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Impossible Braid Plus Variations
by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

#1 Paper & Paper Money author
#2 Video clips (download) author
#3 with Demo Video author
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Impossible Braid Plus Variations by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

This is for advanced folders only, those who want to tackle some of the most difficult and at the same time most beautiful impossible folds there are. Ralf has developed a new method for the Robert E. Neale braided banknote which he is teaching on this video. He will also teach you variations to the braided banknote theme.

However the highlight of the video is the most astounding braid for the Borromean Cube. For this object there was no folding method in existence at all, until Ralf tackled the problem and came up with a remarkable solution. Please note that there is no cutting and gluing involved. (The only gluing Ralf suggests is to aid in keeping the shape of the cube but that is entirely optional and depends mostly on the type of paper used.)

1st edition 2019, length 27:11

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Magic & Mentalism / Paper & Paper Money

Magic & Mentalism / DIY, Makers & Builders