September 1948 - August 1949
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Larsen, Editors
376 pages (8 double pages)
- Genii - Volume 13, Number 1 - September 1948 - 32 pages
- Cover - Arthur Buckley
- Facing the Facts - Bill Larsen
- The Welcome Mat
- Loot
- Things I Like
- Things I Don't Like
- Dollar Value
- Editors
- Teletrixters
- All Change - Len J. Sewell
- What? Another Square Circle? - Mike Zens
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Original Coin Sleights for Experts - Arthur Buckley
- Arthur Buckley - by Theo. Bamberg "Okito"
- Comedy Technique - First Article of a Series - Robert Orben
- Gravatt's Vanishing Radio - Glenn Gravatt
- Caliph in Calif.
- Swami Salami - cartoon - Hume & McAthy
- Magicana - William Woodfield, editor
- No Hole - Bill Woodfield
- Intermission
- Double Daring - Frederick M. Shields & Bascom Jones, Jr.
- Paper and Ink - Dariel Fitzkee
- How to Publish a Magic Book
- The Sphinx
- Phoenix Nos. 154-155
- Abracadabra Nos. 119-127
- Eyes of the Gods - Max Holden
- Burtini's Linking Ring Routine
- Nelson Enterprises catalogue
- News of the P.C.A.M.
- From Your President - Gerald Kosky
- Los Magicos
- So. Calif. Assembly #22 of S.A.M.
- Mystic Thirteen of San Jose
- Ring 21 of I.B.M.
- cartoon - Knott
- Genii - Volume 13, Number 2 - October 1948 - 32 pages
- Cover - Sir Edwards and Connie
- Facing the Facts - Bill Larsen
- Queen of the May
- Paul Rossini
- Fitzkee-Buckley
- Magicana
- Demon Demonstrator
- What? No Books?
- Next Month ... Rossi Again ...
- Thanks Dell
- The Challenge Blindfold Drive - Irving Joslyn
- Next Month
- The Pucker Glimpse - A. N. Rossi
- Donald Duck's Drinks - A New Routine and Presentation for Taylor's Prize Winning "Por-Mor" - Sherman Ripley "Dr. Chang"
- Football Prediction - James Lucier
- The Invisible Load - Dr. R. V. Stone (Ramo)
- Comedy Technique - Robert Orben - continued
- How to Perform Comedy Magic
- Snapshots of Magic Personalities at Colon - photos
- Magicana - William Woodfield, editor
- Blindfold Poker Deal - Henry Sing
- Gambler's Gab - A Lexicon of Gambling Slang
- Intermission
- Magicians Hall of Fame
- Double Daring - Frederick M. Shields & Bascom Jones, Jr.
- Hallowe'en Boo
- The Skull and Witches Hat
- The Skulls Change Place
- Cups and Skulls
- Hand Puppets
- The Flying Broom
- Jack-O-Lanterns
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Swami Salami - cartoon - Hume & McAthy
- Sir Edwards and Connie - biographical sketch
- Paper and Ink - Dariel Fitzkee
- review of past year
- Mainly Mental - Board
- The Encyclopedia of Sleeving
- Manual of Publicity and Exploitation - Nelson
- The Sphinx, August
- Phoenix Nos. 156-157
- Pentagram, July
- Abracadabra Nos. 128-131
- The Wizard, July
- Djinn [Denmark]
- Third Modes for Mentalists - Peter Warlock
- Second International Congress of Magicians - Arnold Furst
- Genii - Volume 13, Number 3 - November 1948 - 32 pages
- Cover - Mathew the Magician
- Obit notice - Gertrude L. Larsen
- Subtlety - Gerald Kosky
- Targetrik - Irving Joslyn
- Phantom Tube Comedy - A. N. Rossi
- Will Goldston and Assistant - photo
- Swami Salami - cartoon - Hume & McAthy
- A Single Card Through Silk - T. Page Wright
- Double Daring - Frederick M. Shields & Bascom Jones, Jr.
