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Magigram Volume 10 (Sep 1977 - Aug 1978)
by Supreme-Magic-Company


(4 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Magigram Volume 10 (Sep 1977 - Aug 1978) by Supreme-Magic-Company
This product is also part of:

The Magigram, Volume 10, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

1022 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 10, Number 1, September, 1977, 72 unnumbered pages - Here We Go Again!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. A Four Ace Trick - John Yeager
  5. Breaking Pistol - John Yeager
  6. Smart Money! - testimonial
  7. A Great Book! - testimonial
  8. Another Look at the Three & Half of Clubs - John Yeager
  9. The Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
    1. Odd Candle
    2. Colour-Changing Wand
    3. Triple Colour-Changing Wand
    4. Flower Balloons
    5. Kellini's Colour-Changing Knife
    6. Silk Through Silk
    7. Silk Through Silk Plus
    8. Blow the Silks Prediction
  10. Another Presentation for Gozinta Boxes - Ken de Courcy
  11. From the 19th. Century - To Tell Which Hand Holds an Odd or Even Number of Cards or Dice
  12. Six-Fold Divination - George Blake
  13. Colour on Three Simplified - David Fink
  14. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • meet Philip the Magician of Malta
    • Dove in Kettle - Philip the Magician
    • E-zee Dove Stealing Apparatus - Philip the Magician
  15. Smoke Without Fire - Derek Lawrence
  16. Play with Your Props! - Malcolm Yaffe
    • Supreme's Magnetic Wand
    • Daffy Dots
    • Bongo's Giant Hat
    • The Coffee Vase
  17. George Blake Writes
    • AS Like as Two Peas
  18. Fairy Grotto Saved! - correspondence
  19. Personal - testimonial
  20. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  21. Going to the Coronation - A Complete Puppet Magic Show from Four "Supreme" Effects - Derek Lawrence
    • The Crown Jewels
    • Chinese Washing Machine
    • Hi-Tiddly-Hi-Tie
    • My Magic Hat
  22. A Close-Up Quickie - Terry Hodgson
  23. Routining the Thought Force - David Britland
  24. Beans in a Tube - Howard Gower
  25. Real Magic! - testimonial
  26. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  27. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  28. From the 19th. Century - The Ascent of Aquarius
  29. With a Huff and a Puff - article by Stanton Carlisle
  30. Try This One! - MC idea from Bobby Carter
  31. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Eddie Lee's Routine for Canary Cats
  32. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Consecutivity
  33. advertisements

