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Magigram Volume 9 (Sep 1976 - Aug 1977)
by Supreme-Magic-Company

#2 Magazines & Journals author

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Magigram Volume 9 (Sep 1976 - Aug 1977) by Supreme-Magic-Company
This product is also part of:

The Magigram, Volume 9, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

1028 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 9, Number 1, September, 1976, 76 unnumbered pages - Starting Our 11th. Year
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. A Curious Anecdote from Capt. R.C.V. Ross
  5. Safari Stateside - report by Ken de Courcy
  6. Ian Adair - Ideas Associated
    • Different Notions for Two Super Effects
      • Insurance Policy Notion
      • Mickey Mouse's Camera Capers
  7. Lucky Card and Any Date - Serge Kolychkine
  8. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Tell Tale Aces - David Britland
  9. The Cock-Eyed Pocket Compass - Reginald Boncey
  10. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  11. George Blake Writes
    • Tape Recorder Magic - Number Five
  12. Silk Sympathy - Harry Carnegie
  13. Letter Prediction Idea - David Britland
  14. The Humpty-Dumpty Trick - John Yeager
  15. Hotter than Hot Paper - a suggestion from Stanton Carlisle
  16. Magician's Wives - article by Reginald Boncey
  17. Crysalis - Ken de Courcy
  18. Holey - Subir Kumar Dhar
  19. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  20. Colour Cups - Ravelle & Andree
  21. Routine for the Mickey Mouse Mystery - Garth Davies
  22. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Lazy Man's Ambitious Card
  23. Another Routine for Light and Heavy Glass - Harry Carnegie
  24. Double Dose! - article by George Johnstone
  25. The Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
    1. You Must be a Square
    2. The Seal Cards
    3. Melting Snowman
    4. Flags of All Nations Cards
    5. The Spider Cards
    6. Bird Cage Cards
  26. Some Ideas for Supreme Effects - Harry Carnegie
    • Silken Butterfly
    • The Light and Heavy Glass
  27. Mug Shot - Len Belcher
  28. Another Coded Card Prediction - Herb Runge
  29. The Ten Card Mystery - S.D. Mukherjie
  30. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  31. advertisements
  32. Astrological Reading - David Britland
  33. Routine for A Cigarette Production Spot - Reg Bicknell
  34. Terms of Business
  35. advertisements

  1. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1976, 84 unnumbered pages - Brighton - Your Magic!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Clear View Change Canister - Len Belcher
  5. Improved Triple Koincidence - David Britland
  6. Vary Your M.O.! - advice
  7. Houdini - Fifty Years On - Eddie Dawes
  8. The 'Real McCoy'! - advice
  9. Stage Version of Supreme's Giant Size Clever Ace - Ravelle & Andree
  10. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Aldo Colombini's Linking Ring Moves
      • Two Rings and a Silk
  11. The HC Coin Change - Harry Carnegie
  12. A Cute Stunt! - re: a trick by Sidney Lenz
  13. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  14. Cover for Your House - Len Belcher
  15. The Real Ones! - re: Linking Rings
  16. The English Invasion - as seen by George Johnstone
  17. A "Triple Dice" Follow-Up - Michael D. Fuller
  18. Ideas for Supreme Props - Matthew Hobson
    • The Hungry Rabbit - using the Surprising Cage
    • The Chinese Bank - using Four Dragon's Folder
    • Die Through Silk Surprise - patter
    • The Adder - using Sneaky Snake
  19. Card Work - David Britland
    1. Another Forecast
    2. Reverse Shuffle
    3. D.B. Top Change
    4. Coincidental Telekenisis
    5. Brainwave Baffler
    6. The Swing Colour Change
    7. Thought Flash
    8. Double Brainwave
  20. Card Match - Rex Taylor
  21. Padlock Perversity - Subir Kumar Dhar
  22. Sticky-Fingered Jack - Ken de Courcy
  23. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • My Egg Bag
  24. Professional Tips! - advice
  25. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  26. Ian Adair - Ideas Associated
    • Milk Bottle Prediction
  27. The Curse of Lucretia - routine by Robert Cox
  28. Opening Challenge Prediction - David Britland
  29. George Blake Writes
    • Tape Recorder Magic - Number Six
  30. Optical Illusions - David Britland
  31. A Useful Tip!
  32. Abracus - Len Belcher
  33. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  34. advertisements
  35. Just-A-Question - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  36. The Mixed-Up Rabbit - John Yeager
  37. advertisements

