The Professional Worker Series is a selection of targeted and focused eooks which offer professional, sound advice on a number of key magical areas. The eooks are written in an easy-to-understand style which cuts out all the waffle and padding, and instead gets right to the core of each subject.
Volume 5 sets out to discover whether there is one key element that contributes more than any other to making a performer a success. The conclusion is that CONTROL is a factor that if properly harnessed can exert a huge influence on the life of any performing magician.
With this in mind, I examine the various ways in which control can be exerted to make a positive difference. Here's a breakdown of the contents.
Controlling Nerves - tension and nerves can destroy a show, so I offer a series of practical tips for how you can control those damaging performance jitters.
Controlling Sleights And Moves - you can't expect to perform well if you do not have command of the technical aspects of your tricks and I give advice on practice and rehearsal to help you get up to speed.
Controlling The Show Contents - putting together a running order for a stand-up/kids show or deciding which tricks to take along to a close-up gig can be optimized to get the right balance and I offer suggestions for ways to do it.
Controlling The Show Logistics - preparing to go out and perform and getting there on time and in the right frame of mind can go wrong, and I suggest strategies to enable you to arrive ready to give of your best.
Controlling Your Children's Show Surroundings - do you know exactly what to look for in terms of a room layout when performing for children and do you know how to change unsuitable arrangements? I explain how.
Controlling Your Adult Show Surroundings - the booker does not necessarily know what will work best in terms of a room set up, so I offer some guidelines for what a stand-up act and close upper should be looking for.
Controlling Children At Your Show - if you can't control the youngsters you won't be able to effectively entertain them, so I present a whole range of tactics to keep you in control and thus able to present a top show.
Controlling Adults At Your Show - commercial close-up workers have to contend with so many distractions that it pays to know how to get and keep the attention of your spectators, as I explain fully.
This ebook is full of practical advice, hints, and tips that will help you to take complete control of everything to do with the presentation of your show and this, in turn, will provide you with strategies and best practice ideas to enable you to be the best you can be every time you work. The devil's in the detail, and this ebook will provide you with much detail.
1st edition 2020, 34 pages.
word count: 16225 which is equivalent to 64 standard pages of text