  1. Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1977, 112 unnumbered pages - A Tribute to Edwin!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. A Tribute to Edwin [Hooper] from his Friends
  5. My Dad - Michael Hooper
    1. My Dad - Michael Hooper
    2. Edwin ... by Ian [Adair]
    3. The Young Soldier - Gerald Sykes
    4. W.P.T.P. - Oscar Paulson
    5. A Willing Horse - Walter Bailey
    6. His Customers His Friends - Hilda and Percy Best
    7. Edwin Hooper...A Tribute - Eddie Dexter
    8. Was My Face Red? - Wm. G. Strickland
    9. Edwin Hooper - Jeffrey Atkins
    10. A Trick for Edwin - Jeffrey Atkins
    11. A Topical Twist - Michael Seacome
  6. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Some Minor Miracles for Edwin
      • Catching the Cube
      • Freeing the Loop
      • Drop the Box
  7. The Host with the Most - tribute to Edwin from Catherine Atkins
  8. It's Easy - Chuck Fowler
  9. Diminishing Deck - Johnny Ould
  10. Horn Swoggled - Ace Gorham
  11. Sympathetic Cards - Harold Martin (USA)
  12. No Illusions Unlimited - tribute to Edwin from Bernard Juby
  13. A Word from John Braun - tribute to Edwin
  14. Seven Card Wild Card Routine - Stewart Judah
  15. My Personal Tribute to Edwin - Alfred Gabriel
  16. Royal Exchange
  17. Alas - Poor Henry! - Jimmy Flowers
  18. A Gag - Jimmy Flowers
  19. Clippo - Bob Hayden
  20. The Club Bag - Johnny Geddes
  21. Jubilee Balls - Johnny Geddes
  22. Thread Ahead - Steve Dusheck
  23. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon - A Children's Effect Dedicated to Edwin - Jack Bridwell
  24. The Mystic Pencil - Jack Bridewell
  25. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  26. Chat...or No Chat? (That is the Question!) - article by Ken de Courcy
  27. The Thinking Cap - Peter Warlock
  28. Handkerchief and Egg Routine - Harold Taylor
  29. Dollar Bill Prediction
  30. Flip, Flop...Flaps - Luis Gavilondo
  31. Happy Harrogate 1977 - reported by Edwin [Hooper]
  32. The Harrogate Success - Peter Warlock
  33. Patriotic Flower Production - Van de Ven (Holland)
  34. The "Real Magician" is not Always on Stage - article re: Edwin by Les Levante
  35. George and the Gremlins! - errata {July & September Magigrams]
  36. My Edwin Story - Roy Norman
  37. Two Words in Mind - Roy Norman
  38. ESP-ecially Edwin's - Stanton Carlisle
  39. George Blake Writes
    • From a Yorkshire Poet (Poet?)
    • Accidental Draw - George Blake
  40. Colormixtrick - Karrell Fox
  41. From John Booth - tribute to Edwin
  42. Sam Dalal - tribute to Edwin
  43. Paddle Parade - Sam Dalal
    • Sawing a Lady (using One Paddle)
    • Boy Meets Girl (A Trick with Two Paddles)
    • The Famous Cups & Balls (A Trick with Three Paddles)
  44. David Tomkins and Friends - To a Friend - tribute to Edwin
  45. Devonshire Cream and Cider - Percy Press
  46. Shaxon Says - tribute to Edwin
  47. The Spectator Aces - Alan Shaxon
  48. I Take My Hat Off to Edwin - tribute to Edwin from Cecil Browning
  49. Reg. E. Clark Writes - tribute to Edwin
  50. In Dublin's Fair City - tribute to Edwin from Derrick Latham
  51. R.C. Buff - tribute to Edwin
  52. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Simplest Yet!
  53. Harry Carnegie - tribute to Edwin
  54. Symphony of the Silks - Harry Carnegie
  55. Snaps from the Hooper Family Album
  56. A Double Acrostic - Bayard Grimshaw
  57. Cigarette to Silk - Roy Kissell
  58. The Energy Solution - Sid Lorraine
  59. Once Upon a Time - article by Will Ayling
  60. Edwin Hooper's Whopper - tribute to Edwin from Gene Gordon
  61. Edwin, The Man - tribute to Edwin from Leslie May
  62. ESPertise - Leslie May
  63. Edwin - A Sort of Tribute - Jack Gittings
  64. A Tribute from Karl Heinz Bormann
  65. I Remember It Well - tribute to Edwin from Tommy Thomas
  66. Bideford - Myth or Magic? - tribute to Edwin from Tery Seabrooke
  67. A Tribute to Edwin - Roy and Nellie Darnley
  68. The Very Versatile Frame - J. Demaline
  69. The Catalogue(s) of Success - tribute to Edwin from Eddie Dawes
  70. From Kellini of Norway - tribute to Edwin
  71. Cutting a Nail in Three - Kellini
  72. advertisements

