$3(4 customer ratings) ★★★★★
This product is also part of: The Magigram, Volume 10, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
1022 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.
- Volume 10, Number 1, September, 1977, 72 unnumbered pages - Here We Go Again!
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- A Four Ace Trick - John Yeager
- Breaking Pistol - John Yeager
- Smart Money! - testimonial
- A Great Book! - testimonial
- Another Look at the Three & Half of Clubs - John Yeager
- The Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
- Odd Candle
- Colour-Changing Wand
- Triple Colour-Changing Wand
- Flower Balloons
- Kellini's Colour-Changing Knife
- Silk Through Silk
- Silk Through Silk Plus
- Blow the Silks Prediction
- Another Presentation for Gozinta Boxes - Ken de Courcy
- From the 19th. Century - To Tell Which Hand Holds an Odd or Even Number of Cards or Dice
- Six-Fold Divination - George Blake
- Colour on Three Simplified - David Fink
- Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
- meet Philip the Magician of Malta
- Dove in Kettle - Philip the Magician
- E-zee Dove Stealing Apparatus - Philip the Magician
- Smoke Without Fire - Derek Lawrence
- Play with Your Props! - Malcolm Yaffe
- Supreme's Magnetic Wand
- Daffy Dots
- Bongo's Giant Hat
- The Coffee Vase
- George Blake Writes
- Fairy Grotto Saved! - correspondence
- Personal - testimonial
- Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Going to the Coronation - A Complete Puppet Magic Show from Four "Supreme" Effects - Derek Lawrence
- The Crown Jewels
- Chinese Washing Machine
- Hi-Tiddly-Hi-Tie
- My Magic Hat
- A Close-Up Quickie - Terry Hodgson
- Routining the Thought Force - David Britland
- Beans in a Tube - Howard Gower
- Real Magic! - testimonial
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- From the 19th. Century - The Ascent of Aquarius
- With a Huff and a Puff - article by Stanton Carlisle
- Try This One! - MC idea from Bobby Carter
- Ganson's "Teach-In"
- Eddie Lee's Routine for Canary Cats
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- advertisements
- Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1977, 112 unnumbered pages - A Tribute to Edwin!
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- A Tribute to Edwin [Hooper] from his Friends
- My Dad - Michael Hooper
- My Dad - Michael Hooper
- Edwin ... by Ian [Adair]
- The Young Soldier - Gerald Sykes
- W.P.T.P. - Oscar Paulson
- A Willing Horse - Walter Bailey
- His Customers His Friends - Hilda and Percy Best
- Edwin Hooper...A Tribute - Eddie Dexter
- Was My Face Red? - Wm. G. Strickland
- Edwin Hooper - Jeffrey Atkins
- A Trick for Edwin - Jeffrey Atkins
- A Topical Twist - Michael Seacome
- Ganson's "Teach-In"
- Some Minor Miracles for Edwin
- Catching the Cube
- Freeing the Loop
- Drop the Box
- The Host with the Most - tribute to Edwin from Catherine Atkins
- It's Easy - Chuck Fowler
- Diminishing Deck - Johnny Ould
- Horn Swoggled - Ace Gorham
- Sympathetic Cards - Harold Martin (USA)
- No Illusions Unlimited - tribute to Edwin from Bernard Juby
- A Word from John Braun - tribute to Edwin
- Seven Card Wild Card Routine - Stewart Judah
- My Personal Tribute to Edwin - Alfred Gabriel
- Royal Exchange
- Alas - Poor Henry! - Jimmy Flowers
- A Gag - Jimmy Flowers
- Clippo - Bob Hayden
- The Club Bag - Johnny Geddes
- Jubilee Balls - Johnny Geddes
- Thread Ahead - Steve Dusheck
- She Wore a Yellow Ribbon - A Children's Effect Dedicated to Edwin - Jack Bridwell
- The Mystic Pencil - Jack Bridewell
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Chat...or No Chat? (That is the Question!) - article by Ken de Courcy
- The Thinking Cap - Peter Warlock
- Handkerchief and Egg Routine - Harold Taylor
- Dollar Bill Prediction
- Flip, Flop...Flaps - Luis Gavilondo
- Happy Harrogate 1977 - reported by Edwin [Hooper]
- The Harrogate Success - Peter Warlock
- Patriotic Flower Production - Van de Ven (Holland)
- The "Real Magician" is not Always on Stage - article re: Edwin by Les Levante
- George and the Gremlins! - errata {July & September Magigrams]
- My Edwin Story - Roy Norman
- Two Words in Mind - Roy Norman
- ESP-ecially Edwin's - Stanton Carlisle
- George Blake Writes
- From a Yorkshire Poet (Poet?)
