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Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 1 (Jun 1934 - Mar 1935)
by Will Goldston

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Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 1 (Jun 1934 - Mar 1935) by Will Goldston
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160 pages

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 1 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 1 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 1, Number 1 - Summer, 1934 - 36 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Editorial
  4. A Word to Students - Louis Gautier
  5. Elections
  6. Contributed By
    1. An Original Bowl and Silk Production - Shu Foo Yai
    2. The Human Penetration Mystery - "Cyro"
    3. Coincidence Extraordinary - Brian Godfrey
    4. "Could You Deal Me a Nap Hand?" - G. W. Hunter
    5. Simplified Reckoning with Hammond's Set-Up Pack - Carlo Rossetti
    6. A Good Production Tube - Le Walke
    7. Cutting a Cigarette in Half - Will Goldston
    8. For the Billiard Balls - Cecil Keech
    9. A New Egg Bag - Cecil Keech
    10. A Vanishing Egg - Howard Spencer
    11. Hermalin's Pillory Escape
    12. Confetti Cup - Louis Nikola
    13. Long Distance Telepathy - J. O'Neill Fisher
    14. The Dangerous Amateur - "Hermalin"
  7. Multum in Parvo - A Dissertation on Pocket Tricks - Horace Goldin
  8. An Open Letter to His Worship Joseph G. Lightner, Mayor of Odessa, Missouri, U.S.A. - from Will Goldston
  9. Harry Houdini as I knew Him - Betty Ross
  10. The Indian Rope Trick - "Murray"
  11. "Psychic" Showmanship
  12. Spiritualism and Magicians
  13. Book Reviews
    • How'd ja do that? - Julien J. Proskauer
    • Magical Masterpieces - Louis Nikola
    • Tricks that Mystify - Will Goldston
  14. News of Magicians - F. Stephen Soboll
    • Dante Awarded £915 for a Broken Jaw
    • News Items from the U.S.A.
  15. Obituary - John Borrows Walton
  16. Notes and News
  17. Reports of Magical Societies
    • The Magicians' Club
    • John Nevil Maskelyne Memorial Fund
  18. The Magicians' Club Anthem - Leslie Elliott
  19. Editors Letter Box
    • Horace Goldin
    • Edward Proudlock

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 1, Number 2 - Autumn, 1934 - 40 pages
  2. Contents
  3. To the Officials and Members of the Magicians' Club - Will Goldston
  4. Editorial
  5. Elections
  6. The New President of the Magicians' Club
  7. Contributed By
    1. The Bank-Note and the Lemon - Will Goldston
    2. Startling Double-Front Change - F. Montague
    3. A Thirty-Card-Trick Amplification - Jack Pilkington
    4. Novel Production of a Cigarette - Richard Turpin
    5. The Handkerchief that Changes Colour
    6. The Penetrating Handkerchief
    7. The Vanishing Trick - Capt. J. Robert Cleland
    8. This is Magic! - "Murray"
    9. Two Chinese Fakes - Shu Foo Yai
  8. Something for Methodical Magicians
  9. Arnold De Biere - Obituary
  10. De Biere's Farewell Letter
  11. Make It Snappy! - "Hermalin"
  12. The Secretary
  13. The History of Magic - Will Goldston
  14. Psychic Experiences
    • I - Leslie Elliott
    • II - Ottakar Fischer
  15. Let's Have Better Patter - Charles Laffan
  16. comment - Max Lestrange was the creator of "With a String of Beads"
  17. Obituary - Ovidio Scolari
  18. With a View to Engagements
  19. A Competition for Members
  20. Letters of Appreciation
  21. Harry Houdini as I knew Him - Betty Ross - continued
  22. Silk Squares with Attractive Design of Your Society
  23. Household Words - Charles Dickens
    • Out-Conjuring Conjurers
  24. A Holiday - Far from the Magic Crowd - James B. Findlay
  25. Unsolicited Testimonials "Tricks That Mystify"
  26. Book Reviews
    • Slow Sleights - E. Brian MacCarthy
    • Expert Cigarette Magic - second edition
    • Magicana No. 3 - Arthur Margery
    • Secrets of the Handcuff Trick
    • Magical Twists - Frank Houston
  27. The Magicians' Club
  28. News of Magicians - Stephen de Soboll
    • Written Specially for Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Our Special New York Correspondent
    • News Items from the U.S.A.
  29. Reports of Magical Societies
    • The Magicians' Club
  30. Small Advertisements

