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Ray Grismer

Ray Grismer

(Wallace, Idaho: 6th July 1927 - 21st January 2010)

Inspired as child seeing a magician. Learned from Erdnase and Fischer's Illustrated Magic. Jazz pianist until c1963 when traded piano lessons for card magic with Dai Vernon. Thence school teacher and semi-pro magician and lecturer. Foremost inventor of finger-ring and rope tricks since late 1960s. Aka "The Idaho Flash". Wrote many booklets, including The Punch Letters (1988, 23pp). Tricks in Talisman, Arcane, Epoptica, Genii, and Linking Ring. Video (1992). Father of Vicki Grismer.

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Ray Grismer
Short Notes by Ray Grismer

This is a compilation of three lecture notes released during the 1980s by Ray Grismer: Short Notes, Magic, and Lecture. As the name suggests these are short notes on the items Grismer presented during his lecture. There is some overlap between these three notes.

  • Short Notes
    • About These Notes
    • Queens And Fives
    • Separ-Ace-Ion
    • Flakie
    • Hooz?
    • Handy
    • Swivel Cutting Aces
    • Fan Spell
    • Psychic Game
    • Mental Stop
    • Bookie
  • Magic
    • Fraces
    • Hooz?
    • Flakie
    • Fan Spell
    • Prep H
    • Mindray 2nd
    • Computer
    • B_J Demo
    • Hip ESP
    • E-Z Foxy
    • Bookie
    • Values
  • Lecture
    • Quickwich
    • Idaho Poker
    • Tiger
    • Timeit Or Peekit ...
★★★★ $25
Ray Grismer
The Punch Letters by Ray Grismer

Instructions, routines, tips, and ideas for a card punch.

This is a series of letters to a fictitious E.N. Igami ('imagine' when read reversed) with information on how to use a card punch and what can be done with it, particularly from a conjurer's perspective. It is one of the few resources available on card punches. It also reproduces a few passages from older books that cover punch work.

Several gambling demonstrations are detailed, including a Dai Vernon Bridge Deal as well as poker and blackjack routines. Other routines have more of a mental slant. Ray Grismer also explains his system for placement...

★★★★★ $7
Ray Grismer
Spongey by Ray Grismer

Six quick effects. Only two sponges are needed.

This routine can be performed with any type of sponge ball of reasonable size. In an emergency, you may even use two crumpled bills.

This is a strong routine and the final climax in the spectator's hand is the high point. Practice each section and then combine them into a smooth routine. Many of the moves are standard and you may already know them. It's one thing to know moves. It's another to routine them.

Routines with sponge balls have an undeniable audience appeal. The Ray Grismer routine is one designed with the table-hopping performer...

★★★★ $5
Ray Grismer
What's Your Sign? by Ray Grismer

A letter-by-letter revelation of somebody's birth sign that produces at most two No. Here is an example:

"What's your sign? Don't tell me! I'll read your mind. Here's a list of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Concentrate on yours. Now, mentally print it in big block letters. Look at it in your mind. Concentrate. I'll try to see what you see. When I make a statement please answer with a Yes or No. I see an R. Yes. I see an I. Yes. I see an A. Yes. I see an S. No. My error - it's an L. Yes. We're looking at Libra. Yes!"

1st edition ~1987, 3 pages; PDF 2 pages.

Ray Grismer
Shorty by Ray Grismer

A short change routine.

"Mr. Grismer is one of the nice guys in magic who is also talented and has the gift of working out startling tricks that require little in the way of 'work' ... 'Shorty' is a short change routine and the best of its kind ... once made up you will use it constantly. Brilliant routine and handling ... the best short-change routine to come along in years." - Karl Fulves

Clear Plot: You have $10, then $9, then $10, then $5.

Entertaining: You show skill but lose money.

Natural: No unusual-looking counts.

The other day I asked a bartender if he could break a ten-dollar...

★★★★★ $4.50
Ray Grismer
Thirty by Ray Grismer

Cards across

The Thirty Card Trick is a magical classic that can be done on stage as well as close up. It is entertaining to all types of audiences. The classic method (Magicians' Tricks by Hatton and Plate) used sleight of hand and math chicanery. Zens used envelopes. Crandall used roughing fluid. You should find this method one of the best because instead of making the passing of three cards an arbitrary choice it offers a logical reason for using three. Also, there is very strong misdirection. Each step is clearly explained along with the reasoning.

The moves are well covered by misdirection and by having unbalanced...

Ray Grismer
Loopy by Ray Grismer

Finger ring and rope

A borrowed ring is magically removed from one of several loops of rope and replaced on a different loop.

1st edition 1978, 6 pages.

★★★★★ $8
Ray Grismer
Limey by Ray Grismer

A totally different and highly original concept for the Bill in Lemon. With this clean and baffling method three signed bills vanish and reappear within a gift-wrapped lime, in a flash. The lime is slowly and fairly cut open to reveal the bills resting within.

The unique and practical "no fuss" loading method will completely fool anyone familiar with other methods for the effect.

In addition, the lime may be carried for hours prior to the performance - it cannot leak or damage your clothing or props. And, of course, you can prepare as many as you like well in advance - the preparation...

★★★★ $10
Ray Grismer
Impromptu Mentalism by Ray Grismer

Impromptu mentalism is usually improvised but certain effects may be prepared in advance if they are presented as impromptu ideas. Somewhat like the comic who memorizes thousands of one-liners and seems to create them off the top of his head.

  • Bold Shots
  • Cold Reading
  • Contact Mind Reading
  • Pendulums
  • Basic Equipment
  • Center Tear
  • Billet Switch
  • Stooges
  • Forces
  • Equivoce
  • Hobson's Choice
  • Memory
  • Magic Squares
  • Higher Math
  • 1089
  • A B C D
  • 3 - 34 Follow-Up
  • Words
  • Wallet Acts
  • Magic
  • The Occult
  • COP Out
  • Finally

In mid-January of 1987, Ray visited with the esteemed "13" group of mentalists...

★★★★ $5
Ray Grismer
Glaces by Ray Grismer

This effect was invented by Herbert Milton and made popular by Karl Germain. The improved method needs no double-faced cards and can be done impromptu providing the right type of glass is available. This visual effect can be performed at any time in your act and it may be done silently, with talk, or to music.

EFFECT: A shuffled deck of cards is placed in a stem goblet. Each time a handkerchief is flicked in front of the glass an ace appears.

This is Ray's totally impromptu method for a classic effect - one that has recently found favor with a number of well-heeled modern performers....

★★★★ $10
Ray Grismer
Foxiest by Ray Grismer

For many years, Ray has worked on the problem of developing an impromptu version of the Paul Fox Miracle Gimmick. After testing and discarding several earlier handlings, he has come up with a stunning version that is a reputation-building demonstration of mass mentalism.

It can be done anytime, anywhere, totally impromptu, with a borrowed deck of cards which is first thoroughly shuffled by a spectator. The cards are handed out to several spectators - between five and twenty if you wish - and they are each asked to just think of a card. The cards are gathered and once again shuffled. You...

★★★★★ $8
Ray Grismer
Handy by Ray Grismer

A method for Edmund Rowland's "An Impromptu Torn Newspaper Test" that was modified and popularized by Al Koran.

Effect: The spectator is handed a sealed prediction. Someone chooses a number less than 33. The performer quickly tears a double newspaper page into 32 pieces and they are handed to the person who chose the number. This person counts to the piece at his number. The envelope is opened and the details of the prediction match the contents of the newsprint.

1st edition 1978, PDF 2 pages.

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