  1. Volume 9, Number 3, November, 1976, 92 unnumbered pages - Nifty Notions!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. The Holy Card - I. Rowland
  5. Mouse Race - Billy Day
  6. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  7. The Brighton Convention - reported by Edwin Hooper
  8. Ian Adair - Ideas Associated
    • Two Ideas Using the Brass Nut Release
      • Key Ring Puzzle
      • Nut - Chain
  9. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • A Novel Colour Force
  10. Another Version of "Ye Olde Prediction Trick" - Bruce Posgate
  11. Prediction Pack - David Britland
  12. A Light Tale - David Britland
  13. Two of a Kind - I. Rowland
  14. The Jig-Saw Rope - John Yeager
  15. After Forcing a Card - Someeran (India)
    • The Missing Diamond
    • Spot Card
    • Train of Spades
    • Dirty Hands
    • Two in One
  16. Predict A Dot - John Yeager
  17. The Hindu Rope Trick - with cards - John Yeager
  18. The Vanishing Rabbit - Harry Carnegie
  19. Classical Quotes!
  20. Tip Over Reversal - David Britland
  21. Ideas for Supreme's Long Hare - Keith Nicholson
  22. That Extraordinary Transfer! - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  23. Ideas for use with Supreme's De-Luxe Drink Cards - Mark Lee
  24. Flower/Silks Box Surprise - Ravelle & Andree
  25. A Silver Copper Transposition - Harry Carnegie
  26. Reflections on the Shift and Card Control - Luis Gavilondo
  27. A Modern Book Test - Harry Carnegie
  28. Useful Tips!
  29. Not-Forgotten - Ron Escott
  30. Reflections - article by Harry Carnegie
  31. As a Matter of Interest! - C. Copp - correspondence
  32. The Crystal Locket - David Britland
  33. The Kings Converge - Sinclair
  34. Jump Into Bed - Dick Ferguson
  35. An Additional Gag for The Little White Hen and the Big Red Fox - Alan Goodall
  36. A Useful Card Change - Harry Carnegie
  37. Unlucky - I. Rowland
  38. From the Land of Chiana! - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  39. Prevention is Better than Cure - tip
  40. Red and Blue Transpo - Harry Carnegie
  41. One for the Puzzler! - puzzle
  42. Looking Back at Brighton - article by Bayard Grimshaw
  43. Figure Forecast - A.E. Norman
  44. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Rink's Cards with Chips
  45. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  46. advertisements
  47. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  48. George Blake Writes
    • Tape Recorder Magic - Number Seven
  49. advertisements