- Magicians in Television
- Expose - Mathew the Magician
- Mathew the Magician - biographical sketch
- Comedy Technique - Third Article of a Series - Robert Orben - continued
- Chang - Arnold Furst
- Magicana - William Woodfield, editor
- The Mexican Turnover - Lyle Carlyle Laughlin Discusses
- Stab Location - Bill Woodfield
- Larsen's Aces
- Intermission
- Paper and Ink - Dariel Fitzkee
- Come, Good Spirits - Eddie Joseph
- Skullo-Cation - Max Holden
- Trouble-Wit Fan - Ellis Stanyon
- Paul Fleming Book Review No. 139
- Abracadabra Nos. 134-137
- Phoenix Nos. 158-160
- Pentagram, August
- Hugard's Magic Monthly. August
- The Wizard, August
- The Linking Ring, September
- The Sphinx
- cartoon
- Genii - Volume 13, Number 4 - December 1948 - 32 pages
- Cover - Max and Tess Holden
- Facing the Facts - Bill Larsen
- The Chinese Weathermen - Bring Patter for the Chinese Sticks - Val Don
- Les Mouchoirs en Coleurs - A Flashy Opening - AL Sharpe
- Aqua-Bird - Dale Williams
- Think Stop Perfected - A. N. Rossi
- Swami Salami - cartoon - Hume & McAthy
- Comedy Technique - Fourth Article of a Series - Robert Orben - continued
- Max and Tess Holden - biographical sketch
- Magicana - William Woodfield, editor
- The Flippant Five - Bill O'Leary
- Cold Decking
- Think Jr. - Bill Woodfield
- Lazy?
- Intermission
- Double Daring - Frederick M. Shields & Bascom Jones, Jr.
- Season's Greetings [routine]
- The Wellesian Watch - Bert Adams
- The Chair in Magic and Mystery - Dr. Henry R. Evans
- Paper and Ink - Dariel Fitzkee
- The Secret System - Ray Amy
- Melo-dy-namo - Leslie Guest
- The Fine Art of Magic - George Kaplan
- Magic Feats - Majikana
- More Fun with Magic - Joseph Leeming
- Abracadabra Nos. 139-140
- Phoenix No. 161
- Pentagram, September
- The Wizard, September
- The Linking Ring, October
- Genii - Volume 13, Number 5 - January 1949 - 32 pages
- Cover - Marko the Magician [Richard L. Berry]
- Facing the Facts - Bill Larsen
- A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All
- As a Mindreader Would Do It - A Natural Book Test - Bill Larsen
- Comedy Tie Trick - Irving Joslyn
- Gravatt's Passe Passe Egg - Glenn Gravatt
- An Experiment in the Tenses - Past-Present-Future - James Lucier
- New Slants on Old Tricks - Val Don
- Time Out for Lunch - Ellis Gunther
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Comedy Technique - Article Five - Robert Orben - continued
- Double Daring - Frederick M. Shields & Bascom Jones, Jr.
- Magicana - William Woodfield, editor
- Black Jacked
- A Card is Being Torn
- Pocketful of Notes
- Intermission
- The Question - What Can be Done to Saver Magic from Oblivian? [sic] - Robert Orben
- Paper and Ink - Dariel Fitzkee
- The Devil's Whisper and its Development - De Vega
- The Ghost Book or Dark Secrets - Robert Nelson
- Magicdotes - Robert Orben
- N.A.M.S. reviews
- Phoenix Nos. 162-165
- Le Magcien Nos. 26-29
- Magic Wand, October
- Abracadabra Nos. 141-145
- The Wizard, October
- Hugard's Magic Monthly, October
- Tops, November and December
- Pentagram, October
- The Linking Ring, November
- Snapshots of Magic Personalities - photos
- Swami Salami - cartoon - Hume & McAthy
- News of the P.C.A.M. - Gerald Kosky
- A Letter to the Editor - Richard L. Berry (Marko the Magician)
- Magic and Mayor - photo
- Genii - Volume 13, Number 6 - February 1949 - 32 pages
- Cover - William Morton and Pauline
- Facing the Facts - Bill Larsen
- cartoon
- The Inexhaustible Coat - Val Don
- The Diminishing Bottle - Dr. E. V. Stone (Ramo)
- Automatic Writing - Irving Joslyn
- Post Dating a Trick - Keith Barrette
- Gravatt's Card Force - Glenn G. Gravatt
- Comedy Technique - Article Six - Robert Orben - continued
- The Answer - to last month's question: What Can be Done to Saver Magic from Oblivion?
- The Genii-Orben Poll
- Double Daring - Frederick M. Shields & Bascom Jones, Jr.
