September 1942 - August 1943
Including S.A.M. and M-U-M pages - and Magigals
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Larsen, Editors
432 pages
- Genii - Volume 7, Number 1 - September 1942 - 32 pages
- Cover - Floyd and Jennie Thayer
- Floyd and Jennie Thayer - biographical notes
- Genii Speaks - editorial comments
- Fame Maker - Harry Mendoza
- Caryl Fleming Suggested--
- Magical Impersonations
- Comedy Interruption
- Tips - On-Tricks - Milbourne Christopher
- Even Further "Out of This World"
- No More Gas
- Zipper Banana
- Papa Gag
- Pencil Tip
- "Here's Your Stamp" - Frank Herman
- Egyptian Finale - Jack Chanin
- A Present - clip art - Winston Freer
- Pieces of Eight - R. M. Jamison
- The Thimbles Change Places! - Martin Gardner
- Guillotine Gag - Dariel Fitzkee
- The Will of Jerome Sharp - Henri Decremps (translated by Jean Hugard) - continued
- Section IV - To Change a Card
- Section V - To Glide a Card
- Stage Version of Tappit - Roy Dickinson
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Flame and Sphere - Dave Bowman
- Salted Away - Harry Mendoza
- On the Land - On the Sea - In the Air - Magicians in the Service
- Soldier Sorcery - Jerry Doughboy
- Pvt. Harry Goldstein
- O/C Le Croy
- Ace Gorham
- Sgt. Arthur Zander
- J. B. Barth
- Marion Kalex
- Capt. Ed Peterson
- Capt. H. H. McLemore
- Lt. Jack Sackville-West
- Lt. George Rasque
- Cpl. Quinton Corey
- M/S John Makepeace
- Pvt. Hugh Riley
- Pvt. Frank Herman
- The Victory Players
- Shake Hands with Haskell - photo
- You Can't Take It With You - Frances Ireland
- Magigals
- Loyd Tops Hit Parade - Rosenthal Clicks Too - product reviews
- multiplying candle trick - Loyd (of Glendale)
- Hallucination - Murray Rosenthal
- Cut The Cards - Martin Gardner
- 202 Ways To Stop Hecklers - Otis Manning
- midget clip board - Kanter
- Think-Ink - Meyer-Kattner
- Out Of My Hat - House of Charles
- Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
- Dick Lee
- Jim Sherman
- Ted Colteaux
- Ralph De Shong
- Tom Osborne
- Orville Meyer
- Everett Morgan
- Len Mantell
- Dave Swift
- Sigurd Nathan
- Joe Walter
- Mike Katner
- Cardini
- Bill Heisel
- Lu Brent
- Max Holden
- Walter and Hana Pratt
- Claude Burke
- Charlie Smith
- Carl W. Jones
- Ann Di Salvia
- Squawk - poem - Val Evans
- Hitler Disgruntled Magician? - photo of Harry Haudyni
- M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
- National Council - applications
- From Our National President - Herman Hanson
- Harry Houdini Assembly No. 29
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11
- Hill City Magicos Assembly No. 32
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
- Indianapolis Assembly No. 31
- Demon's Club Assembly No. 6
- Washington Assembly No. 23
- Chicago Assembly No. 3
- Houston Assembly No. 19
- Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
- Boston Assembly No. 9
- Omaha Assembly No. 7
- Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
- Moviedom Maps Magi Meet - Bill Larsen
- Leslie Guest and His Lillipuppets - Gerrie Larsen
- Genii - Volume 7, Number 2 - October 1942 - 40 pages
- Cover - 1910 - Australia - 1942 - Houdini - First Aerial Flight
- Houdini - biographical notes
- Genii Speaks - editorial comments
- Deception Duo - Frank Herman
- A Paste in the Face