  1. Volume 9, Number 4, December, 1976, 72 unnumbered pages - Merry Christmas to All
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  5. Skullduggery - Arthur Setterington
  6. Me and Ol' Riley - article by John Wade
  7. Tricky Drinks Revisited - D.F. Parker
  8. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  9. Ian Adair - Ideas Associated
    • Rubber Stamp Card Discovery
  10. Mental Wanderings - David Britland
    1. Clipboard Billet Switch
    2. Remote Location
  11. Ever Been Hoaxed? - correspondence from Jack Purvis
  12. Keep It Moving! - advice
  13. Hypnotic Spots - John Yeager
  14. A Christmas Surprise - Harry Carnegie
  15. Chain Circular - Howard Gower
  16. A Useful Tip!
  17. One, Two, Three - I. Rowland
  18. There'll be a Welcome - article by Reginald Boncey
  19. George Blake Writes
    • Tape Recorder Magic - Number Eight
  20. "Raised Hackles" from the "Other Side" - article by John Blackham (Hofner)
  21. Successful Mentalism - Encore - Stanton Carlisle
  22. A Routine for ... The Block of Good - Sinclair
  23. A Historical Question!
  24. You are "Numbered" - Jack Bridwell
  25. Only the Best is Good Enough - advice
  26. Hot and Dusty - article by John Novak
  27. Just an Idea or Two! - Mark S. Farrar
  28. Back-Stage Rabbit Vanish - John Yeager
  29. Supreme at The Magic Circle - reported by Michael Peters
  30. That Elusive Lady ... Climax - George Blake
  31. advertisements
  32. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Beautiful Things
  33. The Goofus Road Safety Plant - Keith Nicholson
  34. The Living and the Dead - Len Belcher
  35. Figured Figures - Someeran (India)
  36. advertisements

  1. Volume 9, Number 5, January, 1977, 92 unnumbered pages - Happy New Year!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
    • The Egg Bag
    • When Borrowing a Cigarette-Lighter
    • Water from India
    • 20th. Century
    • The Master Padlock
    • Four Colour Chance
    • Silken Thought
  4. Crossed Lines - I. Rowland
  5. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • The Lost Force of Jack Le Dair
  6. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Some Tips on Card Production from Michael Symes
  7. Me and Ol' Riley - A Continuing Story of Magical Folk - article by John Wade
  8. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  9. Flash Paddle - John Yeager
  10. A Tribute to Billy O'Connor - George Blake
  11. The Bicentennial Soup Plate - John Yeager
  12. Counted Card - I. Rowland
  13. Versatile Utility - Ken de Courcy
  14. Successful Mentalism - Encore - Stanton Carlisle
  15. Leslie's Climax - Dick Ferguson
  16. Grippo - Bill Middleton
  17. In The Pink - Ron Escott
  18. A Prelude to Knots Off Silk - Michael Symes
  19. My Routine for Spot The Silks - Harry Carnegie
  20. The Rainbow Rabbit - John Yeager
  21. E.S.P. Image - Someeran
  22. Hanky Panky Plus - Bill Lainsbury
  23. Wrong Number - Someeran (India)
  24. 'Pest' Control! - heckler advice
  25. Some More Thoughts on ... The Luck of Lucretia - Harry Carnegie
  26. Working Table - Gerald Walker
  27. Incredible Mentalism - I. Rowland
  28. Marvo's New Act - puzzle - Russell J. Hall
  29. A Rope Routine - Harry Carnegie
  30. Mike Management - article by Jack Gittings
  31. The "Dual Purpose" Gimmick! - Stanton Carlisle
  32. Impromptu Entertainment - J. [sic] Rowland
  33. Three Envelopes - I. Rowland
  34. The Novelty Revelation - Stanton Carlisle
  35. First Thought - Subir Kumar Dhar
  36. Cutting the Aces - David Britland
  37. The Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
    1. Total Failure or ... ?
    2. Another Changing Plume to Bouquet
    3. Improved Just Chance Beakers
    4. Trumpet of Silence
    5. Number Blocks
  38. George Blake Writes
    • Tape Recorder Magic - Number Nine
  39. Hardin's Discovery Proved (?) - the top of the pocket gag
  40. My handling of Coinsation - William Zavis
  41. Can't Win 'em All! - anecdote
  42. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  43. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  44. advertisements
  45. The Pixilated [slightly bemused] Printers
  46. cartoon - Pete Rees
  47. Honestly - He Did! - anecdote
  48. advertisements

