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Laugh Yourself Well
by Paul Romhany

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Laugh Yourself Well by Paul Romhany

This is the 2nd book in a series of books Paul has in his package called 'Magician To Speaker'. (The first one was Key Note Speaking for Magicians). If you are considering becoming a key-note speaker or after dinner speaker then you will need this ebook. It is full of research, tips, advice and includes 150 ways you can add humor to the workplace or your life. It is full of examples that you can pass on to others during your key note address.

This ebook goes in to detail on how to bring humor to the workplace. For any magician who wants to get in to motivational speaking then this ebook is a must. It contains years of research and stories from Paul Romhany that can be used by magicians who want to get in to the speaking circuit. This ebook is certainly a must for magicians who are looking to break in to this lucrative market.

This ebook will help you put together everything you need to write your own presentation on the topic of humor in the workplace - the perfect subject for magicians.

Paul Romhany is a key note speaker on cruise ships, conventions and even governments! He combines magic and humor to get across the serious message that humor is perfect for the workplace and important in our lives in general. Romhany is a 'Funthropologist' - he understands humor because he is one of it's finest practitioners. he knows that humor is not necessarily about being funny, rather it is a state of mind - an outlook of lightness, playfulness and joy. It's seeing the odd detail, and the absurdity at the root of so many of our troubles.

This ebook covers everything you will need to know about bringing humor in to your life. Topics include:

  • Laughter is the best medicine
  • Psychology of Laughter
  • Stress humor and your stress will de-stress
  • Humor at Work
  • Creativity and Humor
  • 150 ways to have fun at work
1st edition 2008; 65 pages.
word count: 23366 which is equivalent to 93 standard pages of text

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Magic & Mentalism / Patter, Plots & Scripts

Magic & Mentalism / Marketing, Selling & Business Matters

Magic & Mentalism / Comedy Magic