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 1, Number 3 - Christmas, 1934 - 40 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Christmas Greetings from the Officials of the Magicians' Club
  4. Editorial
  5. Elections
  6. Maskelyne and Spiritualism
  7. Contributed By
    1. The Walking Cards - Ottokar Fischer
    2. The Cards on the Ribbon - Max Lestrange
    3. A New Card Location - Joe Larsen
    4. Palming Made Easy - A Tip for Coin Manipulators - Percy Pellew
    5. Surname Spelling Bee - G. W. Hunter
    6. Escape from an Unprepared Sack - "Hermalin"
    7. Cardini's Cigarette Trick
    8. A Fine Box Illusion - Ottokar Fischer
  8. Hints to Beginners - Will Goldston
  9. Vent Dialogue - Cheeky Boy and Vent
  10. Some Conjuring Books of Yesterday - Harry Price
  11. News Items from the U.S.A. - Stephen de Soboll
  12. Once More for the Rope Trick!
  13. Strange Facts - Charles Laffan
  14. The History of Magic - Will Goldston - continued
  15. Goldin - Will Goldston
  16. Two Jobs or One?
  17. Book Reviews - M.C.L.
    • The Calostro Mind Reading Act - Ralph W. Read
    • Die Juden In Der Zauberkunst - Gunther Dammann
    • A Monograph on Card Transmission - Hugh Mackay
    • Suckers All - Julian J. Proskauer
    • Sensational Poison-Swallowing Act - J. Karson
    • Card Manipulations - Jean Hugard
    • Magazines
      • The Sphinx - October
      • The Magic Wand - Autumn
  18. News of Magicians
  19. Forcing a Conversation - W. J. Jennings
  20. Editors Letter Box
    • Louis Gautier
    • R. H. Gysel
  21. Household Words - Charles Dickens
    • Out-Conjuring Conjurers - continued
  22. Reports of Magical Societies
    • The Magicians' Club
    • Baltimore, Maryland - The Society of Osiris

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 1, Number 4 - Spring, 1935 - 42 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Editorial
  4. Lord Donegall, Conjurer Will Goldston
  5. Miss Eleanor Ernst - Winifred Seymour
  6. Mr. Burling Hull - Charles Laffan
  7. Contributed By
    1. Continuous Cigarette Production - Brian Macarthy
    2. Method to Obtain a Message or a Name and Address - Julien J. Proskauer
    3. Card and Ribbon Effect - John B. Ward
    4. Handkerchief-Ball Gadget - E. Lewis Philpot
    5. A Novel Hat Loader - Jules de Lion
    6. A New Thought-Reading Trick - Jonas Danby
    7. A Different Penetration - Harry Mitchell
    8. Going - Gone! - Cyro
  8. A Search for Magic in Great Britain - "Hermalin"
  9. A Scientist's Point of View - E. W. Lucas
  10. Makers of Magic: John Brown - The Editor
  11. Elections, 1935
  12. In Secret India - Howard Jones
  13. Time Your Programme - Horace Goldin
  14. News of Magicians
    • The Mystic Seven - Dewsbury
  15. The Cunning of Low Kun - Louis Nikola
  16. The History of Magic - Will Goldston - continued
  17. News Items from the U.S.A. - Stephen de Soboll
  18. Some Conjuring Books of Yesterday - Harry Price
  19. Reports of Magical Societies
    • The Magicians' Club
    • John Nevil Maskelyne Memorial Fund
  20. Household Words - Charles Dickens
    • Out-Conjuring Conjurers - continued
  21. Editors Letter Box
    • Cyril Seymour
    • F. Harris
    • Julien J. Proskauer
    • Paul L. Bell

word count: 83739 which is equivalent to 334 standard pages of text