  1. Volume 10, Number 3, November, 1977, 80 unnumbered pages - November Notions!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Routine for Supreme's Transpo Knots - Ken de Courcy
  5. My Routine for New Egg Bag - James Kelly
  6. Miracle Prediction - Terry Hodgson
  7. A Great Work! - testimonial
  8. The Tovardis Ghost Tube - Terry Hodgson
  9. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  10. The Voice of Punch - article by Billy Day
  11. Looking Back [at Harrogate] - Alan Kennaugh
  12. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • The Ferguson Flicker Move
  13. A Word to the Wise - Ken de Courcy
  14. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  15. Definitions! - comedy from Leslie Stewart
  16. Letter to ... Billy and Ken - George Blake
    • And the Answer - Ken de Courcy
  17. Humble Apologies! - errata: April 1977n Magigram - Subir K. Dhar
  18. The Boozle Magic Welding - Bill Lainsbury
  19. Nellie the Elephant - E.W. Jones
  20. Weedy's Utilisation and Ideas - Weedy the Clown
    • Spotty Bags
  21. George Blake Writes
    • Half Measures
  22. P.S. to S.P. (Postscript to Supreme Products) - Leslie May
  23. A New Handling for Carnival Plaques - William Zavis
  24. Busy Bryan - correspondence
  25. More Non-Stop Testimonials!
  26. A Rose Between Two Thorns - George Blake
  27. E...S...P - John Yeager
  28. A Two Pack Trick with One Pack - I. Rowland
  29. Pseudo Memory Act - Tom Rigby
  30. Ollie Elephant - Routine - Wilfred Tyler
  31. Smoke Signal - Len Belcher
  32. Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
    1. The Magic Padlocks
    2. The Jumping Padlock
    3. Linking Padlocks
    4. Card-Rise Pipe
    5. Silly Answer to a Silly Question [Spirit Slates]
    6. Jumping Balls on Rope
  33. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Four in Sympathy
  34. Card and Envelope - Using a Borrowed Pack - Ray Cooper
  35. Words of Appreciation! - testimonial
  36. "Slow Motion" Eggs to Silk - Ravelle & Andree
  37. Definitions! - comedy from Leslie Stewart
  38. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  39. Presentation Tips for the Guillotine - Norman Pepperbell
  40. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  41. Should the Assistant Suffer? - article by Donald G. Crombie
  42. advertisement
  43. advertisements
  44. Last Month's Double Acrostic Solution - Bayard Grimshaw
  45. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • Vanishing Dove Cabinet - Kellini
    • Spiked Doves - Kellini
    • John Martin - bio & dove tip
  46. Silence is Golden - article by Henrique
  47. Silk Vanishing Pistol - John Yeager
  48. advertisements

  1. Volume 10, Number 4, December, 1977, 98 unnumbered pages - Merry Christmas!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. La Crème de la Crème - article by Ken de Courcy
  5. In Love with a Dream - article by Reginald Boncey
  6. Definitions! - comedy from Leslie Stewart
  7. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  8. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • meet Jack Bridwell of Indiana, USA
    • Dove Book - Jack Bridwell
    • Dove Ideal - Jack Bridwell
  9. Wizardry with Wiltshire - Scrambled Eggs - Neville Wiltshire
  10. The Magic Lecturer - article by Stanton Carlisle
  11. P.S. to S.P. (Postscript to Supreme Products) - Leslie May
  12. Colourful - testimonial
  13. P.S. to S.P. (Postscript to Supreme Products) - Leslie May
  14. The Zig-Zag Card - John Yeager
  15. Some Magical Tips and Notions - Harry Carnegie
  16. Monte Cubes - John Yeager
  17. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • The Trick That Can be Explained
  18. Any Comments? - re: Eighty-Four, March Magigram - George Blake
  19. Mini Linking Rings - Rink
  20. Another Nile Divination - David Britland
  21. Alteration Uplift - Norman Phillips
  22. Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
    1. Flower Fan
    2. Comedy Pistol
    3. Do-as-I-Do Die
    4. Die in Cloth Bag
    5. Splitting the Atoms
    6. A Die, A Rope and a Cloth Bag
    7. A Questionable Wand
    8. The Card Revolver
  23. Wild About Roy's Books - testimonials
  24. George Blake Writes
    • Impromptu Hand Puppet
  25. Peter Pan and the Indians - Keith Nicholson
  26. cartoon - Pete Rees
  27. It Could Only Happen to Me! - article by Len Belcher
  28. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  29. The Horse Race - Ray Cooper
  30. Match Mentality - Subir Kumar Dhar
  31. Some Hints and Tips - Harry Carnegie
  32. The Spacemen and the Invaders - Willie B. Wilder
  33. On the Irish Gozinta Boxes - Philip Glassborow
  34. The Boozle Card Box - Bill Lainsbury
  35. P.S. to S.P. (Postscript to Supreme Products) - Leslie May
  36. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  37. It's Safer by Mail? _ George Blake
  38. What's New? - reviews by Jesse Demaline in "The Memel"
  39. Congratulations to Ron Escott and R.W. Jones - article by George Blake
  40. Some Thoughts on Lenny the Leprechaun - J. Demaline
  41. The Houdini Opera - article by John Salisse
  42. advertisements
  43. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  44. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • The Call of the East
  45. From the 19th. Century - To Guess the Points of Each of Three Dice Thrown on a Table and Arranged in Order
  46. A Word or Two - comments on the English language
  47. advertisements

