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Ireland's Trick Talk
by Frances Marshall & Jay Marshall

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Ireland's Trick Talk by Frances Marshall & Jay Marshall

This was the house organ of Ireland Magic Co. which later became Magic Inc. It started in 1957 with a regular bimonthly publishing schedule but then became irregular. The last of 45 issues, volume 4 number 9 was published in 1988. Being a house organ there are of course lots of product advertisements but it also includes news, interesting photos, comments, trick patter and presentations, reviews, quips, tips, and other things about tricks and magicians.

In the first issue, Frances and Jay wrote:

It has been our desire, for many years, to convert the Newsletter into a small company magazine, and now that we have the facilities for doing the work ourselves, we have launched "Trick Talk". The front cover gives you an idea of what we hope to include - not all of these features every issue, perhaps, but as many as we can handle. We will not include tricks or the working of tricks - after all, that is what we are selling! But it will be our aim to try to give you better ways of using the tricks that now exist, whether ours or others, fresh patter, new presentation ideas, etc.

We want you, as an Ireland customer, to take part in "Trick Talk" by sending along material for it. We will be glad to have anything in any of the categories listed on the cover. You will be helping other magicians to get more fun and enjoyment out of their tricks, and they in turn will send in things that will be of value to you.

1st edition 1957 - 1988; PDF 1369 pages.
word count: 380288 which is equivalent to 1521 standard pages of text
