1000 illustrations from volume 2 have been inserted close to where they are referenced in the text, making this ebook a lot easier to study than the original printed version where text and illustrations are separated.

Jerry Andrus was an incredible creative and inquisitive man. He could converse just as easily on questions surrounding quantum mechanics as he could on magic and optical illusions. He looked at a deck of cards very differently than most of us. This allowed...

★★★★★ $5
Jerry Andrus
Five Dollar Trix by Jerry Andrus

Five coin tricks, a move and coin holders, by Jerry Andrus:

  • Double Dollars
  • Ball and Coin Routine
  • Multiplying Dollars
  • Three Coins Across
  • A Coin Move
  • Dollar Bill Delusion
  • Coin Holders

1st edition 1973, PDF 26 pages.

Jerry Andrus
Kurious Kards by Jerry Andrus

From the introduction:

Here is a book replete with many of my ideas on Kurious Kards. Magicdom certainly has its share of "Take A Card" tricks -- "Mental Marvels" and "Mathematical Monstrosities." Why then couldn't it stand a little material that is either different enough to be sort of crazy, or crazy enough to be sort of different?

This book is not intended to be encyclopedic in nature, but rather just presents ideas that I have worked out over the years and recently. So here is my contribution of "Selectified Kard Insanities." Some are easy, some are difficult. They are not tricks within...

Jerry Andrus
Andrus Deals Again by Jerry Andrus

Two great tricks for the connoisseur of fine magic with 45 illustrations.

  • Hide-away-card
  • Fold-away-card

1st edition 1957, PDF 9 pages.

Jerry Andrus
Nameless Notes 2 by Jerry Andrus

More beautiful sleight of hand close-up magic this time with pen, card, bill and a handkerchief. Jerry carried the 'nameless' theme further and didn't even give the routines a name. You will learn three effects:

Effect 1: A ball point pen is rolled up in a dollar bill. The bill is then unrolled and shown repeatedly on both sides, with no sign of the pen. The bill is again rolled into a tube and the pen produced from same.

Effect 2: A playing card is folded up with a dollar bill. When they are unfolded the card is found to be undamaged.

Effect 3: The penetration of a pen thru a handkerchief. ...

Jerry Andrus
Nameless Notes by Jerry Andrus

Beautiful sleight of hand close-up magic abundantly illustrated:

  • Novel Card Test
  • Handkerchief Card Change
  • Coins Under Card
  • Needle Through Handkerchief
  • File Card Revelation
  • Dollar Bill Delusion
  • Card to Pocket
  • Coins and Handkerchief

1st edition 1964; 1st digital edition 2015, 15 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Jerry Andrus
The New Linking Pins by Jerry Andrus

Here Jerry reveals six effects with his famous Linking Pins. They are:

Spectators examine three safety pins and hand them back to the performer who immediately demonstrates that no matter how the pins are laid on the table they will invariably end up with all their opening sides facing the same direction. If the performer attempts to lay one of the pins down facing the wrong way it will flip itself over in front of the spectators eyes.

Next the pins are shown to repel each other violently when held in a certain way.

The three pins are layed flat on the table. Performer picks up one...

★★★★★ $4
Jerry Andrus
The Miser's Miracle by Jerry Andrus

EFFECT: The performer shuffles a deck of cards and fans them out, explaining that he will use the two cards wherever the spectator says, "Stop." At the spectators indication the performer stops and removes the two cards at that point. Both hands and both cards are shown on both sides and without further manipulation the two cards are placed together face to face, and a silver dollar is seen to slowly emerge from between them.

After rolling up his sleeves and again showing his hands empty, the performer picks up the deck from the table and shuffles it again. The cards are fanned out, and again...

★★★★ $12
Jerry Andrus
Safety Pin-Trix by Jerry Andrus

One of the things Jerry Andrus is known for are his safety pin tricks. He has created a whole range of methods and moves and effects. Enjoy an array of truly bewildering effects with the lowly safety pin. [Please note that no safety pins are included with this download.]

  • Foreword
  • A Word From The Author
  • Materials Supplied With This Book
  • About The Pins
  • Triple Link From Spectator's Fingers
  • "Tap" Linking
  • From One To Another
  • Triple Link From Table
  • Strike Linking From Table Or Spectator's Palm
  • Vanish Of A Linked Pin
  • A Lu Brent Method Of Switching
  • Impossible Repeat Link
  • A Snappy Penetration
  • Acrobatic Unlinking
  • Strike Steal From Spectator's Fingers ...
★★★★★ $6
Jerry Andrus
Sleightly Miraculous by Jerry Andrus

A treatise on the Panoramic Shift.

The Panoramic Shift grew out of Jerry's Delayed Center Steal and Up The Sleeve described in Andrus Deals You In.

  • The Panoramic Shift
  • The Side Delivery Palm
  • The Side Delivery Turn-Over
  • Side Delivery Palm from the Top

1st edition 1961; 1st digital edition 2015, 12 pages.

Jerry Andrus
The Right Hand of God by Jerry Andrus

A story that speaks against nuclear warfare through a biblical creation and destruction story.

1st edition 2015, 8 pages.

Jerry Andrus
Sleeving from the Deck by Jerry Andrus

From the introduction:

When my first ideas on sleeving from the deck were published in Andrus Deals You In in 1956, they must have looked a little weird to those unaccustomed to the ways of Andrus. I heard of various comments from "Impossible," to "This guy's crazy." Being a magician, I cannot fully deny the second, but the first has been well proved in my utilization of the sleeving move on many occasions. Sleeving From The Deck is another of the after effects of Andrus Deals You In. While the method put forth in that book was practical (in spite of its looking reasonably impossible to some) and was considerably used in my magic,...