- Accidental Draw - George Blake
- Colormixtrick - Karrell Fox
- From John Booth - tribute to Edwin
- Sam Dalal - tribute to Edwin
- Paddle Parade - Sam Dalal
- Sawing a Lady (using One Paddle)
- Boy Meets Girl (A Trick with Two Paddles)
- The Famous Cups & Balls (A Trick with Three Paddles)
- David Tomkins and Friends - To a Friend - tribute to Edwin
- Devonshire Cream and Cider - Percy Press
- Shaxon Says - tribute to Edwin
- The Spectator Aces - Alan Shaxon
- I Take My Hat Off to Edwin - tribute to Edwin from Cecil Browning
- Reg. E. Clark Writes - tribute to Edwin
- In Dublin's Fair City - tribute to Edwin from Derrick Latham
- R.C. Buff - tribute to Edwin
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- Harry Carnegie - tribute to Edwin
- Symphony of the Silks - Harry Carnegie
- Snaps from the Hooper Family Album
- A Double Acrostic - Bayard Grimshaw
- Cigarette to Silk - Roy Kissell
- The Energy Solution - Sid Lorraine
- Once Upon a Time - article by Will Ayling
- Edwin Hooper's Whopper - tribute to Edwin from Gene Gordon
- Edwin, The Man - tribute to Edwin from Leslie May
- ESPertise - Leslie May
- Edwin - A Sort of Tribute - Jack Gittings
- A Tribute from Karl Heinz Bormann
- I Remember It Well - tribute to Edwin from Tommy Thomas
- Bideford - Myth or Magic? - tribute to Edwin from Tery Seabrooke
- A Tribute to Edwin - Roy and Nellie Darnley
- The Very Versatile Frame - J. Demaline
- The Catalogue(s) of Success - tribute to Edwin from Eddie Dawes
- From Kellini of Norway - tribute to Edwin
- Cutting a Nail in Three - Kellini
- advertisements
- Volume 10, Number 3, November, 1977, 80 unnumbered pages - November Notions!
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Routine for Supreme's Transpo Knots - Ken de Courcy
- My Routine for New Egg Bag - James Kelly
- Miracle Prediction - Terry Hodgson
- A Great Work! - testimonial
- The Tovardis Ghost Tube - Terry Hodgson
- Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
- The Voice of Punch - article by Billy Day
- Looking Back [at Harrogate] - Alan Kennaugh
- Ganson's "Teach-In"
- The Ferguson Flicker Move
- A Word to the Wise - Ken de Courcy
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Definitions! - comedy from Leslie Stewart
- Letter to ... Billy and Ken - George Blake
- And the Answer - Ken de Courcy
- Humble Apologies! - errata: April 1977n Magigram - Subir K. Dhar
- The Boozle Magic Welding - Bill Lainsbury
- Nellie the Elephant - E.W. Jones
- Weedy's Utilisation and Ideas - Weedy the Clown
- George Blake Writes
- P.S. to S.P. (Postscript to Supreme Products) - Leslie May
- A New Handling for Carnival Plaques - William Zavis
- Busy Bryan - correspondence
- More Non-Stop Testimonials!
