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Low Vision Marking System
by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

#2 in German (Deutsch) author

(1 review, 4 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Low Vision Marking System by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

A marked deck for people who have less than perfect vision or need glasses.

A blockout system for marking cards has been developed based on the widespread Bicycle Rider Back 808 deck. The development focused on good discernibility of the system for magicians with impaired vision. The marked deck can be prepared in less than one hour.

  1. Introduction
  2. Card and Suit Values
  3. Basic Principle – the Clock Design
  4. Marking the Card Value
  5. Marking the Suit Value
    1. Suit and Card Value in Different Marks
    2. The Stage Version
    3. Suit and Card Value Together in One Single Mark
  6. One-way Marking
  7. Predecessor and Successor Card in a Stack
  8. Marking the Stack Number
  9. Card, Stack Number, Predecessor and Successor Cards
  10. Afterthoughts
  11. References

1st edition 2015, 11 pages
word count: 2268 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Sarin Suriyakoon (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 17 January, 2017

I bought this and transform my deck right away to test with my "existing system"

This little ebook is the best system for the "Low Vision" as the title say.

The system make a "contrast" identification. When you read it at the first time you might worry about it but finally the system is very powerful.

Also, the author provides the comparative information to look further in the reference.

Good purchase!