  1. Volume 9, Number 6, February, 1977, 80 unnumbered pages - February Feats!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Wonder Bat Twist - Kevin W. Hart
  5. Overlooked Gems! - testimonials
  6. George Blake Writes
    • Tape Recorder Magic - Number Ten
  7. Big Card - Big Deal - John Yeager
  8. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Gellerincidence
  9. An Idea [Bewildering Silks] - Mark Lee
  10. Record-Breaking Rhodes! - testimonial
  11. Nessy - Arthur Setterington
  12. Another Look at Kellini's "Total Failure or ... ?" - Ken de Courcy
  13. Henrique on Two Supreme Items
    • Birdies in a Box
    • Noah's Ark
  14. An Udder Trick - Mark Weston
  15. I Remember Them Well - Reg Boncey
  16. cartoon - Pete Rees
  17. Tadman's Four Ace Assembly - Lewis Ganson
  18. A Patter Line for Daffy Dots - Mo Howarth
  19. A Gag by Goldini
  20. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Bob Farrell's Four Dice Chink-a-Chink
  21. Professional Advice
  22. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  23. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  24. Kali-Day ... Magic Day - review
  25. Carboni and Carbonita - testimonial
  26. Instant Silk On ... Plus - James Kelly
  27. Instant Womble Art - Keith Richardson
  28. The Devil's Chance - Bill Lainsbury
  29. Simplex Billet Read - David Britland
  30. Womble Gozinta Boxes- Maurice Phillips
  31. Big Cards - Big Value! - testimonial
  32. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  33. Over the Rainbow - Bill Lainsbury
  34. Little and Large - D.F. Parker & D.F. Wiley
  35. Magnetic Matches - George Blake
  36. Ropey - Arthur Setterington
  37. A Lesson in Magic with Spot the Silks - James Kelly
  38. Selection - An Old Robert-Houdin Mental Trick Revived - Utz Napierala
  39. Personal Magic - Keith Downs
  40. International Brotherhood Report - Flying to Friends Across the Sea - Jeffrey Atkins
  41. A Programme Winner - At a Pocket Trick Price! - re: Daffy Dots
  42. The Ring on Rope - Again - I. Rowland
  43. A Tip!
  44. advertisements

  1. Volume 9, Number 7, March, 1977, 84 unnumbered pages - Supreme March-On!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. My Handling for Zella Mindreading Act - John Blackham
  5. A Couple of Whimsies - humor
  6. Unique! - re: the number eighty-four
  7. Billet-Reader Extraordinaire - Stanton Carlisle
  8. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  9. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  10. The Egg Laying Stool - Bill Lainsbury
  11. Further Thoughts on The Goofus Plant - Keith Nicholson
  12. Professional Tips!
  13. Cassette Clairvoyance - David Britland
  14. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  15. Delighted! - testimonial
  16. Wow uses Supreme Props! - testimonial
  17. The New Dice-It - testimonial
  18. And Fast Service Too! - testimonial
  19. George Blake Writes
    • Divination with a Die
  20. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • A Development of Al Koran's Torn & Restored Newspaper - Luis Gavilondo (Cuba)
  21. Kolour Keys - Subir Kumar Dhar
  22. Ali Baba - Bill Lainsbury
  23. Die Hard - Herb Runge
  24. It's Not Surprising! - testimonial
  25. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  26. Skullduggery! - Bob D. Rose
  27. My Routine for Giant Dwarf - Keith Nicholson
  28. Recommendations from "Down-Under" - testimonials
  29. The Boozle Coin Routine - Bill Lainsbury
  30. Laughs for Money - jokes by Henrique
  31. The Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
    1. Blendo Cups
    2. Balancing Balls
    3. Bead Frame Prediction
    4. Alternating Balls on Wand
    5. Pips off Card
    6. Roped Card(s)
    7. Dice Sympathy
  32. The Last Card - John Yeager
  33. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Psychometrical Simplicity
  34. Prediction Gone Wrong - Arthur Setterington
  35. Alan Goodall Discusses Supremeties
  36. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • Dicey Dove
    • Dove Production from a Folded Opera Hat
    • Flash Dove Vanish
    • Fun with the Superba Dove Bag
    • Dove Worker of the Month - Silvan
  37. Northern Magic Circle 21st. Easter Parade - announcement
  38. The Laughter Parade! - jokes
  39. Some Patter fro Wash Day
  40. Triple Prediction - Single Denouement - Alan A. Reeve
  41. Recur Joker - Subir Kumar Dhar
  42. Tarot and Numerology Prediction - Richard Mark (USA)
  43. advertisements

