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Ireland's Year Book 1947
by Laurie Ireland

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Ireland's Year Book 1947 by Laurie Ireland
  • Introduction
  • Tying And Untying Knots In A Cord Without Letting Go Of The Ends
  • The New And Improved Ink Handkerchief And Turnip Trick
  • A Checker Mystery
  • Carlton King's Rabbit Box
  • Ice Cream Cone Production
  • A Dollar Bill In Candle Effect
  • Nelson's Candle Trick
  • Bossie Cow
  • The Shrinking Glass Of Milk
  • Words And Music
  • The Jack Yeager Thumb Tie Trick
  • The N. E. Book Test
  • Three Linked Discoveries
  • Triple Climax To Cups & Balls
  • The Stripper Combine
  • Glendi's Mental Photography - The Dream Photograph
  • Magic In Milk Containers
  • Thimble Box
  • Clock Dial Card Prediction
1st edition 1947, 38 pages; PDF 39 pages.
word count: 16222 which is equivalent to 64 standard pages of text