- Two As One
- With One Hand - Dr. E. G. Ervin
- Jamison's Ribbon Cut - R. M. Jamison
- Graphology - R. M. Jamison
- Practical Ideas - Irving Joslyn
- The Penetrating Silk - Lu Brent
- The Will of Jerome Sharp - Henri Decremps (translated by Jean Hugard) - continued
- Section VI - To Palm the Card
- Section VII - To Replace the Card
- His Hobby Helps Sell War Bonds - photos of George Farron
- Showmanship - Edward Saint
- Strange Coincidence - Joe Hyman
- Mystic Letters I-N-I - Edward Saint
- Magic Medicine
- Magigals Page
- Magigals - Orra Dillinger
- Carolyn Trask - National President of Magigals - profile
- On the Land - On the Sea - In the Air - Magicians in the Service
- The Egg Bag Goes to War - Frank Herman
- Sgt. Fred G. Taylor, Jr., Ft. Douglas, Utah - photo
- photos of Houdini in his Voisin Bi-Plane in Australia
- 1910 article in "Australasian" re: Houdini flight
- more photos of Houdini in his Voisin Bi-Plane in Australia
- 1910 article in "The Leader" re: Houdini flight
- more newspaper articles re: Houdini flight
- 1910 article in "The Sidney Mail" re: Houdini flight
- 1910 article in "The Daily Telegraph" re: Houdini flight
- A few lines from 20 page pamphlet mentioning Houdini - Edward Saint
- Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
- September 1942 Meeting
- After-Meeting Show
- M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
- National Council - applications
- Omaha Magical Society Assembly No. 7
- Boston Assembly No. 9
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
- Cleveland Assembly No. 10
- Notice of National Council Meeting
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11
- Harry Houdini Assembly No. 29
- Indianapolis Assembly No. 31
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
- Worcester Assembly No. 16
- Valley Conjurer's Assembly No. 17
- Southern California Assembly No. 22
- Demon's Club Assembly No. 6
- Past President's Presentation - photo
- As We Go To Press - W.W.L.
- Chalk Stunts - Walt Kaeber
- Walter Fogg Passes - obituary
- Conclave At Colon - William A. Heisel
- Best Buys in Books
- Tom Seller's fourteenth booklet
- Let's Pretend - Wilfred Johnson
- The Traveling Ghost - Howatt - produced by L. L. Ireland
- Magic's-A-Poppin - Solomon Stein
- Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
- Arnold Furst
- John Percival
- Paul Morris
- Mike Kanter
- Mike Kanter [again]
- Marvin Hulick
- Rev. Gordon Mattice
- Bill Schrieber
- Vernon Lux
- Dr. O. A. Lang & Bob Wiell
- George Purves, Jr.
- Frank Cole II
- Don Still
- Bill Heisel
- Jim SHerman
- Julien Proskauer
- Dr. Joseph G. Millstein
- J. Elder Blackledge
- The Prestons
- Orla Moody
- U. F. (Gen) Grant
- Blackstone
- Sir Edward
- Max Holden
- Hollywood Preview at L.A.S.M. Gala Party
- Genii - Volume 7, Number 3 - November 1942 - 36 pages
- Cover - Arnold Furst
- Arnold Furst - biographical notes
- Genii Speaks - editorial comments
- Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
- Bob Wiell
- Dr. E. G. Ervin
- Blackstone
- Charles N. Smith
- Bill Heisell
- Gene Gordon
- Orla Moody
- Bill Schrieber
- Jack Gwynne
- Joe Ovette
- Eddie and Louise Burnette
- Ann Gwynn
- Milbourne Christopher
- John Booth
- Clayton Wyatt
- Lloyd Chambers
- Dr. G. F. Benson
- Payne Ratner, Jr.
