$3(3 customer ratings) ★★★★★
This product is also part of: The Magigram, Volume 6, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
1052 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.
- Volume 6, Number 1, September, 1973, 80 unnumbered pages - Your Favourite Columnists Are Back!
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Ganson's Magic
- The Stripper Pack Updated - Part Two
- Dove Magic Treasury - testimonial
- Im-penetrable - Arthur Setterington
- A Suggestion [re Vol. 5 No. 6) - W. Noel Jones
- The Perverse-Reverse - Bill Lainsbury
- Another [fish from pocket]
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Photo Parade!
- Between Ourselves - comments from Edwin Hooper
- obituary - Duke Stern
- Tricks and Gags with the Supreme Plastic Egg - Ravelle and Andree
- Egg or the Bird
- Scotch Egg!
- Duck Egg!
- Egg & Four Aces!
- Egg & Flour (Flower)
- Egg & Ball
- Egg, Card & Silk Combination
- Egg & Spotted Silk Combination
- Nest Egg!
- Borrowed Ring & Egg!
- Ashes to Ashes - humor
- Two for the Stage - Leslie May
- Crumpet Call
- A Bewitched Battery
- What They Say - testimonials
- photo of Conny Ray of Sweden
- Meet Tiny the Magical, Musical Clown - biography of James Payne of Santa Cruz, CA
- A Routine for Supreme Fortuitous Cards - Ken de Courcy
- cartoon - Crockett
- Bewitched-Bottled-Bamboozled - Bill Lainsbury
- Christmas Crackers! - JOKES
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- A "Weighty" Prediction
- W. Noel Jones and "Just Chance"
- The No-Prop Card in Balloon - Ken de Courcy
- Instant Pop Factory - Maurice Phillips
- Crazy Notice! - humor
- Road Signs - Neville Wiltshire
- A Black Magic Ritual - Richard Davies
- Improved Confetti Cups - John Howell
- Have You Heard This One - jokes
- Crazy Rabbits - Cyril Copp
- Kens Quips - jokes
- Your Key to the Future - Bill Lainsbury
- Funny Fill-Ins! - jokes
- Canadian Conjuring Comment - Sid Lorraine
- Xmas Optimism - jokes
- Inexpensive Card Adhesive - Jon Rivers
- A Couple of Brainwaves - Charles Tadman
- McComb and Atkin's Winners! - testimonial
- Flap Slate Message - G.J. Branchflower
- The Chinese-Tea Cups - Sebastian Cody
- Auto-Syphon - Sebastian Cody
- Doodie the Duck - testimonial
- Put Another Gag in it - jokes
- Hot-Line from Chicago - George Johnstone
- Good-Night in Techicolour - Ken de Courcy
- The Difference - joke
- Strange Story! - joke
- Happy Birthday, George [Blake] - Peter Warlock
- Mail Box - correspondence
- The Perfected Cane to Bouquet - Chong Yet Fye
- In This Isssue! - advertisement
- MagicIAN Adair on Magic
- A Penny a Trick! - testimonials
- George Blake Writes
- Ami! - testimonial
- Eddie Dexter (Continued) - humor
- Difficult! - testimonial
- Worthwhile! - testimonial
- Smart Elimination - Jeremy Crockett
- cartoon - Crockett
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Cereal Story - John P.H. Coggan
- Where Do They Come From - testimonial from Rick Morgan
- Opening Gags and so on - Gordon Bailey
- advertisements
- Volume 6, Number 2, October, 1973, 100 unnumbered pages - Tricks with a Jumbo Pack
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- two cartoons - Pete Rees
- John Makes the Palladium! - John Wade
- Letters!
- We Like 'Colour in Mind'! - testimonials
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Hot-Line from Chicago - George Johnstone
- MagicIAN Adair on Magic
- Brass-Nut-Balloon-Baffler
- "Through the Eyes of a Dealer" on the 37th Annual Convention, IBM British Ring [Harrowgate] - Edwin Hooper
- Alan Kennaugh at The British Ring Convention
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- It's a Dog - Johnny Geddes
- The Magigram on TV! - Arthur Carter
- Perfect Tricks! - testimonials
- Yellow Knots - Johnny Geddes
- cartoon - Pete Rees
- Ken de Courcy on Dai Vernon's Matched Spellout
- To Fill a Space - Oscar Paulson
- cartoon - Crockett
- Sawing a Lady in Half (Paper Tear) - Peter Rees
- Clairvoyance - Stanton Carlisle
- The Bird Machine - Johnny Geddes
- Impromptu Coin Vanish and Appearance - Peter Rees
- Showcase - Tricks with a Jumbo Deck - Ravelle and Andree
- Premonition Plus
- The Repeating Ace
- Jokers All
- Spotted
- Snap
- Predicta
- The Last Laugh
- Two card Twist
- Dividing a Lady
- Card Mentality
- Jumping Jack
- Spectators Choice
- Spectators Choice - Second Version
- It Must Be Magic!