- Magicana - William Woodfield, editor
- Experiment with the "15 Puzzle" - Emile Clifton
- Snapshots of Magic Personalities - photos
- Paper and Ink - Dariel Fitzkee
- The Tarbell Course, Volume 5
- The Linking Ring, December
- Phoenix No. 166
- The Sphinx, December
- Abracadabra Nos. 146-150
- Pentagram, November
- Hugard's Magic Monthly, November
- The Bat, December
- The Wizard, November
- Slight of Eve - Poem - I.B.
- Dante "The Follies of 1949" - poster facsimile
- Swami Salami - cartoon - Hume & McAthy
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Paging the Ladies - Geraldine Larsen
- St. Louis Magigals
- Seattle Magigals
- Parent Assembly Magigals
- The Morton's - William and Pauline - biographical sketch
- Genii - Volume 13, Number 7 - March 1949 - 32 pages
- Cover - "Al" Robbins
- Facing the Facts - with Dante in Answer to Bill Larsen
- The Card-O-Let - C. Steffensen
- A Simple Coincidence - T. Page Wright
- Floyd Thayer - Dr. R. V. Stone (Ramo)
- Utility Cup and Ball - Doug Couden
- Shall We Restore the Torn Paper? Yes! - Al Sharpe
- Sadie the She Serpent - Bill Larsen
- Magicana - William Woodfield, editor
- The Perfect Card in the Envelope
- Intermission
- Publicity of the Month
- Magicians Show Their Stuff - But They Won't Show You How
- Brooklyn Eagle
- Veterans of Marine hospital were entertained ... by George L. Weisensel
- Magician's Snake Act Thrills Crowd
- Highway Houdini - His Magic Saves Children's Lives
- Al Robbins - The Genial Gent of Magic - biographical sketch
- Notice - Bill Larsen - recommends Tannen's "Supersonic Card Prediction"
- Double Daring - Frederick M. Shields & Bascom Jones, Jr.
- Paper and Ink - Dariel Fitzkee
- The Card Wizard - Bill Turner
- Cyclopedia of Magic - Henry Hay
- Thanks to Leipzig - Victor Farelli
- John Ramsay's Routine with Cups and Balls - Victor Farelli
- Band-It Card - Hen Fetsch
- Une Poignee de Gags - R. Veno
- Paul Fleming Book Reviews Nos. 140-141
- Tops
- Phoenix Nos. 167-169
- Abracadabra Nos. 151-156
- Pentagram
- The Wizard
- The Magic Wand
- News of the P.C.A.M. - Gerald Kosky
- From Your President
- Seattle Magic Ring
- Hollywood
- Vancouver Magic Circle
- Floyd and Jennie Thayer
- Hollywood P.C.A.M. Convention
- Swami Salami - cartoon - Hume & McAthy
- Slydini Opens Magic Studio
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Card Mondor Spook Show - Harvey Long
- Genii - Volume 13, Number 8 - April 1949 - 32 pages
- Cover - Caro Miller and Lynn
- Facing the Facts - Bill Larsen
- How to Produce a Rabbit from a Borrowed Hat and Other Bunny Bafflers - William W. Larsen
- Caroly's Perfect Cigarette Finish - Al Sharpe
- Modern Sorcery - Baffles - From the Notebook of the Late Charles R. Brush
- To Detect Loaded Dice
- Master Key to Fake Marked Cards
- Marked Decks in Manufacture
- The Magician's Command - T. Page Wright
- Double Daring - Frederick M. Shields & Bascom Jones, Jr.
- Magicana - William Woodfield, editor
- Match Interlude
- Intermission
- Publicity of the Month
- Bish the Magish Puts New Look in Magic
- Telemount Pictures Formed by New Group
- Riot Outbreak Disrupts Houdini Convo
- Diminishing Soap - Dr. R. V. Stone
- Caro Miller - biographical sketch
- The Magical Evangelist - Joe Kemp
- Swami Salami - cartoon - Hume & McAthy
- Paper and Ink - Dariel Fitzkee
- The Magic of Rezvani - La Magie du Sorcier - Maurice Sardina
- Controlled Miracles - Bill Simon
- The Linking Ring, February
- Phoenix Nos. 170-171
- Hugard's Magic Monthly, February
- Blackstone's Magic Trick-of-the-month Club
- Pentagram, January
- The Magic Wand, December
- The Wizard, December
- Abracadabra Nos. 157-160
- Triks, five issues, Oct. to Feb.