- Hugh Riley
- Joe Walter
- Arnold Furst
- Houdini Club Convention
- Judge Carter
- Paul Morris Miaco
- Nat Kane
- Lew Dick
- Frank Chapman
- Jim Sherman
- Max Holden
- Mike Kanter
- The Los Angeles Society of Magicians
- In Memoriam - Edward Saint - 1890-1942
- On the Land - On the Sea - In the Air - Magicians in the Service
- The Ace - Col. M. A. Reasoner
- photo - Col. M. A. Reasoner, Med. Corps
- Another Idea - Milbourne Christopher
- Magigals - Geraldine Larsen
- The Will of Jerome Sharp - Henri Decremps (translated by Jean Hugard) - continued
- Second Article - Tricks with Cards, New, or Newly Invented
- A Few Magical Ideas - Milbourne Christopher
- Simply Shocking
- Suggestion
- Cole's Rabbit Production From Hat - drawn by Tom S. Lawless
- Just Some Ideas - Loring Campbell - drawn by Tom S. Lawless
- Berg's Brainwaves - Milbourne Christopher - drawn by Tom S. Lawless
- Cut and Restored Bill - Dr. E. G. Ervin - drawn by Tom S. Lawless
- The Mystic Knot - H. Claude Enslow - drawn by Tom S. Lawless
- Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
- October Meeting
- After-Meeting Show
- Family Night Show
- M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
- National Council - applications
- National Council Notes - Leslie P. Guest
- Houston Assembly No. 19
- Robert-Houdin Assembly No. 24
- Boston Assembly No. 9
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
- Demons Club Assembly No. 6
- Royal Vilas Assembly No. 20
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11
- Chicago Assembly No. 3
- Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
- Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
- Dallas Assembly No. 13
- A Candidate (?) for S.A.M. Membership - Leslie P. Guest
- Cardini Honored by Society of American Magicians - photos
- Genii - Volume 7, Number 4 - December 1942 - 44 pages
- Cover - Lucille and Eddie Roberts
- "The Roberts - Lucille and Eddie - biographical notes
- sale of Thayer's Studio of Magic - Floyd G. Thayer
- Genii Speaks - editorial comments
- Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
- Mike Kanter
- Allan Howell
- Dr. E. G. Ervin
- Arnold Furst
- Bill Heisel
- Max Holden
- Theron Fox
- Gene Zimmermann
- Joe Walker
- Vernon Cook
- Paul Morris
- Charles N. Smith
- Dave Swift
- Gerald Kosky
- The Great Cardo II - Frances Ireland
- Magigals
- Seattle Magigals
- Magigals Assembly No. 7 of San Jose
- Pasadena Magigals
- Oakland Magigals
- The Will of Jerome Sharp - Henri Decremps (translated by Jean Hugard) - continued
- Second Article - Tricks with Cards, New, or Newly Invented
- Furst's Sympathetic Silks - Arnold Furst
- Out of the Past - Paul Curry
- Catching a Bullet in the Teeth - Orville Meyer
- quotation from Annemann (Jinx No. 6)
- Orville Meyer Bullet Catching Trick - illustrated by Tom S. Lawless
- Ring & Potato Trick - Lu Brent - drawn by Tom S. Lawless
- A Hat Load - Loring Campbell - drawn by Tom S. Lawless
- Winston Freer's Ideas - drawn by Tom S. Lawless
- Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
- November Meeting
- After Meeting SHow
- Ladies Night
- M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
- National Council - applications
- National Council Notes - Leslie P. Guest
- Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
- Indianapolis Assembly No. 31
- Rhode Island Assembly No. 26
- Washington Assembly No. 23
- Valley Conjurer's Assembly No. 17
- Salt Lake Assembly No. 34
- Omaha Assembly No. 7
- Demon's Club Assembly No. 6
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24
- Boston Assembly No. 9
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
- Royal Vilas Assembly No. 20
- Harry Houdini Assembly No. 29
- Worcester Assembly No. 16
- Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
- Chicago Assembly No. 3
- Genii - Volume 7, Number 5 - January 1943 - 36 pages