- A Rose Between Two Thorns - George Blake
- E...S...P - John Yeager
- A Two Pack Trick with One Pack - I. Rowland
- Pseudo Memory Act - Tom Rigby
- Ollie Elephant - Routine - Wilfred Tyler
- Smoke Signal - Len Belcher
- Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
- The Magic Padlocks
- The Jumping Padlock
- Linking Padlocks
- Card-Rise Pipe
- Silly Answer to a Silly Question [Spirit Slates]
- Jumping Balls on Rope
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- Card and Envelope - Using a Borrowed Pack - Ray Cooper
- Words of Appreciation! - testimonial
- "Slow Motion" Eggs to Silk - Ravelle & Andree
- Definitions! - comedy from Leslie Stewart
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Presentation Tips for the Guillotine - Norman Pepperbell
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Should the Assistant Suffer? - article by Donald G. Crombie
- advertisement
- advertisements
- Last Month's Double Acrostic Solution - Bayard Grimshaw
- Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
- Vanishing Dove Cabinet - Kellini
- Spiked Doves - Kellini
- John Martin - bio & dove tip
- Silence is Golden - article by Henrique
- Silk Vanishing Pistol - John Yeager
- advertisements
- Volume 10, Number 4, December, 1977, 98 unnumbered pages - Merry Christmas!
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- La Crème de la Crème - article by Ken de Courcy
- In Love with a Dream - article by Reginald Boncey
- Definitions! - comedy from Leslie Stewart
- Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
- meet Jack Bridwell of Indiana, USA
- Dove Book - Jack Bridwell
- Dove Ideal - Jack Bridwell
- Wizardry with Wiltshire - Scrambled Eggs - Neville Wiltshire
- The Magic Lecturer - article by Stanton Carlisle
- P.S. to S.P. (Postscript to Supreme Products) - Leslie May
- Colourful - testimonial
- P.S. to S.P. (Postscript to Supreme Products) - Leslie May
- The Zig-Zag Card - John Yeager
- Some Magical Tips and Notions - Harry Carnegie
- Monte Cubes - John Yeager
- Ganson's "Teach-In"
- The Trick That Can be Explained
- Any Comments? - re: Eighty-Four, March Magigram - George Blake
- Mini Linking Rings - Rink
- Another Nile Divination - David Britland
- Alteration Uplift - Norman Phillips
- Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
- Flower Fan
- Comedy Pistol
- Do-as-I-Do Die
- Die in Cloth Bag
- Splitting the Atoms
- A Die, A Rope and a Cloth Bag
- A Questionable Wand
- The Card Revolver
- Wild About Roy's Books - testimonials
- George Blake Writes
- Peter Pan and the Indians - Keith Nicholson
- cartoon - Pete Rees
- It Could Only Happen to Me! - article by Len Belcher
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- The Horse Race - Ray Cooper
- Match Mentality - Subir Kumar Dhar
- Some Hints and Tips - Harry Carnegie
- The Spacemen and the Invaders - Willie B. Wilder
- On the Irish Gozinta Boxes - Philip Glassborow
- The Boozle Card Box - Bill Lainsbury
- P.S. to S.P. (Postscript to Supreme Products) - Leslie May
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- It's Safer by Mail? _ George Blake
- What's New? - reviews by Jesse Demaline in "The Memel"
- Congratulations to Ron Escott and R.W. Jones - article by George Blake
- Some Thoughts on Lenny the Leprechaun - J. Demaline
- The Houdini Opera - article by John Salisse
- advertisements
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- From the 19th. Century - To Guess the Points of Each of Three Dice Thrown on a Table and Arranged in Order
- A Word or Two - comments on the English language
- advertisements
- Volume 10, Number 5, January, 1978, 80 unnumbered pages - Happy New Year!
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- A Silk Routine - Harry Carnegie
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- Diminishing Monkey - Kenet
- The Tied Coin - Ken de Courcy
- On Buying a Trick - article by Derek Lawrence
- A Tiny Piece of Rope - Reg Boncey
- Tip Time - No. 1 - My Routine for The Crown Jewels - Dr. Ross Robbins
- Repeat Sales! - testimonial
- Protest! - humor from Eric Williams
- Talent Contest Winner! - testimonial
- "Adil" The Magician - re: Magic Kettle
- Testimonials!