  1. Volume 10, Number 5, January, 1978, 80 unnumbered pages - Happy New Year!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  5. A Silk Routine - Harry Carnegie
  6. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  7. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Escape from Mars
  8. Diminishing Monkey - Kenet
  9. The Tied Coin - Ken de Courcy
  10. On Buying a Trick - article by Derek Lawrence
  11. A Tiny Piece of Rope - Reg Boncey
  12. Tip Time - No. 1 - My Routine for The Crown Jewels - Dr. Ross Robbins
  13. Repeat Sales! - testimonial
  14. Protest! - humor from Eric Williams
  15. Talent Contest Winner! - testimonial
  16. "Adil" The Magician - re: Magic Kettle
  17. Testimonials!
  18. And Still They Come! - testimonial
  19. Recommended - testimonial
  20. A Simple Newspaper Prediction - Ray Cooper
  21. Twentieth Century in Reverse - Harry Carnegie
  22. Three From Downs - Keith Downs
    • Reflections of Dracula
    • Two Mathematical Oddities
    • Computer Dating
  23. George Blake Writes
    • Matchbox Magic
  24. Forgetful Fred - Michael D. Pettitt
  25. 'Spot' the Domino! - Ravelle & Andree
  26. The Two's Converge - Herb Runge
  27. Hallucination - Utz Napierala
    • From "Hallucination" to Vision
  28. Gag-Time!
  29. Voodoo Card Stab - Ken de Courcy
  30. Pivot Dice Moves - David Britland
  31. Inconclusive Card Stab - Ken de Courcy
  32. Funny - jokes from Henrique
  33. Invisible Card in Cigarette - Reffles (R.E. Butler)
  34. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  35. Photo Flashbacks!
  36. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • Blackbirds-Whitebird - John Yeager
    • First Prize - Ian Adair
  37. A New Key Mystery - Arthur Setterington
  38. The Trip of a Lifetime! - trip to I.B.M. San Diego Convention & PACM Los Angeles Convention being organized
  39. Fogel Show - announcement
  40. Real Magic! - testimonial
  41. advertisements
  42. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  43. Consider This - Ken de Courcy
  44. Silken Forethought - Michael Symes
  45. advertisements