- Cover - Eddie Cochran and Nadyne
- Genii Speaks - editorial comments
- The Sympathetic Silks - An Original Routine - Eddie Cochran
- The Will of Jerome Sharp - Henri Decremps (translated by Jean Hugard) - continued
- Second Article - Tricks with Cards, New, or Newly Invented
- S.A.M. Produces a Birthday Rabbit for Jean Hugard - photos
- Eddie Cochran and Nadyne - The Mirthful Ambassador of Impossibilities - biographical notes
- The Philosopher Schopenhauer Said in His Essay of the World - Sid Fleischman
- We Hope You Are Like One of These - testimonials
- Cups and Balls - an illustrated lecture - Ray Muse
- Tips on Tricks - Milbourne Christopher - drawn by Tom S. Lawless
- Transposition of Cards - Paul Morris - drawn by Tom S. Lawless
- Cigarettes to Match Box - Orville Meyer - drawn by Tom S. Lawless
- On the Land - On the Sea - In the Air - Magicians in the Service
- A Letter From - Private Spottswood Foster
- Military Magic in the Making! - photo
- Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
- Mrs. Grace Glaser
- Gerald Kaufman
- G. S. Higgins
- Al Caroselli
- Andrew Smith
- Orla Moody
- Lew Dick
- Orville Meyer
- Walter B. Gibson
- Milbourne Christopher
- Gen Grant
- E. C. Pronk
- Bill Heisel
- Dr. Jack Daley
- Dr. C. W. Talbot
- Grant Stuart
- T. J. Crawford
- Max Holden
- Dr. E. G. Ervin
- Kolar
- Mike Kanter
- Dr. Talbot
- Frank Chapman
- The Oakland Magic Circle
- Magigals - Geraldine Larsen
- Parent Assembly
- Pasadena Magigals
- Seattle Magigals
- San Jose Magigals
- Los Angeles Assembly
- The St. Louis "Magigals" Assembly No. 4
- Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
- The December Meeting
- After-Meeting Show
- M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
- National Council - applications
- Hill City Assembly No. 32
- Omaha Assembly No. 7
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24
- Boston Assembly No. 9
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
- Valley Conjurers' Assembly No. 17
- Demon's Club, K-T Assembly No. 6
- Chicago Assembly No. 3
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11
- Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
- In Memory - George Austini - obituary
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Genii - Volume 7, Number 6 - February 1943 - 36 pages
- Cover - Parent Assembly Issue - President Jack Trepel Mystifies NBC Radio Star
- Genii Speaks - editorial comments
- The Society of American Magicians: It's Founding and the Birth of the Parent Assembly
- Jack Trepel, President of Parent Assembly
- Patriotic Thimbles - Irving Desfor
- A Card Trick - Without Cards - Paul Morris
- Transposition and Transmogrification - Dr. Jacob Daley
- The "Redhill" Gimmick - Redhill, The Magician
- Comedy Card in Balloon - A New Twist - Milton Borger
- One-Eyed Dexterity - Abril Lamarque
- Vanishing of Silks - Dr. H. B. Kayton
- Disappearing Sugar - Al Baker
- Think Them Over! - Gerald Lynton Kaufman
- A Paper Routine - John McArdle
- Pouring A Ribbon - Julian S. Bush
- Hubby Knows - Elmer Applegit
- The Modern Miser's Dream - A "Quickie" - Roger Barkann
- Coincidence? No - Prevision? Yes - George Kaplan
- First Night - A Short True True Story - Abril Lamarque
- The Experts Show - photos
- Watch Closely - But Keep Your Eye Off The Gimmicks - more photos
- Camera Highlights of the Parent Assembly - more photos
- The Will of Jerome Sharp - Henri Decremps (translated by Jean Hugard) - continued
- Second Article - Tricks with Cards, New, or Newly Invented
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
- Thos. Worthington
- Victor D. Barbour
- George Marquis
- Art Heinsen
- The Goofus - SAM Assembly 17
- Dr. A. Newhouse
- Dick Himber
- Solomon Stein
- Judge Frank Carter
- Lew Dick
- Bill Heisel
- Jim Sherman
- Orla Moody
- Len Gunn
- Hal Haviland
- Paul Morris
- Loring Campbell
- Bascom Jones, Jr.