- And Still They Come! - testimonial
- Recommended - testimonial
- A Simple Newspaper Prediction - Ray Cooper
- Twentieth Century in Reverse - Harry Carnegie
- Three From Downs - Keith Downs
- Reflections of Dracula
- Two Mathematical Oddities
- Computer Dating
- George Blake Writes
- Forgetful Fred - Michael D. Pettitt
- 'Spot' the Domino! - Ravelle & Andree
- The Two's Converge - Herb Runge
- Hallucination - Utz Napierala
- From "Hallucination" to Vision
- Gag-Time!
- Voodoo Card Stab - Ken de Courcy
- Pivot Dice Moves - David Britland
- Inconclusive Card Stab - Ken de Courcy
- Funny - jokes from Henrique
- Invisible Card in Cigarette - Reffles (R.E. Butler)
- Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Photo Flashbacks!
- Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
- Blackbirds-Whitebird - John Yeager
- First Prize - Ian Adair
- A New Key Mystery - Arthur Setterington
- The Trip of a Lifetime! - trip to I.B.M. San Diego Convention & PACM Los Angeles Convention being organized
- Fogel Show - announcement
- Real Magic! - testimonial
- advertisements
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Consider This - Ken de Courcy
- Silken Forethought - Michael Symes
- advertisements
- Volume 10, Number 6, February, 1978, 80 unnumbered pages - All The Best!
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Salute to Jeffrey Atkins - A Report on the Southampton Banquet - William G. Strickland
- Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
- meet Johnny Geddes
- Johnny's Dove Spray - Johnny Geddes
- Dove from Puppet - Johnny Geddes
- From ... Ian Adair - act introduction
- George Blake Writes
- Fantastic! - testimonial
- Girls-Girls-Girls - Someeran (India)
- Lost and Found - John Yeager
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- Patter Routine for Supreme Squaring the Circle - Ken de Courcy
- The Little Card that Wasn't There...Really! - David Britland
- Old Wine in ... - Arun Bonerjee
- Bridging the Gap - David Britland
- The Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
- Colour Clown
- Vanishing Record Stand
- Colour-Changing Record Stand
- Record Transposition Stand
- The Spot Mystery
- Red and Blue
- Mysterious Bolts
- The Pencil's Return
- Silks on Fingers
- Card on T-Shirt
- The Magic Card Book
- Perfect Goods! - testimonials
- Money Melange - Harry Carnegie
- Coins to Pocket - Ken de Courcy
- Break-Away Tube - Arthur Setterington
- A Useful Tip!
- Hen Bag Again - Howard Gower
- Pre-Recorded - Arthur Setterington
- Bottom Deal - Matthew Wilkinson
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- A Couple of Gags - Terry Hodgson
- Great Success! - testimonial
- A Rope Routine - Wayne Anthony
- Ganson's "Teach-In"
- Supreme Assembly of the Aces - Aldo Colombini (Mr. Fabian)
- Me an' Old Riley - article by John Wade
- Fish-Out Again - Taposh Basu (India)
- The Bullion Bag - Ken de Courcy
- Essential Reading - testimonial
- advertisements
- Volume 10, Number 7, March, 1978, 84 unnumbered pages - Dyeing The Silks
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- George Blake Writes
- That Tantalising Cigarette Vanish
- An Extension to On The Green - S.J. Blood
- Top Puppets - testimonial
- Rabbits - Chris Green
- Fantastic Clever Ace! - testimonial
- The Double-Cross Double-Cross - Stanton Carlisle
- Aquarian Age Magic - Stanton Carlisle
- I Saw Stars - Reginald Boncey
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Bits and Pieces - Harry Carnegie
- Four Colour Chance
- Puppets
- Hypochondria - Phil Goldstein
- Ganson's "Teach-In"
- Dyeing the Silks - Michael Symes
- A Pack to the Power of 9 - Raymond Grosholz, Snr.
- Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Letter from Berlin - testimonial
- A Fantastic Routine! - testimonial
- Les Levante honored by Wm. G. Strickland, M.B.E.
