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Scripted #17: Ognib
by Larry Brodahl

#1 Patter, Plots & Scripts author

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Scripted #17: Ognib by Larry Brodahl

Stage, parlor and impromptu scripts, handlings, and a spreadsheet calculator for the Magic Matrix. A devilishly clever was to force numbers.

"Ognib" is "Bingo" in reverse, is a method also known under the name "Magic Matrix" (see Martin Gardner).

A complete script, handling, and a spreadsheet calculator. Handlings included for stage, parlor and impromptu.

The magician shows a handful of printed numeric grids. The magician then has 4 spectators decide on one of the grids. Using the chosen grid, they then pick 4 numbers from the grid. The 4 numbers that were chosen - when added together - totals up to the previously predicted total.

Any number can be forced!

Well, the author of How To Write A Script shows how he used his methodology to write 3 different scripts that successfully explains and entertains with the OGNIB principle. Including some impromptu methods.

1st edition 2018, 48 pages.

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