- Card & Silk Transposition
- A Double Diamond Works ...!
- Spades are Trumps
- Komedy Card in Balloon
- Cards-ensation
- Five Pounds Reward!
- The Perfect Force
- The Magic Spell
- Four Sight
- Mental Coin Transmission - Ulrich Keuler
- Irishism! - joke
- George Blake Writes
- Jimmy Crow The Block Swallower - Martin Welford
- cartoon - Pete Rees
- Getting the Most Out of Your Magical Society - Ken de Courcy
- Over to You - Ken de Courcy
- My Highlights of Harrowgate [British Ring Convention] - Bayard Grimshaw
- Between Ourselves - comments from Edwin Hooper
- cartoon - George Johnstone
- Ganson's Magic
- The Stripper Pack Updated - Part Three
- Mail Box - correspondence
- In This Issue! - advertisement
- A Couple of Capers with Cat Papers - Sid Lorraine
- What's Cooking - Bill Lainsbury
- Statements from the States! - testimonials
- Magic at Sea - article by Alan Shaxon
- advertisements
- Volume 6, Number 3, November, 1973, 84 unnumbered pages - Supreme Showcase
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Between Ourselves - comments from Edwin Hooper
- advertisement - British Ring
- My First Days with Supreme - Peter Rooke
- Mail Box - correspondence
- Ganson's Magic
- The Stripper Pack Updated - Part Two
- Hot-Line from Chicago - George Johnstone
- Coded Card Prediction - Ken de Courcy
- Maybe a Smile! - jokes
- Pure Coincidence - Ulrich Keuler
- Funny Fotos - John Palfreyman
- I Need a Drink - Children's Routine Using Supreme's Canister of U-Kan-Do - Matthew Hobson
- Fun-Lines - Gordon Bailey
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- Crazy Sponge Ball Routine - Joe Riding
- Two Gags from "Tiny"
- Magic at The Purple Onion - testimonial
- cartoon - Crockett
- Topper Martyn Visits The Magic Castle
- Super Suit - Sam Dalal
- Lee's Thimble Routine - with Werry's Technicolour Thimbles
- A Professional Table - Ken Johnson
- Further Thoughts on ... Billy McComb's "Lenny the Leprechaun" - Harry Carnegie
- Supreme Showcase - Sam Dalal
- Introduction
- Voodoo
- Only Death is for Certain ...
- The Book That Isn't
- Certificate of Merit
- Graphology (Hand-Writing Analysis)
- Pure Matchic
- The Voodoo Rites of El Shama - or - Back to Where it All Began!
- An Origami Quickie - Ian Adair
- A Golden Galaxy of Roses - testimonial
- Fun in the Box! - A Routine for Supreme's Monkey or Panda in the Box - Harry Carnegie
- Keeping the Flags Flying! - testimonials
- A 'Matchless' Card Trick - Ravelle and Andree
- Eggs for Sale - An Improved Version - Ravelle and Andree
- Mail-Box - correspondence
- Patter for Peter Warlock's Red and White Ropes - Norman Conquest
- Economic Uplift - S. Winters
- Highlight! - testimonial
- Ring in "Jest of Boxes" - Bill Lainsbury
- cartoon - Crockett
- A Small Piece of Idiocy - Laurence St. Leger
- Hurrah! It's President Nixon & Hooray! It's Mickey Mouse - Stanton Carlisle
- Darn You! - testimonial
- Rare! - testimonial
- The Invisible Loaded Die - Ken de Courcy
- cartoon - Crockett
- George Blake Writes
- Dave Pan Routine - Sebastian Cody
- Pyrotechnics - Sebastian Cody
- Quips and Bits - jokes
- Cotton Wool to Smarties - John Palfreyman
- The Longest Day - Ken de Courcy
- Spirit Slates - Douglas Parker
- Wandering (Again) with Wade - John Wade
- MagicIAN Adair on Magic
- Ian Adair's Self-Contained Dove from Silks Supreme
- 'Magigram' Split-Level Coffee
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Gone Fishing - Arthur Setterington
- advertisements
- Volume 6, Number 4, December, 1973, 84 unnumbered pages - A Merry Christmas to All!