- Mike Kanter
- Max Holden
- cartoon - Pasadena Star News
- Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
- M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
- National Council - applications
- Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
- Omaha Assembly No. 7
- Royal Vilas Assembly No. 20
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
- Boston Assembly No. 9
- Chicago Assembly No. 3
- Demon's Club Assembly No. 6
- Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
- Worcester Assembly No. 16
- Queen City Assembly No. 11
- Philadelphia Assembly No. 4
- Stamford Assembly No. 33
- Paging the Ladies - Geraldine Conrad Larsen
- Parent Assembly Magigals
- Houdini Magigals Assembly
- Pasadena Magigals Assembly
- St. Louis Magigals Assembly
- Magigals
- Genii - Volume 7, Number 7 - March 1943 - 36 pages
- Cover - Dell O'Dell
- Our Cover Girl Dell O'Dell
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Genii Speaks - editorial comments
- In Memory - Beatrice Houdini - obituary
- Paging the Ladies - Geraldine Conrad Larsen
- Parent Assembly Magigals
- Seattle Assembly
- San Jose Assembly
- Houdini Club Assembly
- Pasadena Assembly
- Los Angeles Assembly
- On the Land - On the Sea - In the Air - Magicians in the Service
- Jerry Doughboy Reports
- Lt. Dwayne L. Hall
- Pvt. Chet Summers
- George Walker
- Pvt. Bill Doty
- F. L. Scott, Jr.
- Pvt. Albert Juster
- Pfc F. R. Muse
- James L. Hawkins
- Sergeant James Hawkins - photo
- Wartime Wizardy - Will Wynne
- Rope Trick - poem - Chalidenig
- Designs for Deceit - William W. Larsen
- The Eighth Key to Baldpate - Wilbur Kattner
- Bibliography of article 'Cups and Balls'
- The Will of Jerome Sharp - Henri Decremps (translated by Jean Hugard) - continued
- Second Article - Tricks with Cards, New, or Newly Invented
- Half After One - Peter Godfrey - illustrated by Tom Lawless
- Swooning Coin - Harry Mendoza - illustrated by Tom Lawless
- Non-Sleight Paper Tear - Harry Mendoza - illustrated by Tom Lawless
- The Continental Card Trick - Cardini - illustrated by Tom Lawless
- Bare Handed Silk Production - Hal Robbins - illustrated by Tom Lawless
- The Philandering Conjurer - Fred Rickard - illustrated by Tom S. Lawless
- Chinese Bowl Production - Harry Mendoza - illustrated by Tom S. Lawless
- Folded Message Switch - William McCaffrey - illustrated by Tom S. Lawless
- Magigals tribute to Beatrice Houdini
- M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
- National Council Notice - Leslie P. Guest
- National Council - applications
- Valley Conjurers' Assembly No. 17
- Omaha Assembly No. 7
- Rhode Island Assembly No. 26
- Salt Lake Assembly No. 34
- Hill City Magicos Assembly No. 32
- Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
- Royal Vilas Assembly No. 20
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
- Washington Assembly No. 23
- Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
- Chicago Assembly No. 3
- Omaha Magical Society Assembly No. 7
- Demon's Club K-T Assembly No. 6
- Boston Assembly No. 9
- Al Baker Assembly No. 35
- Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
- Dr. Harlan Tarbell
- Bill McCaffrey
- Dr. C. W. Talbot
- Bert Allerton
- The Pasadena Magician's Guild
- Theron Fox
- Nicola
- U. F. Grant
- Jim Sherman
- Chaplain Willard Smith
- Captain C. H. Howard
- Bill Heisel
- Jack Handy
- Gen Grant
- Seymour Davis
- Bill Arenholz
- Paul Morris
- Dr. Hans Van Baaren
- Charles N. Smith
- Mike Kanter
- Great Leon Still Retired
- Max Holden
- Joe Walter
- Paul Morris
- Louis Tannen
- George Marquis
- Frank Wager
- Gene Owen
- Chester Morris - photo
- Below The Belt - poem - Charlie Beckwith
- Genii - Volume 7, Number 8 - April 1943 - 32 pages
- Cover - Jack and Ginnie Handy
- Genii Speaks - editorial comments
- Triad of Card Tricks - J. M. Unanue
- Color Transposition of Two Cards
- Personal Card Trick
- New False Count With Cards
- Notes from the Scrap Book of Jack Handy
- Flaps for Slates
- Black Stain
- An Ink which Disappears with Heat
- Copying Fluid for Prints, etc.