- Hey Presto - reviewed by Arthur Setterington
- Rainbow Cards and Thimbles - Alistair Dabbs
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Bits and Pieces - Harry Carnegie
- Roughing Fluid
- Hen and Fox
- Light and Heavy Glass
- Heavier than Air Tube
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- The 'Nile News' Divination
- Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
- Ian's Doodle Dove
- Catching a Dove in the Air
- Telling the Time - Harry Carnegie
- More Invisible Gnome Ideas - Harry Carnegie
- Cartons in Reverse - Frank Sinclair
- Modest Priced Knock-Outs! - testimonials
- Thanks to George Blake's Tribute to Billy O'Connor - Paul Marcus (New Zealand)
- Production of Flowers from Handkerchief - David Curtis
- The Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
- Rope to Flowers
- Rope to Confetti
- Colour Changing Rope
- Nu-Style Silks on Rope
- Rope to Silks
- Rope's End
- Unnecessary? - advice
- A Word of Advice!
- advertisements
- Clever Clowns - Arthur Setterington
- Slap Ending - Ken de Courcy
- My Way with the Chinese Washing Machine - Trevor Lewis
- Manual Printing Press - Phil Goldstein
- advertisements
- Volume 10, Number 8, April, 1978, 88 unnumbered pages - Colombini's Card Magic Starts This Issue
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Flap Doodle Finish - Ken de Courcy
- Canary Cats - A Routine - Aubrey Sinden
- Round the Bend in Hastings - a Routine for Supreme's 'Round the Bend - Aubrey Sinden
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
- meet Brian Miller
- Doves from Scarf - Brian Miller
- Ideas for the Dove Worker - Ian Adair
- Red Hot Wire
- A Wonderful Lead-In
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- The Lost Card Miracle of Robert Harbin
- Puzzle-Time - Alan Ward
- Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Mail Box - correspondence
- A Routine for Three Supreme Effects [Long Hare, Dodgy & Skeleton Rabbit] - Oscar A. Young (USA)
- The Happy Card Find - Ken de Courcy
- Marvellous [sic] - testimonials
- Padlock Presto - Ken de Courcy
- Opening the Master Padlock
- Opening the Houdini Snap Lock
- Tricks with Padlocks
- Remote Key
- An Alternative
- "Clink" Addition
- Ring in Nest of Boxes
- Money Version
- Wristwatch Steal
- Bag to Bag
- The Chinese Escape
- Practical Routines - testimonial
- More Products Recommended by - Sid Lorraine
- Satisfied! - testimonial
- That Magical Bookworm - George Blake
- Control Coins - Subir Kumar Dhar
- Centraplus - Bill Lainsbury
- Mind over Magnetism - Arthur Setterington
- Figure in Mind - effect with Supreme's Ten Little Figures - Someeran (India)
- Just Chance Final Twist - J. Rowland
- Fishy Cat - Solyl Hundu (India)
- Chinese Chop Cup - John Yeager
- Tissue Restored in Pocket - Howard Gower
- There's a Coincidence! - Aubrey Sinden
- Ganson's "Teach-In"
- Ring on Rope - Aldo Colombini
- Himber's Drop Coin Vanish - Luis M. Gavilondo
- Observations on Colombini's Cups and Balls
- A Reprimand! - testimonial
- Best Publications - testimonial
- George Blake Writes
- Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
- Strange Cards - Subir Kumar Dhar
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Two Cats Called Rover and Butch - Alan Cleaver
- Baffling Bugs - Subir Kumar Dhar
- Some Fun with Peter Panda - Harry Carnegie
- Thoughts on Crazy Peg - Billy Day
- Memories of the Cornish Magical Society Dinner - photos
- advertisements
- Volume 10, Number 9, May, 1978, 88 unnumbered pages - Geddes' Showcase
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- What Shall I do with It? - Len Belcher
