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by Ray Grismer


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Limey by Ray Grismer

A totally different and highly original concept for the Bill in Lemon. With this clean and baffling method three signed bills vanish and reappear within a gift-wrapped lime, in a flash. The lime is slowly and fairly cut open to reveal the bills resting within.

The unique and practical "no fuss" loading method will completely fool anyone familiar with other methods for the effect.

In addition, the lime may be carried for hours prior to the performance - it cannot leak or damage your clothing or props. And, of course, you can prepare as many as you like well in advance - the preparation is simple and very fast. An easy and entertaining preliminary routine with the bills is explained in which the bills vanish to be replaced with the lime appearing in your hands.

1st edition 1981, PDF 2 pages.
word count: 764 which is equivalent to 3 standard pages of text