$10(1 customer rating) ★★★★★
A wonderfully illustrated collection of 100 interesting and easy-to-replicate science experiments, tricks, puzzles, and the like.
Excerpt from the preface:
Each of the hundred sections embodies a distinct scientific recreation, sometimes a mere puzzle or test of dexterity, but more often illustrating, in a magical or quasi-magical form, the operation of some natural law. Chemistry, Mechanics, Optics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics.
Translated and edited from the French Science Amusante by Professor Hoffmann.
- A Plate Balanced on a Needle
- To Balance a Pencil on its Point
- To Balance an Egg on the Neck of a Bottle
- The Divided Pear
- To Drill a Hole with a Needle through a Pin
- A Startler for a Careful Housekeeper
- To Drive a Needle through a Halfpenny
- The Self-Balanced Ladle
- The Self-Balanced Ladle
- A Self-Balancing Plate
- An Acrobatic Bottle
- Pencils Balanced in Mid-Air
- The Shovel and the Tongs
- A Bottle in Danger
- A Miniature Diving-Bell
- Red, White, and Blue
- The Cask and Bottle Puzzle
- A Miniature Vesuvius
- Water Changed to Wine
- The Devil and the Glass of Champagne
- The Performing Fish
- A Queer Kind of Candlestick
- How to Weigh a Letter with a Broomstick
- Bewitched Soap-Bubbles
- The Camphor Scorpion
- A Novel Water Engine
- The Hydraulic Tourniquet in Straw
- The Syphon Tourniquet
- A Miniature Steamboat
- Artillery on the Dinner-Table
- A Paper Fish made to Swim at Pleasure
- Magic Figures
- The Force of the Breath
- The Obstinate Cork
- A Curious Coin Trick
- The Magic Butterfly
- An Illustration of Centrifugal Force
- The Dancing Egg
- Effects of Atmospheric Pressure
- A Singular Pendulum
- To Lift a Tumbler with the Open Hand
- To Pass a Nail into a Corked Bottle
- The Climbing Lamp-Chimney
- To Empty a Full Glass by means of a Full Bottle
- Bubble-blowing Extraordinary
- Hanging without a Cord
- To Dip the Hand in Water without Wetting it
- Needles and Pins made to Float on Water
- An Economical Magnetic Compass
- The Rival Iron-clads
- The Rotation of the Globe
- To make a Number of Corks Float Upright in the Water
- A Life-sized Dancing Doll
- Eyes Behind You
- Shadows on the Wall
- A Play Acted in a Looking-Glass
- An Animated Shadow
- A Novel Laryngoscope
- The Shilling and the Syringe
- Complementary Colours
- A Wonderful Pin
- A Game of Chance for the Home Circle
- A Curious Optical Illusion
- Another Optical Illusion
- The Broken Mirror
- The Tight-Rope Dancer
- Electric Attraction
- A Lamp-Chimney Transformed into an Electric Machine
- An Experiment in Electro-Magnetism
- A Modern Tantalus
- Candle Lighting under Difficulties
- A Problem in Gymnastics
- Another Gymnastic Puzzle
- The Three Lucifer Matches
- The Five-Straw Puzzle
- A Bridge of Lucifer Matches
- Transmission of Force to a Distance
- Fifteen Lucifer Matches Lifted with One
- A New Way of Playing Backgammon
- The Coin in the Bottle
- A Miniature Infernal Machine
- To Spin a Penny upon the Point of a Needle
- The Magic Dart
- A Cigarette-Smoking Lamp-Chimney
- Pyramids in Crystal
- A Trio of Champagne-Glasses
- The Bottle and the Keys
- An Impromptu Soup-Tureen Stand
- The Latest Weighing-Machine
- The Kitchen Steel-yard
- Everybody's Own Level
- A Level of Another Kind
- A Combined Candlestick and Watch-stand
- Robinson Crusoe's Pen
- A Necklace of Nuts
- The Japanese Ball Trick in a New Form
- A New Vaporiser
- The Candle Extinguished and Re-Lighted
- To pass a Person's Body through a Playing Card
- Unconscious Movement
- Shadows on the Wall
- L'Envoi
1st edition 1891, 240 pages; PDF 169 pages.
word count: 40660 which is equivalent to 162 standard pages of text