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Audio CDs in Audio

Here we list all magic products which are available as regular audio CDs. Pop them into your CD player at home or in your car and enjoy. Many are original stock from Martin Breese from whom we have acquired rights and remaining stock. We intend to sell the remaining discs and then only provide the download MP3 version.

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Harry Blackstone
Party Magic by Harry Blackstone

If you want to have a fun magic evening without doing magic this audio file (MP3 download) might be for you. You bring this to your next party. Play it on an MP3 player or your phone and listen to the instructions of Harry Blackstone. Your friends can follow along and be amazed. You only need readily available things like cards, coins, paper, and pens. Before every trick, a piece of music is played. But you can skip these if you wish.

Although the music is not my style and the tricks are not major blockbusters, the experience of hearing Harry Blackstone deliver the effects is wonderful. There...