- The Nitwit's Tit-Bit - testimonial
- Photo Memories
- Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
- The British Ring Dinner
- Wm. G. Strickland Testimonial
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- The Split-Pack Card Discovery - Billy McComb and Ken de Courcy
- Patter Routine for 3 to 1 Rope Trick for Children - Clarence Thorne
- Wizardry with Wiltshire - Neville Wiltshire
- A Children's Routine for Blendiferous
- Ganson's "Teach-In"
- Gavilondo's Billiard Ball Routine
- Sid Sez - Sid Lorraine writing in Tops - product review
- Outdoor Shows Showcase - Johnny Geddes
- Spooky Spin - David Curtis
- No Flies on Continentals! - correspondence
- Effective Escapology - Richard J. Swatton
- The Locked Ring - Keith Downs
- Customer Comments! - testimonials
- OPENionated Prediction - Eddie Lee
- Cute Card Cut - Arthur Setterington
- Thanks to Fred Culpitt - Jack Gittings
- Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
- Fabian's Oil and Water Surprise
- Coke Can Card Discovery - Ken de Courcy
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Super! - testimonial
- George Blake Writes
- Fine Magic! - testimonials
- Tricks with Bang Gone - Huang Su Chai
- Linking Ribbon Rings
- Blank Note - Bank Note
- Cut and Restored Silk
- 20th Century Silks
- Expanding Card
- Burnt and Restored Banknote
- Card on Ribbon
- Blank Card Prediction
- Crazy Torn and Restored Card
- Torn Tissues to Flower
- Ribbons to Silks
- Colour Changing Ribbon
- Blendo
- Jardine Ellis Ring Vanish
- Silk to Rope
- Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
- Dove Levitation on Wands - Kellini
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- The Easter Parade - as seen by Edwin [Hooper]
- The Close-Up Contest - as seen by Arthur Russell
- I Like It! - testimonials
- More Supreme Items Reviewed by Sid Lorraine
- Bill's Night - William Strickland testimonial as seen by Jeffrey Atkins
- Magic Gardening in Switzerland - correspondence
- Super-Clever Ace! - testimonial
- advertisements
- Volume 10, Number 10, June, 1978, 92 unnumbered pages - Bursting Out!
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Say Go! - E.W. Jones
- Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Ghost of a Card - Arthur Setterington
- Fooling Ewe - Peter Faesi (Switzerland)
- Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
- Meet Von Fred of Malta
- Dove in Goldfish Bowl - Variation
- Tying-Untying Silk Plus
- A Dove from a Cone
- A Box of Sweets
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- Stick to Silks on Rope - Peter Kane
- Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
- Fabian and Roberts Cardilemma
- Puzzle-Time - Alan Ward
- Funny Monkey - Jack Bridwell
- George Blake Writes
- Panto-Highlight - testimonial
- New Lamps for Old - Frank Sinclair
- newspaper routine
- Castle Finale
- Hank to Lemon
- The Organ Pipes
- testimonial
- Was It Worth It? - Bideford Magic-Fun Week-End - Ken de Courcy
- Some of the Thank-You's Recieved
- he Little White Town Shines and Sparkles Like Champagne
- The British Ring Magic-Fun Week-End - Alan Kennaugh
- I'll Always Remember ... Bideford - Peter Warlock
- Openers for Kids - Bernardo of Rhodesia
- Puzzle Magic - Alan Ward
- Another Twist for Splendo - Harry Carnegie
- The Innovation of a New Act - Terry Hodgson
- Russian Roulette - The Safe Way - T. Hodgson
- New Ways with the Plastic Model Himber Type Two-Way Wallet - Ken de Courcy
- Sniprediction
- Dymo-nomic
- The Acrobatic Queen
- Picture Card
- Four-Way E.S.P.