- Letters from Magicians
- Harry Kellar to Harry Houdini - Jan. 31, 1921
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Long Beach Naval Hospital Show - with reprint from the Hollywood Tribune
- P.C.A.M. Convention - announcement
- S.A.M. Convention - announcement
- Genii - Volume 13, Number 9 - May 1949 - 32 pages
- Cover - Tommy Windsor "The Street Faker"
- Facing the Facts - Bill Larsen
- Continuity in Routine - Al Sharpe
- The Card in Book Test Perfected - James A. Lucier
- The Magic of Haskell
- Curtain of Darkness - A Practical Seance - William W. Larsen
- News of the Genii-Orben Poll - Robert Orben
- Cobwebs and Shadows - Bascom Jones Jr.
- Modern Sorcery - Baffles - From the Notebook of the Late Charles R. Brush - Given to Him by Jimmy Trimble
- Double Daring - Frederick M. Shields & Bascom Jones, Jr.
- A Stud Poker Routine - Larsen and Wright
- Publicity of the Month
- Spirit of Houdini--With Bunions - Frustrated Genius Repairs Feet But His Soul's in a Straightjacket [re: Doc Weiss]
- 'King of the Conjurers, '76 Raises Rabbits [re: Bob Cunningham]
- Magician and Midget to Entertain Children [re: Geraldine Larsen]
- As in the Past - photo [re: Bob Cunningham]
- Magician's Best Friend is a Magician - photo [re: Harry Blackstone & Lt. Lee Allen Estes]
- Paper and Ink - Dariel Fitzkee
- Comedy Caravan - Robert Orben
- Select Secrets - Dai Vernon
- The Unbelievable Routine - Dr. Joseph Elon Kemp
- Phantini's Magazine Miracle - Gene Grant
- Psychia-Trik - Gene Grant
- Tommy Windsor's Dope Sheet Nos. 15-16
- Phoenix Nos. 172-173
- Abracadabra Nos. 161-165
- Dr. H. R. Evans, Author, Dies - Obituary
- Letters from Magicians
- to The Larsens - from Dr. Henry R. Evans - Sept. 19/48
- East Coast Magi - photo - C. F. Fenner, G. Ray Terrell & Wm. Baker
- The [Marietta, Ohio] Mayor's Proclamation re: Tommy Windsor Day
- Tommy Windsor - Coverman - newspaper reprint: Marietta's Magician Observes 25th Year in Show Business
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Dr. Strange Explanation - Bascom Jones Jr.
- It's a Neat Trick - Weekly KTSL Video Show - Featuring Eddie Silverman
- Swami Salami - cartoon - Hume & McAthy
- P.C.A.M. Convention - announcement
- Convention News
- Now - Society of American Magicians [Denver]
- Then - I.B.M. Convention [Chicago]
- P.C.A.M. and Last P.C.A.M. [Hollywood]
- The International Congress [Amsterdam]
- Dante Says - letter to Gerrie from Dante
- Genii - Volume 13, Number 10 - June 1949 - 32 pages
- Cover - Percy Abbott
- Facing the Facts - Bill Larsen
- Hindu Shuffle Variation - Tan Hock Chuan
- Behind the Back - Larsen and Wright
- Passe-Plastic - Dr. R. V. Stone
- Cobwebs and Shadows - Bascom Jones Jr.
- Plate-Rotation - Theodor Stein
- Jack, The Waiter - From the Notebook of the Late Charles R. Brush
- The Clown Quince of Magic - R. J. Lang
- Double Daring - Frederick M. Shields & Bascom Jones, Jr.