- To Dissolve Celluloid for Moulding
- To Produce "Spook" Photos
- Slicking Cards
- Cleaning Cards
- To Render Paper Translucent
- To Clean Nickel Plate
- Colored Silks
- A Good Thumb Fake
- Roughing Fluid for Cards
- The Handy's - Jack and Ginnie - Richmond Division
- A Useful Tip
- Special - to my good friend Ted Huber - humor
- Hi-Ho - R. M. Jamison
- Funny Bunny Business - "Hen" Fetsch
- The Enchanted Crystal Cabinet - J. G. Thompson, Jr.
- The Enchanted Crystal Cabinet - J. G. Thompson, Jr. - drawn by Tom Lawless
- Funny Bunny Business - "Hen" Fetsch - drawn by Tom Lawless
- The Will of Jerome Sharp - Henri Decremps (translated by Jean Hugard) - continued
- Second Article - Tricks with Cards, New, or Newly Invented
- Magigals
- Parent Assembly Magigals
- Seattle Magigals
- San Jose Assembly
- Oakland Assembly
- Pasadena Magigals
- Houdini Club Magigals
- On the Land - On the Sea - In the Air - Magicians in the Service
- By V Mail - letter - Harry Mendoza
- What a Flyer Thinks at 40,000 Feet Altitude - Lt. Richard Jager
- Jackie Whelan - obituary - W. R. Williams
- Paging the Ladies - Geraldine Conrad Larsen
- Feeding Baby - AN Original Routine - Agnes Leamon
- Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
- Stuart Robson
- E. Vaughn Klein
- Jim Sherman
- Gene Owen
- Dick Wehmeyer
- Claude Burke
- Tom Lawless
- Julian J. Neilsen
- Charles N. Smith
- Max Holden
- Mike Kanter
- Chalk Stunts - Walt Kaeber
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Nicola - photo
- Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
- February Meeting
- After Meeting Show
- The Annual Benefit Show
- Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
- March Meeting
- After-Meeting Show
- Family Night Show
- M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
- National Council Notes
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
- Valley Conjurers' Assembly No. 17
- Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
- National Council - applications
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11
- Chicago Assembly No. 3
- Washington Assembly No. 23
- Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
- Boston Assembly No. 9
- Magic Doll - Eleanor Morehead
- Genii - Volume 7, Number 9 - May 1943 - 36 pages
- Cover - Pfc. C. Thomas Magrum
- Pfc. C. Thomas Magrum - biographical notes
- Genii Speaks - editorial comments
- The Will of Jerome Sharp - Henri Decremps (translated by Jean Hugard) - continued
- Second Article - Tricks with Cards, New, or Newly Invented
- Tips on Tricks - Milbourne Christopher
- Drink Tester
- Repeaters
- Ground Glass
- Strip Tease
- On the Land - On the Sea - In the Air - Magicians in the Service
- Jerry Doughboy Reports
- Major (Dr.) Lowry
- Pvt. Al Jester
- Pvt. Robert Fenton
- Joe Elson
- Lt. Haskell
- Lt. Hugh Riley
- Len Gunn
- Staff Sgt. Harvey Long
- Chicago Magicians Baffle Army and Navy - photo
- Magic Without Apparatus - William W. Larsen
- A Topical Trick - Walt Kaeber
- A New Wrinkle with the Chinese Wands - Geo. Postle
- Magic Photography or Spirit Writings in Soot - Geo. Postle
- Tips on Tricks - Milbourne Christopher - drawn by Tom Lawless
- "Ching" Production Box - Ed Ralston - drawn by Tom Lawless
- Magic Photography or Spirit Writings in Soot - Geo. R. Postle - drawn by Tom Lawless
- A New Wrinkle with the Chinese Wands - Geo. R. Postle - drawn by Tom Lawless
- Canteen Wizardry - Pfc. C. Thomas Magrum - drawn by Tom Lawless
- Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
- Clarence T. Hubbard
- H. H. Meng, Jr.