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Magical Ripley Department - Mindy Masters
- Mr. & Mrs. Green (In Rhyme) - Clarence Thorne
- The Coffin They carried with Him Offin - Bernardo of Rhodesia
- Bouquet Department, Forward Please! - testimonial
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- The Best! - testimonials
- The Witch's Ribbons - Ray Cooper
- British Ring President Visits the D.M.C. [Devon Magic Circle] - Dennis Vickery
- Patter in Rhyme for Supreme's Bathing Beauty - Wm. G. Strickland
- Elizabeth Warlock - news
- Ganson's "Teach-In"
- Gavilondo's Miraclce Vanish - Luis Gavilondo
- Three Rings for Children - Jim Breedon
- A Tip for Colombini's Miracle Ring Off Rope - Robert Law
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- The Stolen Heart - Alan A. Reeve
- advertisements
- Volume 10, Number 11, July, 1978, 76 unnumbered pages - Summer Special
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Fire and Water - Subir Kumar Dhar
- Houdini Escapes? - G.E. Arrowsmith
- Puzzle-Time - Alan Ward
- Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
- Topsy Turvy Dove - Jack Bridwell
- Supersonic Dove from Scarf - Jack Bridwell
- Choo Choo Dove - Jack Bridwell
- Enveloped in Magic - Len Belcher
- What's New - J. Demaline
- Service - testimonial
- Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Memories of the Fun Weekend - correspondence
- Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
- Puzzle-Time - Alan Ward
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Can Magic be 'Genuine'? - article by Jimmy Kelly
- Your Pleasure is Ours! - testimonial
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- The Magigram? - It's a Gift! - testimonial
- Monty the Magic Mongrel - Maurice Phillips
- Spell-Binder! - testimonial
- Geller for Dinner - Ken de Courcy
- Weighing the Cards - David Britland
- The Bare Tree - Johnny Geddes
- George Blake Writes
- An Udder Miracle or Jest An Udder Card Trick - Phil Willmarth
- The Newspaper Compere - Ken de Courcy
- Recommended - correspondence from Sid Lorraine
- More Winners! - testimonials
- The Postman and the Dog - Ray Cooper
- Chump and Lady - Wm. McKay
- Money, Money, Money - J. Kelly
- Tips for Tricks - Garth Davies
- Bloody Chopper
- Patter for Cabinet of Canton
- Bar Bet
- Cube in a Tube
- Mindreading with the Gozinta Boxes
- Dicky Duck
- Two Way Split Twice! - Ravelle & Andree
- Decimal Coin Deceit - T.E. Gilbert
- Ward's Worriers - Answer
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- The Card Trick That Baffled Robert Harbin
- Paddlatic - Tapoh Basu (India)
- Recommended! - testimonials
- Ganson's "Teach-In"
- The S.T. Coin Vanish - S.P. Tucker
- A Colour Change - Harry Carnegie
- Alternative Handling for Fabian's Supreme Assembly of the Aces - Mark Leveridge
- All It Was Cracked Up To Be - testimonial
- Ward's Worriers - puzzle by Alan Ward
- The Best! - testimonials
- advertisements
- Volume 10, Number 12, August, 1978, 72 unnumbered pages - Full House!
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Last Word Book Test - Subir Kumar Dhar
- What an Old Baking Tin and some Envelopes Can Do! - Terry Seabrooke
- Magic to Entertain - Lewis Ganson
- Remote Control - Graham Cheminais
- Variation on the Rooklyn Top Palm - Dennis Sargeant
- The Subtle Key Card - Luis Gavilondo
- That Dammed Fan Force - Angus Lavery
- A Tip for Mrs. Marshall's Surprise - Van Cleve (Texas)
- Ganson's "Teach-In"
- Colombini's Coins Through Table - Aldo Colombini
- Coins Through Table - Luis Gavilondo
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Mail-Box - correspondence
- A Signpost to Friendship - article by Ken de Courcy
- Mail-Box - correspondence
- Simple But Good - testimonial
- Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Supreme Reversed Card in Deck of Cards - John Richard Pellatt
- Cambridge Certificate of Education 'O' Level Paper for Irishmen (?) - humor
- Same Again! - testimonial
- Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
- Fabian's Swing Revelation
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- No New Magic But a "Supreme" Routine - Terry Hodgson
- Unusual Items from the Magigram Collection - cartoon
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Lightning Always Strikes the Same Spot Twice - Stephen Tucker
- 20th. Century Ghost Tube - Angus Lavery
- Chalk Divination Stand - Martin Duffy
- Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
- Daylight Spirit Séance Dove Production - Jack Bridwell
- Dove to Fish Bowl - Jack Bridwell
- Rocking Chair Dove - Jack Bridwell
- Routines for the Colour Changing Handkerchiefs (Golding Method) - Ian Adair
- Sensational! - testimonials
- advertisements
word count: 334890 which is equivalent to 1339 standard pages of text