  1. Volume 10, Number 6, February, 1978, 80 unnumbered pages - All The Best!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  5. Salute to Jeffrey Atkins - A Report on the Southampton Banquet - William G. Strickland
  6. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • meet Johnny Geddes
    • Johnny's Dove Spray - Johnny Geddes
    • Dove from Puppet - Johnny Geddes
    • From ... Ian Adair - act introduction
  7. George Blake Writes
    • Whatsontop
  8. Fantastic! - testimonial
  9. Girls-Girls-Girls - Someeran (India)
  10. Lost and Found - John Yeager
  11. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Direct Directory
  12. Patter Routine for Supreme Squaring the Circle - Ken de Courcy
  13. The Little Card that Wasn't There...Really! - David Britland
  14. Old Wine in ... - Arun Bonerjee
  15. Bridging the Gap - David Britland
  16. The Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
    1. Colour Clown
    2. Vanishing Record Stand
    3. Colour-Changing Record Stand
    4. Record Transposition Stand
    5. The Spot Mystery
    6. Red and Blue
    7. Mysterious Bolts
    8. The Pencil's Return
    9. Silks on Fingers
    10. Card on T-Shirt
    11. The Magic Card Book
  17. Perfect Goods! - testimonials
  18. Money Melange - Harry Carnegie
  19. Coins to Pocket - Ken de Courcy
  20. Break-Away Tube - Arthur Setterington
  21. A Useful Tip!
  22. Hen Bag Again - Howard Gower
  23. Pre-Recorded - Arthur Setterington
  24. Bottom Deal - Matthew Wilkinson
  25. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  26. A Couple of Gags - Terry Hodgson
  27. Great Success! - testimonial
  28. A Rope Routine - Wayne Anthony
  29. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Supreme Assembly of the Aces - Aldo Colombini (Mr. Fabian)
  30. Me an' Old Riley - article by John Wade
  31. Fish-Out Again - Taposh Basu (India)
  32. The Bullion Bag - Ken de Courcy
  33. Essential Reading - testimonial
  34. advertisements

  1. Volume 10, Number 7, March, 1978, 84 unnumbered pages - Dyeing The Silks
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. George Blake Writes
    • That Tantalising Cigarette Vanish
  5. An Extension to On The Green - S.J. Blood
  6. Top Puppets - testimonial
  7. Rabbits - Chris Green
  8. Fantastic Clever Ace! - testimonial
  9. The Double-Cross Double-Cross - Stanton Carlisle
  10. Aquarian Age Magic - Stanton Carlisle
  11. I Saw Stars - Reginald Boncey
  12. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  13. Bits and Pieces - Harry Carnegie
    • Four Colour Chance
    • Puppets
  14. Hypochondria - Phil Goldstein
  15. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Dyeing the Silks - Michael Symes
  16. A Pack to the Power of 9 - Raymond Grosholz, Snr.
  17. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  18. Letter from Berlin - testimonial
  19. A Fantastic Routine! - testimonial
  20. Les Levante honored by Wm. G. Strickland, M.B.E.
  21. Hey Presto - reviewed by Arthur Setterington
  22. Rainbow Cards and Thimbles - Alistair Dabbs
  23. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  24. Bits and Pieces - Harry Carnegie
    • Roughing Fluid
    • Hen and Fox
    • Light and Heavy Glass
    • Heavier than Air Tube
  25. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • The 'Nile News' Divination
  26. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • Ian's Doodle Dove
      • Catching a Dove in the Air
  27. Telling the Time - Harry Carnegie
  28. More Invisible Gnome Ideas - Harry Carnegie
  29. Cartons in Reverse - Frank Sinclair
  30. Modest Priced Knock-Outs! - testimonials
  31. Thanks to George Blake's Tribute to Billy O'Connor - Paul Marcus (New Zealand)
  32. Production of Flowers from Handkerchief - David Curtis
  33. The Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
    1. Rope to Flowers
    2. Rope to Confetti
    3. Colour Changing Rope
    4. Nu-Style Silks on Rope
    5. Rope to Silks
    6. Rope's End
  34. Unnecessary? - advice
  35. A Word of Advice!
  36. advertisements
  37. Clever Clowns - Arthur Setterington
  38. Slap Ending - Ken de Courcy
  39. My Way with the Chinese Washing Machine - Trevor Lewis
  40. Manual Printing Press - Phil Goldstein
  41. advertisements

