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Klean Force
by Unknown Mentalist


(1 review, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Klean Force by Unknown Mentalist

Klean Force is a simple self working principle which can be used to build interesting routines with different themes. In this manuscript, two killer routines are explained which you could very well use as 'gig getters'. One routine is based on the theme of 'countries' and another on the theme of 'famous quotes'. A five minute preparation is all you need to start performing these routines.

The participants make absolutely free choices and yet the 'force' hits cleanly and cleverly. There are no sleights, no pre show, no stooges. It is mostly self working and there is nothing to reset. The performer can fully focus on the presentation as there is no math or memory work involved for him. You can carry this effect in your pocket or wallet for close up or street or parlor scenarios. This can also be easily adapted for stage.

The 2 routines explained are as below:

Dates & Destinies

A participant freely chooses a couple of countries and as a result randomly lands on a third country. The performer either predicts or divines this final random choice in an extremely novel manner. The impact on the participant is stunning.

An amazing variation of this routine where the performer successfully predicts not only the outcome of a participant's free and random choices but also the participant's date of birth too is included.

Quoted & Fated

A participant freely chooses a couple of famous quotes and as a result randomly lands on a totally unrelated word. The performer either predicts or divines this final random choice as a drawing or image. You will enjoy the reaction of the participant.

Klean Force Tool

Also included is the "Klean Force Tool" which you can always carry with you, if you choose to. It is a flexible and multipurpose tool which can be used for multiple routines and whose use is limited only by your imagination. The beauty of this tool is that even if the participant makes a mistake, you will still be able to hit the mark with full impact. A very rare feature for any routine, indeed.

Once you understand the basic principle behind Klean Force, you can easily construct your own routines to suit your venue or audience or your own performing persona.

1st edition 2018, 20 pages.
word count: 3725 which is equivalent to 14 standard pages of text

Reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 03 February, 2018

The more I read and think about this effect the more I like it. It is a very unusual but simple force. I really like the first two effects and even the close up effects that can be used. In my opinion you will definitely get your moneys worth with all these effects and then some. I definitely recommend this!!!