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History of Magic and Magicians
by Hardin Jasper Burlingame


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History of Magic and Magicians by Hardin Jasper Burlingame

This is a reprint of an interesting book from 1895. Mr. Burlingame covers the earliest days of magic, then goes into detail about magic and magicians as they existed in the 19th century. This material is seldom found in magic books of today, but the man who would be a complete magician should know something of the history of the art he follows. Well written and very interesting reading.

1st edition 1895, 1st digital edition 2013, 44 pages.
word count: 18562 which is equivalent to 74 standard pages of text


This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Conjuring / Biographies & History

Magic & Conjuring / Published 1800-1899