★★★★★ $30
Jerry Andrus
Andrus Deals You In by Jerry Andrus

This fantastic classic of card magic is considered by many to be as important as his famous Andrus Card Control. This new digital edition has dozens of Andrus sleights, flourishes and routines, all illustrated by 370 drawings by the author. Jerry's work with the diagonal jog is priceless!

Paul Fleming wrote:

This book will inevitably be compared with the great card treatise of a little more than a half-century ago, The Expert at the Card Table, by S. W. Erdnase. Like its predecessor, it is obviously the work of an expert; like the earlier book, it is primarily about card techniques rather than card...

★★★★★ $5
Jerry Andrus
More Sleightly Slanted by Jerry Andrus
  • Mylar Mystery: ball and cone with a Mylar sheet
  • Matchbook Magic
  • Bill and Pin
  • Bill and Card
  • Ring, Pen and Handkerchief
  • A Novel Force
  • Slot Machine
  • Coin Go
  • Minor Miracle
  • Effects with a Ball
  • Perfect Package: ball appears and vanishes in a flattened box
  • Paper Bag Moves

1st edition 1974, 28 pages; 1st digital edition 2015, 36 pages.

Jerry Andrus
Sleightly Slanted by Jerry Andrus
  • Mylar Mystery
  • Match Book Magic
  • Bill and Pen
  • Bill and Card
  • Ring, Pen and Handkerchief

1st edition 1974, 16 pages; 1st digital edition 2015, PDF 17 pages.

★★★★★ $8
Jerry Andrus
Special Magic by Jerry Andrus

This was a lecture Jerry gave in Japan in 1974.

  • Mylar Mystery
  • Twin Pipes Routine
  • Needle Thru Handkerchief
  • Coins Thru Handkerchief
  • Reverse Shuffle Mystery
  • Sudden Surprise
  • Coin Up Sleeve
  • Waterfalls
  • Vanishing Pen

1st edition 1974, 1st digital edition 2015, PDF 19 pages.

★★★★ $10
Jerry Andrus
Up Close with Andrus by Jerry Andrus

These are notes for one of Jerry's lectures. It helps if you saw the lecture as only the essential workings are provided, but the drawings and details are sufficient to make out most of the effects. References several moves taught in Andrus Deals You In without providing the specifics.

  • Vanishing Pen
  • Pen Under Cards
  • Reversing Pen
  • Pill Tube Mystery
  • Rope And Handkerchie
  • Twin Pipes
  • Tube Steal
  • Tube Load
  • False Load
  • Extra Ball Move
  • Lap Vanish
  • Fist Vanish
  • Slow Motion Vanish
  • Ball Vanish
  • A Utility Move
  • A Routine For Twin Pipes
  • Geiger Counter Routine
  • They Pick The Aces
  • Fan Reverse
  • Torn Card
  • "How It’s...
★★★★★ $4
Jerry Andrus
Vampire Needle by Jerry Andrus

Performer borrows a white handkerchief in order to show them a trick with a 'needle and thread'. He then produces the needle and has a spectator thread it with a piece of rope. He then pushes the needle thru the center of the handkerchief and pulls the 'thread' thru after it. This leaves a jagged hole which he trims with a pair of scissors. Handkerchief is finally shown undamaged.

1st edition 1974; 1st digital edition 2015, 3 pages, 20 illustrations.

Jerry Andrus
Ghost Grates and other Negative Realities by Jerry Andrus

I recommend you do NOT purchase this, unless you are a die hard fan of Jerry Andrus, connoisseur of optical illusions, and or a collector of strange and rare publications.

Essentially this ebook has 7 pages of squiggly lines. That's it. If you know what they mean, if you have seen or experienced Jerry's optical illusion which goes along with this, then it will probably make sense to you. Otherwise I doubt you will know what it is for and what it all means. There is no explanatory text. These were the lecture notes for a seminar Jerry gave in April of 1986 at Harvard University.


★★★★★ $6
Jerry Andrus
Zone Zero and Temporary Oblivion by Jerry Andrus

You will learn the Master Move and all movements of the "Zone Zero" and "Temporary Oblivion" routines. The purpose of the Master Move is a method of showing a flat object on both sides while having a ball or other object concealed at the same time.

One quality all of Jerry's publications have is an abundance of very good illustrations. Here you are getting 60 illustrations.

1st edition 1994, 12 pages.

★★★★★ $6
Jerry Andrus
Accusteal by Jerry Andrus

A barehanded production of a steel ball bearing. A professional lesson in concealment.

Jerry Andrus only taught and performed tricks he created himself. In that sense he was a purist, a one of a kind magic creator. Here he teaches simple but wonderful sleight-of-hand where every movement is thought through to appear as natural as possible while concealing a large heavy steel ball.

Recorded live at the Convention at the Capital 2001.

runtime: 4min 55s

★★★ $6
Jerry Andrus
Miser's Miracle by Jerry Andrus

Watch and learn Jerry's masterpiece of coin magic. Four silver dollars are produced one at a time, first from between two freely chosen cards, and the last two coins from a single playing card which is torn smaller and smaller.

There are no difficult moves in this routine. The ingenuity of Jerry is how he steals, hides and moves the coins behind pieces of cards.

Recorded live at the Convention at the Capital 2000.

runtime: 7min 25s

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