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Jens O. Jahn

(near Berlin, Germany: 13th September 1961 - )

Started magic when he was 10 years old. Collects literature on mentalism, bizarre, illusions and stage magic.

He is the creator of several gaffed decks and magic tricks and one of the world experts on making gaffed cards. He has worked among others with Ted Lesley, Braco and Alexander DeCova.

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★★★★★ $15
Jens O. Jahn
ESP Signs by Jens O. Jahn

You get professionally designed ESP symbols:

  • Circle
  • Cross
  • Wave
  • Square
  • Star (in two sizes)
One star version is geometrically the same size as the other symbols. Due to its shape it looks a bit smaller than the other symbols. The second star design is 20% larger to better match the overal appearance of the other symbols.

The files are vector files (SVG format). This means you can blow them up as much as you want without loosing resolution - great for jumbo or giant cards. Each symbol is available in 10 color background combinations. They are:

  • black on white background
  • blue on...