  1. Volume 10, Number 8, April, 1978, 88 unnumbered pages - Colombini's Card Magic Starts This Issue
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Flap Doodle Finish - Ken de Courcy
  5. Canary Cats - A Routine - Aubrey Sinden
  6. Round the Bend in Hastings - a Routine for Supreme's 'Round the Bend - Aubrey Sinden
  7. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  8. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • meet Brian Miller
    • Doves from Scarf - Brian Miller
    • Ideas for the Dove Worker - Ian Adair
      • Red Hot Wire
      • A Wonderful Lead-In
  9. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • The Lost Card Miracle of Robert Harbin
  10. Puzzle-Time - Alan Ward
    • Spell of Cruelty
  11. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  12. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  13. Mail Box - correspondence
  14. A Routine for Three Supreme Effects [Long Hare, Dodgy & Skeleton Rabbit] - Oscar A. Young (USA)
  15. The Happy Card Find - Ken de Courcy
  16. Marvellous [sic] - testimonials
  17. Padlock Presto - Ken de Courcy
    • Opening the Master Padlock
    • Opening the Houdini Snap Lock
    • Tricks with Padlocks
    • Remote Key
    • An Alternative
    • "Clink" Addition
    • Ring in Nest of Boxes
    • Money Version
    • Wristwatch Steal
    • Bag to Bag
    • The Chinese Escape
  18. Practical Routines - testimonial
  19. More Products Recommended by - Sid Lorraine
  20. Satisfied! - testimonial
  21. That Magical Bookworm - George Blake
  22. Control Coins - Subir Kumar Dhar
  23. Centraplus - Bill Lainsbury
  24. Mind over Magnetism - Arthur Setterington
  25. Figure in Mind - effect with Supreme's Ten Little Figures - Someeran (India)
  26. Just Chance Final Twist - J. Rowland
  27. Fishy Cat - Solyl Hundu (India)
  28. Chinese Chop Cup - John Yeager
  29. Tissue Restored in Pocket - Howard Gower
  30. There's a Coincidence! - Aubrey Sinden
  31. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Ring on Rope - Aldo Colombini
    • Himber's Drop Coin Vanish - Luis M. Gavilondo
    • Observations on Colombini's Cups and Balls
  32. A Reprimand! - testimonial
  33. Best Publications - testimonial
  34. George Blake Writes
    • Double Decimal Deception
  35. Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
    • Fabian's Rainbow Cards
  36. Strange Cards - Subir Kumar Dhar
  37. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  38. Two Cats Called Rover and Butch - Alan Cleaver
  39. Baffling Bugs - Subir Kumar Dhar
  40. Some Fun with Peter Panda - Harry Carnegie
  41. Thoughts on Crazy Peg - Billy Day
  42. Memories of the Cornish Magical Society Dinner - photos
  43. advertisements

  1. Volume 10, Number 9, May, 1978, 88 unnumbered pages - Geddes' Showcase
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. What Shall I do with It? - Len Belcher
  5. The Nitwit's Tit-Bit - testimonial
  6. Photo Memories
  7. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
    • The British Ring Dinner
    • Wm. G. Strickland Testimonial
  8. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  9. The Split-Pack Card Discovery - Billy McComb and Ken de Courcy
  10. Patter Routine for 3 to 1 Rope Trick for Children - Clarence Thorne
  11. Wizardry with Wiltshire - Neville Wiltshire
    • A Children's Routine for Blendiferous
  12. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Gavilondo's Billiard Ball Routine
  13. Sid Sez - Sid Lorraine writing in Tops - product review
  14. Outdoor Shows Showcase - Johnny Geddes
  15. Spooky Spin - David Curtis
  16. No Flies on Continentals! - correspondence
  17. Effective Escapology - Richard J. Swatton
  18. The Locked Ring - Keith Downs
  19. Customer Comments! - testimonials
  20. OPENionated Prediction - Eddie Lee
  21. Cute Card Cut - Arthur Setterington
  22. Thanks to Fred Culpitt - Jack Gittings
  23. Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
    • Fabian's Oil and Water Surprise
  24. Coke Can Card Discovery - Ken de Courcy
  25. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  26. Super! - testimonial
  27. George Blake Writes
    • Cyclic Magic
  28. Fine Magic! - testimonials
  29. Tricks with Bang Gone - Huang Su Chai
    • Linking Ribbon Rings
    • Blank Note - Bank Note
    • Cut and Restored Silk
    • 20th Century Silks
    • Expanding Card
    • Burnt and Restored Banknote
    • Card on Ribbon
    • Blank Card Prediction
    • Crazy Torn and Restored Card
    • Torn Tissues to Flower
    • Ribbons to Silks
    • Colour Changing Ribbon
    • Blendo
    • Jardine Ellis Ring Vanish
    • Silk to Rope
  30. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • Dove Levitation on Wands - Kellini
  31. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  32. The Easter Parade - as seen by Edwin [Hooper]
    • The Close-Up Contest - as seen by Arthur Russell
  33. I Like It! - testimonials
  34. More Supreme Items Reviewed by Sid Lorraine
  35. Bill's Night - William Strickland testimonial as seen by Jeffrey Atkins
  36. Magic Gardening in Switzerland - correspondence
  37. Super-Clever Ace! - testimonial
  38. advertisements

