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Learning from Experience
by Mark Leveridge


(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Learning from Experience by Mark Leveridge

Learning From Experience is an ebook in which I look back over my 40 years of full-time professional experience and identify 20 key things about performing commercially for laypeople that I wish I had known when I started.

Organizing these into 20 key facts, I explain the lessons that I have learned in this rich period of experience about performance, marketing, fees, trick selection, dealing with spectators, and more, and set out clear advice and food for thought to help you to short track your way to making good decisions.

Here is a list of the contents

  • Key Fact #1 - The Booker Isn't Always Right
  • Key Fact #2 - Fee Levels Can Define Show Types
  • Key Fact #3 - Presentation And Personality Are More Important Than The Tricks
  • Key Fact #4 - Organising Your Workspace
  • Key Fact #5 - Targeted Advertising Is Best
  • Key Fact #6 - Your Website Is Your Shop Window
  • Key Fact #7 - Actively Pursue Testimonials
  • Key Fact #8 - Responding To Show Enquiries
  • Key Fact #9 - The Social Media Black Hole
  • Key Fact #10 - The Benefits Of A Bulletproof Repertoire
  • Key Fact #11 - Conversational Patter
  • Key Fact #12 - Classic For A Reason
  • Key Fact #13 - Getting And Keeping Attention
  • Key Fact #14 - Being Self Contained
  • Key Fact #15 - The Importance Of An Amplifier
  • Key Fact #16 - Slow Down
  • Key Fact #17 - Dealing With Volunteers
  • Key Fact #18 - Hecklers May Not Be Hecklers
  • Key Fact #19 - Be Wary Of Topical Patter
  • Key Fact #20 - Show Business - 20% Show, 80% Business

This is a goldmine of relevant advice and opinion that should be helpful to magicians of all standards and types. Laced with anecdotes from my professional life, Learning From Experience will give you just that, the chance to learn from my experience.

The Professional Worker Series - Volume 6: The Professional Worker Series is a selection of targeted and focused E-Books which offer professional, sound advice on a number of key magical areas. The E-Books are written in an easy-to-understand style which cuts out all the waffle and padding, and instead gets right to the core of each subject.

1st edition 2022, PDF 42 pages.
word count: 19208 which is equivalent to 76 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Joel Howlett (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 24 April, 2023

I really enjoy the Mark Leveridge E- Books. Mark has great advice to offer. This audio will give both newer performers and seasoned professionals lots to think about. Important discussions include practical set ups, fees, conversational patter for strolling situations, PA Systems, adapting the classics of magic and rethinking the time you spend on facebook!

Five Stars! Thank Mark and