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Hot-Line from Chicago - George Johnstone
- Thanks Fellas! - testimonials
- George Blake Writes
- On This and That
- Flapless Envelopes
- Verbal Subtleties
- Word Problem
- Thick Brown Sauce
- The Abracadabra Man - testimonial
- Suspicious! - joke
- Supreme Night in Northampton - reported by Bill Middleton
- Between Ourselves - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Insurance Gags - Joe Riding
- Rees'isms - Peter Rees - jokes
- advertisement - British Ring
- Silken Delight - My Routine for a Silken Butterfly - Peter Rooke
- Sorcery - a bit of Bideford history
- On The Illusion Scene - column by Jeffery Atkins
- News from The Leicester Magic Circle concerning their Golden Jubilee
- MagicIAN Adair on Magic
- Jumping Spots - A Routine for 'Paddle Waggle' - Raaj Kothari
- Brain Storm - James Auer
- Combined Comedy - routine by Cyro
- Devon to Scotland - testimonial
- Balloon Modellers Table - Weedy the Clown
- cartoon - Crockett
- Tell Us Another One! - jokes
- The Spectator Does It All - Leslie May
- Treble Tote! - Sam Dalal
- Punchlines for Physicians - Orben
- Another Brainwave - Ravelle and Andree
- Clown Tables - testimonial
- Spell Havoc - Ken de Courcy
- Do You Also Get The Pentagram! - testimonial
- Chromatique Spell - Leslie May
- Pleased! - testimonial
- Swallowing a Watch - R.C. Buff
- Chestnuts! - jokes
- Silk on Rope - Norman Rhodes
- cartoon - Crockett
- Now I'll Show You - Martelle
- New Cane to Bouquet - Michael Symes
- Ball Return - Michael Symes
- Just Another Idea - Wilf Huggins
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- The Magigram Oracle - puzzle
- Last Night - article by Ken de Courcy
- Trick Review - Trix of the Trade - Ed Mishell (from Genii Magazine)
- Ganson's Magic
- The Stripper Pack Updated (continued)
- The Cyclic Kick - Ken de Courcy
- Music for Magicians - article by Chris Hughes
- Patterette for ... Invisible Cow - Stanton Carlisle
- advertisements
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Magical Snippets - George Blake
- The Luck of Lucretia
- Black Jack!
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- Three Coins in the Fountain
- advertisements
- Volume 6, Number 5, January, 1974, 84 unnumbered pages - ... and a Happy New Year!
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- The Sandwich Card Divination - Ken de Courcy
- Presentation-Wise - Edwin's Red, White and Blue Ropes - Stanton Carlisle
- Keeping Young - wit the Magigranm - testimonial
- Had I Was (A True Story) - Peter Rees
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- Tree Come Together - Peter Rees
- Naughty Knave - testimonial
- George Blake Writes
- cartoon - Crockett
- Food! - jokes
- Rabbit Romp - Routines by Neville Wiltshire
- I Tawt I Saw a Puddy-Tat! - Stanton Carlisle
- Laff-Lines - jokes
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- The Explosive Talent that is Edwin of Supreme
- Trade Card Show Opener - Ken de Courcy
- Karfax Komments - testimonial
- MagicIAN Adair on Magic
- Book Review - The Secret World of Witchcraft by Ormond McGill
- Wade - Still Wandering and Wondering - John Wade
- T-T - testimonial
- Unlucky for Some - Arthur Setterington
- Magiactive - A Routine for Surprise Die Through Silk - Len Belcher
- A Routine for the Supreme Nest of Boxes - Ken de Courcy
- Sam the Soldier - Bill Lainsbury
- Puppets are Popular! - testimonial
- Inspiration - Bill Lainsbury
- Flower Power - Arthur Setterington
- Odds and Bobs - Frank Sinclair
- Nutty Ring Miracle - Trevor Dawson
- Dippy Again - Joe Riding
- cartoon - Crockett
- The Best - testimonials
- Just too much trouble - Isn't it? - Bill Lainsbury
- The Fairy Glade
- The Dumb Blond
- Bob Arno - testimonial
- Jim Jam - Wilfred Tyler
- First Class! - testimonial
there appears to be a page missing
- continuation of an unknown article
- Children Will Love It! - testimonial
- George Johnstone Writes - correspondence
- Motto for Success - joke
- Turnover Beakers - Arthur Setterington
- Hits! - testimonials
- Between Ourselves - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Phantom Flag - Peter Rooke
- [Michael] Bailey at the Top
- Give Me A Ring Sometime - Michael Bailey
- advertisement - British Ring
- Hot-Line from Chicago - George Johnstone