- Captain Charles Howard
- L. H. Jacobs
- Tom Auburn
- T. H. Chislett
- Charlie Hoffman
- Joe Walter
- M. S. Whitford
- Wally Anderson
- Bill Heisel
- Gene Owen
- Max Holden
- Len Gunn
- Bascom Jones, Jr.
- Russel Swann
- Mike Kanter
- Magigals
- Parent Assembly Magigals
- Pasadena Assembly of Magigals
- Oakland Magigals
- Seattle Magigals
- San Jose Assembly of Magigals
- Magigals of St. Louis
- Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
- April Meeting
- After Meeting Show
- Ladies' Night
- M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
- National Council Meeting
- National Council - application
- Al Baker Assembly No. 35
- Dallas Assembly No. 13
- Royal Vilas Assembly No. 20
- Rhode Island Assembly No. 26
- Salt Lake Assembly No. 34
- Notice of National Council Meeting
- Chicago Assembly No. 3
- Harry Houdini Assembly No. 29
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
- Annual Assembly Register
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11
- Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
- Important Notice to All M.U.M. Correspondents
- Washington Assembly No. 23
- Valley Conjurers' Assembly No. 17
- Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
- Boston Assembly No. 9
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
- Robert-Houdin Assembly No. 24
- Genii - Volume 7, Number 10 - June 1943 - 36 pages
- Cover - William H. McCaffrey
- William H. McCaffrey - biographical notes
- Genii Speaks - Ray Muse
- The Pedagogues' Nightmare - Bill McCaffrey
- One Plus One Equals 3 - Roger Barkann
- Dime and Penny Trick - Bert Kalmar
- An Original Rabbit Gimmick - "Maury" Kains
- Vary the Method - Neil Doren
- Production
- Vanish
- Transportation
- Transformation
- Restoration
- Levitation
- Remote Control
- Penetration
- Clairvoyance
- Prediction
- Physical Skill and Prowess
- Shooting Marked Dollar Bill Into Borrowed Electric Bulb - Grady S. Nicholson
- The Magician Must Be An Actor - Peter Godfrey
- Four Gags for the Wrist Guillotine - MacKenzie G. Grant - drawn by Tom Lawless
- Chemical Magic - suggested by Dr. G. W. Fippin - drawn by Tom Lawless
- The Magician Must Be An Actor - Peter Godfrey - drawn by Tom Lawless
- The Elements - Earth-Air-Fire-Water - Ray Muse - sketches by Tom Lawless
- Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
- Bill Heisel
- Joe Walter
- Major Victor Trask
- Hana and Walter Preston
- Charles N. Smith
- Mike Kanter
- MacDonald Birch
- Little Johnny Jones
- Charles Nagle
- Lew Dick
- Mystic Craig
- Wally Anderson
- Solomon Stein
- Jim Sherman
- Max Holden
- Magigals
- Magigals Parent Assembly
- Pasadena Magigals
- San Jose Magigals
- Magigals Seattle Assembly
- Magigals Oakland Assembly
- Magigals Houdini Club
- Magigals of St. Louis
- There Were Always Magigals - Frances Ireland
- Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
- May Meeting
- After Meeting Show
- Annual Meeting
- Annual Show
- M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
- National Council Annual Meeting - Leslie P. Guest
- Dallas Assembly No. 13
- Omaha Assembly No. 7
- Rhode Island Assembly No. 26
- Royal Vilas Assembly No. 20
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24
- National Council - applications
- Valley Conjurer's Assembly No. 17
- Demon's Club K-T Assembly No. 6
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
- Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
- Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
- Washington Assembly No. 23
- Chicago Assembly No. 3
- Boston Assembly No. 9
- Parent Assembly Annual Show - photos
- Genii - Volume 7, Number 11 - July 1943 - 32 pages
- Cover - two Larsen boys with US Flag
- Genii Speaks - editorial comments
- Cigarette and Rubber Cement Manipulation - Sid Fleischman
- Cocktail Hour
