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Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 6 (Dec 1939 - Sep 1940)
by Will Goldston

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Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 6 (Dec 1939 - Sep 1940) by Will Goldston
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84 pages

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 6 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 6 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 6, Number 1 - December, 1939 - 24 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Will Goldston wishes all Readers in the Army, Navy and Air Force ... A Happy Christmas and Good Luck in 1940
  4. Book Reviews - Charles Hepworth
    • Books
      • Entertaining Children With Magic - Eddie Clever
  5. Editorial
  6. Ventriloquism in War Time - Arthur Prince
  7. News of Magicians
  8. The Magicians' Club
  9. The Aladdin Brotherhood of Magicians
  10. Contributed By
    1. Two Tiny Tricks - Billy McComb
      • ribbon pushed into a handkerchief
      • eating cigarettes
    2. "The Flyto Card" - F. Harris
    3. A Good Card Trick with a Simple Secret - Al Baker
    4. The Tower
    5. A Super "Four-Card" Do As I Do Mystery - Alan E. Tapsell
    6. "The Enchanted Star," As Lib! - E. F. Blake
    7. Mechanical Card Riffle - James Clifton
    8. How to Float a Penny in a Saucer of Water - J. P. Donovan
    9. Bob Gysel and His Tricks
      • My Original Escape from Genuine Sealed Thumb Cuff - Robert H. Gysel
    10. A Lady from Nowhere - A. S. Davis
  11. Light Out of Darkness - James Rogers
  12. Buying New Tricks - Jack Caxton

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 6, Number 2 - March, 1940 - 20 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Society of Irish Magicians
  4. Elections
  5. Editorial
  6. "Arthur Ainslie" - A Friend
  7. Obituary Notices
    • Sidney Oldridge
    • Edward Bagshawe
    • Evelyn (Mrs. Arthur Margery)
  8. News of Magicians
  9. Contributed By
    1. The Queen Looks Around - Rupert H. Slater
    2. The Nest of Boxes - A Simple Trap Table - A. Lenox
    3. Valuable Hints to Escape-Artists - Bob Gysel
    4. The Escaping Card - Pierre Carlino
    5. A Useful Screen for Producing Silk Handkerchiefs - Verhayden
    6. Modesty - Louis Gautier
  10. Alas, for Television - Zeanit
  11. Who's a Copyist? - Hilaire White
  12. A Fine Book of Magic - Chefalo
  13. The Magicians' Club
  14. The Aladdin Brotherhood of Magicians

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 6, Number 3 - June, 1940 - 20 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Magic, the Doctor's Hobby - Dr. Michael J. Fenton
  4. Editorial
  5. News of Magicians
  6. Contributed By
    1. Not as Innocent as It Looks - James De Jong
    2. The "Ace" of Champagne Coin Buckets - George E. M. Kenton
    3. "Peg It" - Jack Hughes
    4. To Vanish a Silk Handkerchief in Full View - Charles Scott-Barrie
    5. Queer Thinking About Magicians - Bob Gysel
  7. Specialise [sic] for Success! - Hilaire White
  8. Goldin's Publicity - Wallis Mack
  9. Magical Books - Will Fox
  10. The Magicians' Club's Ladies' Night - T.I.P.
  11. The Aladdin Brotherhood of Magicians
  12. Reviews - Charles Wentworth
    • Books
      • Modern Master Magic - Rudy Roxo
      • Magic Magic - Len J. Sewell
      • Kanter's Magic Catalogue
    • Magazines
      • The Sphinx - May
      • Genii - May
      • Tops - May

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 6, Number 4 - September, 1940 - 18 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Don't Minimise! [sic] - An Old Pro
  4. Editorial
  5. News of Magicians
  6. Contributed By
    1. Silk Mental Effect - F. Harris
    2. Parker's New Paper Pattern
    3. Lambie's Paper Flag Mystery - Frederick Barlow Ritchie
    4. The "Cleland" Billiard Ball Colour Change and Clip - Capt. J. R. Cleland
    5. A Correction - re: Kanter's Magic Catalogue
    6. Juggling Extraordinary - Jules De Vere
  7. The Magicians' Club
  8. Elections
  9. Maxim's Challenge to Maskelyne - J. G. Cornwood
  10. Looking Back on Goldin - by One Who Knew Him Well
  11. passing of Caryl Stacy Fleming
  12. The Aladdin Brotherhood of Magicians
  13. Back to Illusions! - Watson Bertram
  14. Accuracy - Lucille

word count: 41150 which is equivalent to 164 standard pages of text