  1. Volume 9, Number 8, April, 1977, 100 unnumbered pages - April Foolery!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Magazine Test - Someeran (India)
  5. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  6. Crazy Looks - Arthur Setterington
    • Colour Cork
    • Corks Unseen
    • Cards 'n' Corks
  7. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
    • Sympathetic Silks
  8. An Open Letter to Supreme - testimonial
  9. Highly Delighted - testimonial
  10. Find the Lady Paddle - Someeran (India)
  11. A Warning! - tip
  12. Naughty Tony! - anecdote
  13. Rabbit from a Hat - Harry Carnegie
  14. Easy to Make! - tip
  15. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  16. Dimension Five - Subir Kumar Dhar
  17. Magic Mail - re: Letter Prediction Idea - J.N. Hill (Norbere the Mentalist)
  18. A Useful Tip!
  19. 20th. Century Silk Folder - John Yeager
  20. Vanish by the Book - Len Belcher
  21. Mirage - David Britland
  22. Psychologially [sic] Speaking - article by Alan Cleaver
  23. The Magigram Prediction - Stanton Carlisle
  24. Kiddies Routine for Unbelievable Barrels - Billy Day
  25. Flush Poker Deal - David Britland
  26. Four Little Peas - George Blake
  27. Alternate Route - Phil Goldstein
  28. A Coincidence? - historical comment
  29. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    1. One to Four Pipes
    2. Multiplying Match-Boxes
  30. The 'Hypnotised' Canary
  31. Silken Vision - R.C. Buff (with David Britland)
  32. Billy Day on "Kuller Vision"
  33. Up Fido! - Ken de Courcy
  34. The Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
    1. Pin-Up Cards
    2. Snakes in Baskets
    3. The Seven of Diamonds
    4. Slate Trickery
    5. Topsy-Turvy Bottle
    6. Appearing Balls on Wands
    7. The Balls Cabinet
    8. Silks on Wand Surprise
    9. Coloured Chip Prediction
    10. The Blue Chip Choice
    11. Blendo Chips
    12. Penetrating Pips
    13. Colour-Spotted Card Prediction
  35. The Amazing Memory...Plus! - article by Stanton Carlisle
  36. Drop Out and Through! - Ken de Courcy
  37. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • Nifty Dove Notions - Derrick Latham (Gambani)
      • Latham's Streamlined Superba
      • Pockets
      • Dove to Ribbon Surprise
    • Opening Dove Production from Screen - Ian Adair
  38. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Sympathetic Names
  39. Happy Customers! - testimonials
  40. It's Done with Mirrors - John Yeager
  41. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  42. Routining the Master Billet Box - Larry Becker
  43. My System for Children's Shows - article by Harry Carnegie
  44. Kojak (Supplement) - Harry Carnegie
  45. advertisements