- Past All Understanding - Patter for Think Ink & Shattering Flask - Eddie Clever
- Conjurations - Jerry Sorensen
- More Tips on Tricks - Milbourne Christopher
- Burning a Handkerchief
- Milk to Gasoline
- Cardini
- Closeup Items - Hen Fetsch
- Doll House Dillies - Hen Fetsch
- Doll House Dillies - Hen Fetsch - drawn by Tom Lawless
- Question: What's Wrong with Magic? - Answer: Magicians! - Abril Lamarque
- A Chemical Suggestion - Fred Rickard
- Legerdemania - Carl Stein
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- On the Land - On the Sea - In the Air - Magicians in the Service
- Hollywood Goes to the War - photo of a 15-man USO unit
- Jerry Doughboy Reports
- Sgt. Arthur Zander
- George Barna
- Lt. Jack Laemmar
- Pfc. Milton Durham
- Charles Hall
- Pvt. Louis Meyer
- S/Sgt. Dale Walter
- P.C.A.M. Wartime Conclaves - announcement
- Magigals - Geraldine Larsen
- Parent Assembly Magigals
- Pasadena Magigals
- San Jose Magigals
- St. Louis Magigals
- Seattle Assembly
- Magical Trophy - new P.C.A.M. Trophy - photo
- Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
- Art Heinsen
- Fred Tuttle
- Theron Fox
- Clayton Wyatt
- E. V. Klein
- Tom Dethlefsen
- Private Bascom Jones
- Charlie Larsen
- John Brown Cook
- Bert Easley
- Eddie Cochran
- Charles N. Smith
- Ray Muse
- Gene Owen
- Bert Kalmar
- Anne Mahendra
- Bill Heisel
- Jim Sherman
- Society of American Magicians Assembly Register
- Cover Picture - Larsen boys holding flag
- M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
- Boston Assembly No. 9
- Hill City Magicos Assembly No. 32
- Cleveland Assembly No. 10
- Genii - Volume 7, Number 12 - August 1943 - 36 pages
- Cover - Loring Campbell
- Genii Speaks - editorial comments
- Magical Marksmanship - Loring Campbell
- Canteen Lota - Corporal Jim Conley
- An Impromptu Mental Mystery - Irwin Tarr
- Wilbur Kattner - testimonial
- The Half Dollar in the Bottle - R. L. Jamison
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Two Unique Close-Up Effects - Don Rogers
- V for Victory
- Top or Bottom?
- The Will of Jerome Sharp - Henri Decremps (translated by Jean Hugard) - continued
- The East Indian String Trick - Marvin Levy
- Patter - Hindu Colored Sands - Phil Leslie
- Loring Campbell - biographical notes
- L.A.S.M. Present An Evening of Magic For Television - Frank Fewins
- D. L. "Do-As-I-Do" - E. E> Hammil
- Suggested Sorcery - Bill Larsen
- Poker Run-Up System - Gerald Kosky
- Deceptiana - Milbourne Christopher - drawn by Tom Lawless
- As Easy Cake Load - Ed Ralston - drawn by Tom Lawless
- Penetrating Bill - Dr. Ervin - drawn by Tom Lawless
- Magigals - Geraldine Larsen
- Magigals Parent Assembly
- Pasadena Assembly and Los Angeles Assembly
- San Jose Magigals
- Seattle Assembly
- St. Louis Magigals
- Houdini Club Magigals
- Oakland Magigals
- There Were Always Magigals - Frances Ireland
- The Magical Mirror - Magigals newspaper published by Frances Ireland
- Doc Hallock Says - re: Magigals
- On the Land - On the Sea - In the Air - Magicians in the Service
- Magic Mystifies Natives - photo & story - re: S/Sgt. Harvey Long on Papua, New Guinea
- Hollywood War-Time Conclave Clix Big!
- Hollywood War-Time Conclave - photos
- M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
- National Council - applications
- National Council Notes - Leslie P. Guest
- From Our National President - Jack Handy
- Chicago Assembly No. 3
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
- Washington Assembly No. 23
- Appointments of the National President
- Queen City Assembly No. 11
- Texas Assembly No. 19
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
- Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
- Seance - Tom Osborne
- Poetic Patter - Charles Goodman
- Index - Volume 7
word count: 307861 which is equivalent to 1231 standard pages of text