  1. Volume 10, Number 10, June, 1978, 92 unnumbered pages - Bursting Out!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Say Go! - E.W. Jones
  5. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  6. Ghost of a Card - Arthur Setterington
  7. Fooling Ewe - Peter Faesi (Switzerland)
  8. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • Meet Von Fred of Malta
    • Dove in Goldfish Bowl - Variation
    • Tying-Untying Silk Plus
    • A Dove from a Cone
    • A Box of Sweets
  9. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Stonehenge Revisited
  10. Stick to Silks on Rope - Peter Kane
  11. Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
    • Fabian and Roberts Cardilemma
  12. Puzzle-Time - Alan Ward
    • Whatzit?
  13. Funny Monkey - Jack Bridwell
  14. George Blake Writes
    • Synchronised Telepathy
  15. Panto-Highlight - testimonial
  16. New Lamps for Old - Frank Sinclair
    • newspaper routine
    • Castle Finale
    • Hank to Lemon
    • The Organ Pipes
  17. testimonial
  18. Was It Worth It? - Bideford Magic-Fun Week-End - Ken de Courcy
  19. Some of the Thank-You's Recieved
  20. he Little White Town Shines and Sparkles Like Champagne
  21. The British Ring Magic-Fun Week-End - Alan Kennaugh
  22. I'll Always Remember ... Bideford - Peter Warlock
  23. Openers for Kids - Bernardo of Rhodesia
  24. Puzzle Magic - Alan Ward
  25. Another Twist for Splendo - Harry Carnegie
  26. The Innovation of a New Act - Terry Hodgson
  27. Russian Roulette - The Safe Way - T. Hodgson
  28. New Ways with the Plastic Model Himber Type Two-Way Wallet - Ken de Courcy
    • Sniprediction
    • Dymo-nomic
    • The Acrobatic Queen
    • Picture Card
    • Four-Way E.S.P.
  29. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  30. Magical Ripley Department - Mindy Masters
  31. Mr. & Mrs. Green (In Rhyme) - Clarence Thorne
  32. The Coffin They carried with Him Offin - Bernardo of Rhodesia
  33. Bouquet Department, Forward Please! - testimonial
  34. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  35. The Best! - testimonials
  36. The Witch's Ribbons - Ray Cooper
  37. British Ring President Visits the D.M.C. [Devon Magic Circle] - Dennis Vickery
  38. Patter in Rhyme for Supreme's Bathing Beauty - Wm. G. Strickland
  39. Elizabeth Warlock - news
  40. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    1. Gavilondo's Miraclce Vanish - Luis Gavilondo
    2. Three Rings for Children - Jim Breedon
    3. A Tip for Colombini's Miracle Ring Off Rope - Robert Law
  41. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  42. The Stolen Heart - Alan A. Reeve
  43. advertisements