  1. Volume 9, Number 9, May, 1977, 96 unnumbered pages - 3rd. Competition Issue
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Funny Bits and Pieces - Harry Carnegie
  5. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  6. The Magic Circle "Young Magician of the Year" Competition 1977
  7. Children and Adults - testimonial
  8. 49th. Annual I.B.M. Convention - Washington, D.C.
  9. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  10. Taking a Chance - humor
  11. A Simple Coin Stunt
  12. George Blake Writes
    • Back-Handed Colour Divination
  13. Further Thoughts on Milk Bottle Prediction - Johnny Ould
  14. The Third "Magigram" Competition - results
    1. First Prize Winner - Garth W.P. Davies
      • Torn and Restored Cheque
      • Tie as I Do
      • Amazing Memory
    2. Second Prize Winner - David Curtis and William Stoyle
    3. Third Prize Winner - D. Hawkins
    4. Harry Carnegie
    5. Ricky Childress (USA)
    6. John P.H. Coggan
    7. Stephen Harrison
    8. John Jones (South Africa)
    9. Guy Massa (Belgium)
    10. William McKay
    11. Johnny Ould (Canada)
    12. William Scott
    13. Richard John Swatton
    14. Trelba
    15. Dick Williams (USA)
  15. A Pound of Sausages - Ken de Courcy
  16. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  17. P.S. to S.P. (Postscript to Supreme Products) - Leslie May
  18. Look After Your Ladies! - advice
  19. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  20. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • Dove from Torn Newspaper - Luis Gavilondo
  21. His Little Perforations - tip
  22. advertisements
  23. Telepathic Flash - David Britland
  24. Bingo - Jimmy Flowers
  25. advertisements

  1. Volume 9, Number 10, June, 1977, 104 unnumbered pages - Tribute to Peter Kane
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Spotted Sorcery - John Yeager
  5. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  6. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Simplicity Prediction
  7. The Two Faced Additive? - Bill Lainsbury
  8. From the 19th. Century - The Uncrushable Flower
  9. Arrow Ender - Subir Kumar Dhar
  10. Just Think - Luis Gavilondo (Cuba)
  11. Colour Change Cube - Arthur Setterington
  12. Mentalette - Ravelle & Andree
  13. Color Choice - John Yeager
  14. George Blake Writes
    • Additions to "Dicky Duck"
  15. The British Prayer - prayer/poem
  16. The Trade Unionist's Prayer - prayer/poem
  17. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • Cabaret Dove Sequence - Ron Aldo
  18. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  19. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Tribute to Peter Kane
      1. More Amazement - Luis Gavilondo
      2. Extension of the Eric Lewis Count - Lewis Ganson
      3. Transpo in Red and Blue - Aldo Colombini
  20. Dissolvo Triad - Bill Lainsbury
  21. An Irish Mother's Letter to Her Son - humor
  22. Drop Out Ideas - Peki (Germany)
    • Peki's "Drop-Out-Ball-Vanish"
    • Peki's "Drop Out - Twist"
  23. The "Win As We Go" Prediction - Stanton Carlisle
  24. Two Tips from Readers
    • re: A Trick from "Tibbles" - Jay Rigby
    • re: Misadventurous Card - Keith Downs
  25. Challenge Living and Dead Test - David Britland
  26. Improved Princess Card Trick - Ian Rowland
  27. Let's Count the Cards - Sekander Alam
  28. Take It ... or Leave It - Ken de Courcy
    • Two-Person Six Card Repeat
    • Body-Phone Gag
  29. Mathemagic Again - Someeran
  30. A Useful Tip!
  31. Hypno-Magic - Stanton Carlisle
  32. My Routine for Dice It - Oran B. Dent
  33. Kiddies Show Highlight - testimonial
  34. Simple Spells for Simple Witches - Kevin Hart
  35. Mental Vibrations - Stanton Carlisle
  36. The Academy of Magical Arts, Inc. Announces Awards for 1976
  37. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  38. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  39. Grandma's Four Little Beans Trick - S.H. Sharpe
  40. Ducks and Dolls - testimonials
  41. Silly Silk Sorcery - John Yeager
  42. Books and Balloons - testimonials
  43. P.S. to S.P. (Postscript to Supreme Products) - Leslie May
  44. Buff "chuffed" - testimonial
  45. Kellini Komments - testimonial
  46. advertisements