- Results of the Genii-Orben Poll - Robert Orben
- Publicity of the Month
- Like to Have A House Haunted? - Bob Nelson Is a Good Man to See If You Want Quick Action
- Portraits - Magician - James J. Metcalfe
- Radio and Television - re: Geraldine Larsen
Kay Steiner & Alan Wakeling
- Word Magic
- Boys Enthralled by the Great Virgil - photo
- Paper and Ink - Dariel Fitzkee
- Fleming Book Company catalogue
- Louis Tannen catalogue
- Scarne on Cards - John Scarne
- Magic in the Modern Manner - Orville Meyer
- Rough and Smooth Possibilities - Tan Hock Chuan
- Hello Sucker - Jack Chanin
- Magigals New York Ring No, 12 presents its First Annual Magic Show
- Percy Abbott - biographical sketch
- S.A.M. Convention - Ray Muse
- Convention Pictures - Snapshots of the S.A.M. Convention - Ralph Morgan
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- Swami Salami - cartoon - Hume & McAthy
- Genii - Volume 13, Number 11 - July 1949 - 32 pages
- Cover - Gerald Kosky as "Mister Oso"
- Facing the Facts - Bill Larsen
- Four Thimbles - Al Koran
- Collapsible Conjuring - Frank Herman
- Fantasy in Silks - Olaf Corsen
- Cap and Pence - and Other Coinjurations - William W. Larsen
- Ghost to Ghost Hookup - James Lucier
- Baffles The Magician [Charles R. Brush] - From His Notebook
- Patter and Routine for The Bathing Beauty
- Double Daring - Frederick M. Shields & Bascom Jones, Jr.
- Results of the Genii-Orben Poll - Robert Orben
- P.C.A.M. Convention News - William W. Larsen
- P.C.A.M. Convention Snapshots
- Paper and Ink - Dariel Fitzkee
- Pentagram, February, March & April issues
- Trilby Deck - Joe Stuthard
- Stuthard's Svengali Subtleties - Joe Stuthard
- magazine test - Milbourne Christopher
- Card Tricks Without Skill - Paul Clive
- Stars of Magic, Series 5
- No. 1: Dai Vernon's Impromptu Cups And Balls
- No. 2: Dai Vernon's Ambitious Card
- No. 3: Dai Vernon's Mental Card Miracle
- Over the Coffee Cups - Martin Gardner
- Paul Fleming Book Reviews Nos. 142-144
- Phoenix Nos. 176-177
- Tops, June
- Gerald Kosky - biographical sketch
- Nineteen Forty-Nine T.A.O.M. Conclave
- Holden Hospitalized
- Video Magic - The Mystic Magic Club - for TV staring Bobby Swanson
- Swami Salami - cartoon - Hume & McAthy
- Publicity of the Month
- Tower Ticker - re: Magicians in Chicago
- It's Magic - 2 photos
- Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
- New England Get-to-gether S.A.M.-I.B.M.
- Paging the Ladies - Geraldine Larsen
- P.C.A.M. Convention
- Pretty Tricky - photo - Jeanne Ash, Magigals President
- Genii - Volume 13, Number 12 - August 1949 - 32 pages
- Cover - Tom Dethlefsen
- Facing the Facts - Bill Larsen
- A Perfect Key Ring Switch - A. N. Rossi
- Watch For Next Month's Genii
- Conclusive Proof of Mental Telepathy - Frank Chapman
- Cobwebs and Shadows - Bascom Jones Jr.
- The Sultan and the Dancing Girls - An Illusionette - William Larsen
- Baffles The Magician - Charles R. Brush
- Double Daring - Frederick M. Shields & Bascom Jones, Jr.
- Results of the Genii-Orben Poll - Robert Orben
- Your New Act from Genii - Ray Muse
- A Pocket Close Up Act
- An Impromptu Card Act
- The Card Magician
- The Club Magician's Act
- Full Evening Show
- Paper and Ink - Dariel Fitzkee
- Spirits in the House - T. H. Chislett
- The Gap in the Curtain - Modes for Mentalists No. 4 - Peter Warlock
- Rezvanimagie - Maurice Sardina
- The Sphinx, June
- Phoenix Nos. 178-179
- Tops, July
- Abracadabra Nos. 166-176
- The Wizard, February-June issues
- The Magic Wand, March and June issues
- The Magic Circular
- The Budget, March and May issues
- Tom Dethlefsen - biographical sketch
- Swami Salami - cartoon - Hume & McAthy
- In Loving Memory - Max Holden - obituary
- Magical Reviews - clipped by "Fletcher"
- Kim Yen Soo & Co.
- Edgar Bergen, Bigelow & Dunninger
- Dr. Neff
- Edward Small's "Black Magic"
- Kim Yen Soo & Company
- Dante
- Saysi
- Chester Morris
- Index to Genii Volume 13
word count: 224498 which is equivalent to 897 standard pages of text