  1. Volume 10, Number 11, July, 1978, 76 unnumbered pages - Summer Special
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Fire and Water - Subir Kumar Dhar
  5. Houdini Escapes? - G.E. Arrowsmith
  6. Puzzle-Time - Alan Ward
    • Match Your Wits
  7. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • Topsy Turvy Dove - Jack Bridwell
    • Supersonic Dove from Scarf - Jack Bridwell
    • Choo Choo Dove - Jack Bridwell
  8. Enveloped in Magic - Len Belcher
  9. What's New - J. Demaline
  10. Service - testimonial
  11. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  12. Memories of the Fun Weekend - correspondence
  13. Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
    • Fabian's Rendezvous
  14. Puzzle-Time - Alan Ward
    • Be Quick!
  15. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  16. Can Magic be 'Genuine'? - article by Jimmy Kelly
  17. Your Pleasure is Ours! - testimonial
  18. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  19. The Magigram? - It's a Gift! - testimonial
  20. Monty the Magic Mongrel - Maurice Phillips
  21. Spell-Binder! - testimonial
  22. Geller for Dinner - Ken de Courcy
  23. Weighing the Cards - David Britland
  24. The Bare Tree - Johnny Geddes
  25. George Blake Writes
    • Ringaloop
  26. An Udder Miracle or Jest An Udder Card Trick - Phil Willmarth
  27. The Newspaper Compere - Ken de Courcy
  28. Recommended - correspondence from Sid Lorraine
  29. More Winners! - testimonials
  30. The Postman and the Dog - Ray Cooper
  31. Chump and Lady - Wm. McKay
  32. Money, Money, Money - J. Kelly
  33. Tips for Tricks - Garth Davies
    • Bloody Chopper
    • Patter for Cabinet of Canton
    • Bar Bet
    • Cube in a Tube
    • Mindreading with the Gozinta Boxes
    • Dicky Duck
  34. Two Way Split Twice! - Ravelle & Andree
  35. Decimal Coin Deceit - T.E. Gilbert
  36. Ward's Worriers - Answer
  37. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • The Card Trick That Baffled Robert Harbin
  38. Paddlatic - Tapoh Basu (India)
  39. Recommended! - testimonials
  40. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    1. The S.T. Coin Vanish - S.P. Tucker
    2. A Colour Change - Harry Carnegie
    3. Alternative Handling for Fabian's Supreme Assembly of the Aces - Mark Leveridge
  41. All It Was Cracked Up To Be - testimonial
  42. Ward's Worriers - puzzle by Alan Ward
  43. The Best! - testimonials
  44. advertisements

  1. Volume 10, Number 12, August, 1978, 72 unnumbered pages - Full House!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Last Word Book Test - Subir Kumar Dhar
  5. What an Old Baking Tin and some Envelopes Can Do! - Terry Seabrooke
  6. Magic to Entertain - Lewis Ganson
    • Remote Control - Graham Cheminais
    • Variation on the Rooklyn Top Palm - Dennis Sargeant
    • The Subtle Key Card - Luis Gavilondo
  7. That Dammed Fan Force - Angus Lavery
  8. A Tip for Mrs. Marshall's Surprise - Van Cleve (Texas)
  9. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    1. Colombini's Coins Through Table - Aldo Colombini
    2. Coins Through Table - Luis Gavilondo
  10. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  11. Mail-Box - correspondence
  12. A Signpost to Friendship - article by Ken de Courcy
  13. Mail-Box - correspondence
  14. Simple But Good - testimonial
  15. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  16. Supreme Reversed Card in Deck of Cards - John Richard Pellatt
  17. Cambridge Certificate of Education 'O' Level Paper for Irishmen (?) - humor
  18. Same Again! - testimonial
  19. Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
    • Fabian's Swing Revelation
  20. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Conventional Coincidence
  21. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  22. No New Magic But a "Supreme" Routine - Terry Hodgson
  23. Unusual Items from the Magigram Collection - cartoon
  24. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  25. Lightning Always Strikes the Same Spot Twice - Stephen Tucker
  26. 20th. Century Ghost Tube - Angus Lavery
  27. Chalk Divination Stand - Martin Duffy
  28. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • Daylight Spirit Séance Dove Production - Jack Bridwell
    • Dove to Fish Bowl - Jack Bridwell
    • Rocking Chair Dove - Jack Bridwell
  29. Routines for the Colour Changing Handkerchiefs (Golding Method) - Ian Adair
  30. Sensational! - testimonials
  31. advertisements

word count: 334890 which is equivalent to 1339 standard pages of text