  1. Volume 9, Number 11, July, 1977, 76 unnumbered pages - Special Jeffrey Atkins Issue
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Two for Jeff - Ken de Courcy
    • Ghostly Rope Stretch
    • Aces to Pocket
  5. testimonial to Jeffry Atkins - Deveen, The Distinguished Deceiver
  6. A View from the Side - article re: Jeffrey Atkins by Bob Hayden
  7. My Friend "Jeff" - article re: Jeffrey Atkins by Wm. G. Strickland
  8. Dicey Horoscopes - Wm. G. Strickland
  9. pictures of Jeffrey Atkins performing
  10. Salute to a Star - article re: Jeffrey Atkins by Eric Harris
  11. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Tribute to Jeff Atkins
      • Card Production and Manipulation
  12. From the 19th. Century - The Miraculous Apple
  13. Terry Seabrooke Calling! - article re: Jeffrey Atkins
  14. Would You Help Me, Sir? - article by Terry Seabrooke
  15. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  16. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Direct Discovery
  17. George Blake Writes
    • Triple Ace-Two-Three
  18. A Tribute and a Trick - Michael Seacome
  19. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
    • A Kitchen Sink Drama
  20. Key-Nut - Michael Symes
  21. I Remember - article re: Jeffrey Atkins by The Great Levante
  22. Mystic Craig Writes - re: Jeffrey Atkins
  23. Keep Your Money Spinning - a tribute from Oscar Paulson
  24. About Jeffrey - a tribute from John Salisse
  25. Atkins the Perfectionist - Eddie Dexter
  26. Another Salute - Hilda and Percy Best
  27. The New Era Magic Co. - article re: Jeffrey Atkins by Geoffrey Robinson
  28. Paranormal Perception - Francis Haxton
  29. Bobby Voltaire Writes - re: Jeffrey Atkins
  30. Enough to Make a Queen Cry
  31. An Illusion for Jeff - Peter Warlock
  32. Jeffrey Atkins as seen by Wilfred Tyler
  33. Georgie Giraffe - Wilfred Tyler
  34. Thank You Jeffrey - article re: Jeffrey Atkins by Prof. W.H. Woodley
  35. A Tribute and a Trick - Alfred Gabriel
  36. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • Tribute to Jeffrey Atkins
    • TV Presentation
    • The X-Ray Radar Man
    • Dove Artist's Dream...Plus - Ian Adair
  37. All The Best! - article re: Jeffrey Atkins by Alf Moore
  38. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  39. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  40. advertisements

  1. Volume 9, Number 12, August, 1977, 72 unnumbered pages - Summer Selection
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Do It Right - Henrique
  5. My Way with the Ultimate Hand Chopper - Geoff Hubbard
  6. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • My Silks and Doves Production - Luis Gavilondo
  7. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  8. Another Routine for the Supreme Gozinta Boxes - Ken de Courcy
  9. A Magical Miracle! - G.E. Arrowsmith
  10. Tips for Phantom Flowers and Feathers - Jack Birdwell
  11. Zombie Effect - Willie B. Wilder
  12. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  13. Mr. Punch in Trouble - Dick McCullough
  14. The Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
    1. Floating Queen of Diamonds
    2. Correct Card at Last
    3. Flower Cards
    4. Glasses to Bottles
    5. Bolt and Nut Cards
    6. Three Coloured Cards Prediction
  15. George Blake Writes
    • Name a Name
  16. Local Government Reorganisation Schedule - Subject: Metric Time - humor by Bill Warn
  17. You've Met 'em! - article by Henrique
  18. Timely Matches - Subir Kumar Dhar
  19. More Winners! - testimonial
  20. A Bill Penetration - R.C. Buff
  21. A Magician's First Look Into the World of the Escape Artist - John A. Novak
  22. Cynical Sid - article by Henrique
  23. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  24. 20th. Century Vanishing Cane - Arno Alexander
  25. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Colombini's Miracle Ring Off Rope
  26. From the 19th. Century - The Multiplication Trick
  27. Dynamic - Bill Lainsbury
  28. Weedy's Utilisations and Ideas - Weedy the Clown
    • Giant Ribbon Rings
  29. At the Ninth Hour
  30. advertisements

word count: 347860 which is equivalent to 1391 standard pages of text