- The Code of Kings - Derek Lawrence
- Speech - jokes
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Three Sided Slates - Stephen Harrison
- Presentation-Wise - Visible Colour Changing Record - Stanton Carlisle
- Learning Magic ... The Easy Way - Sam Dalal
- cartoon
- Gag-It! - jokes
- Ghost Hunter Ends Search - testimonials
- Link-Up - Arthur Setterington
- Supreme's "Traffic Lights" - My Routine - Wilfred Tyler
- advertisements
- Volume 6, Number 6, February, 1974, 92 unnumbered pages - Leicester Magic Circle Showcase
- The Secret of the Magigram Oracle [see page 320]
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Crystalised - for Bays and Girls - Alan Goodall (Henrique)
- cartoon - Crockett
- Ganson's Magic
- The Stripper Pack Updated - Part Three
- Ganson's Magic
- Stripper Subtles from North Bigbee
- Chit-Chat - jokes
- Concentration! - testimonial
- Enjoyed! - testimonial
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- An Impressive Effect! - testimonial
- What Ed Mishell Wrote in "The Genii" - re: The Magic Kettle
- Mildred the Hen - Matthew Hobson
- Magical Snippets - Coded Card Prediction - George Blake
- Diary Deception - Peter Rooke
- Colour Cascade - Ken de Courcy
- Further Eggs-Posure - Norman Rhodes
- MagicIAN Adair on Magic
- Four Silks in a Row ... Dove Steal
- Logic-Magic Paper Tear - Ian Adair
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Leicester Magic Circle Showcase
- The Leicester Magic Circle ... Today - Roy Johnson
- Leicester Magic Circle Golden Jubilee Day of Magic
- Leicester Magic Circle - Roy Johnson
- Thomas J. Budge - profile
- Leicester is Thanked by David Devant - Thomas J. Budge
- Billy Wilson - profile
- "Dressing Up" Time - Billy Wilson
- 60 Years in Magic - Eddie Ward - profile
- "George" - Eddie Ward
- Ray King - profile
- Blind Date Routine - Ray King
- Raymond Cross - profile
- Comedy Slate Routine - Raymond Cross
- Ron Betteridge - profile
- Ron's Random Ramblings - Ron Betteridge
- Jim Merlini - profile
- Merlini's Egg Silk and Glass Effect - Jim Merlini
- Larry Phipps - profile
- Blooming Birds - Larry Phipps
- You Don't Have to Figure it Out - Stanton Carlisle
- Horoscope
- 5-Way Winner
- Ken de Courcy's Suggestion
- Living & Dead Test
- Lucky Loops in Colour - Gerald Walker
- Between Ourselves - comments from Edwin Hooper
- George Blake Writes
- Still Producing the Winners! - testimonials
- A Word from Wade - article by John Wade
- Bottoms Up - John Liberty (Canada)
- Cookery Corner - humor
- Nutty Notices! - jokes
- Ideas from India - Sam Dalal
- Champagne Tip - Willie Kaye
- Not Successful with John! - re: Arthur Carter Column in May issue
- Hot-Line from Chicago - George Johnstone
- Do You Know - jokes
- £1 Notes to Burn! - testimonial
- Hydrostatic Glass Presentation - Keith Barclay
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Winner! - testimonial
- Presentation-Wise - A Case of Colour - Stanton Carlisle
- Routine No. 1 Really a Case of Colour
- Routine No. 2 A Close-Up Baffler
- Routine No. 3 Your Fortune Madame
- That entertainment! - testimonial
- New Mental Effect [Pre-Clip-Tion] Gets the Raves!
- Improved Working for the Colour Changing Record - Martin Welford
- Three Ropes - Douglas Parker
- Appreciated - testimonial
- advertisements
- Volume 6, Number 7, March, 1974, 84 unnumbered pages - Three Ring Routine
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Easter Egg Surprise - Peter Rooke
- Once Bitten! - joke
- Card Session - Bob Gill
- Mentalists' Choice! - testimonials
- Three Ring Routine - Rex Taylor
- Speaking of Business - jokes
- Tim's Talk - correspondence
- The Magic Circle Show 1974 - as seen by Edwin [Hooper]
- The Case of the Missing Hat (Improved) - David Britland
- It's Not Cricket! - John Young
- The Ten Minute "Instant Magic" Act - Derek Lawrence
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- Mail Box - re: great magicians who made mistakes
- The Tenerife Double Discovery - Melo-Dait
- The Green Cross Code - Rex Taylor
- Hot-Line from Chicago - George Johnstone
- Terry Seabrooke Writes - correspondence
- The Seance Box - David Britland
- Astonisha - Cyro
- George Blake Writes
- Sales! - jokes
- The Simplex Note in Wallet - Bill Lainsbury
- More Rees'isms - jokes - Peter Rees
- A Smoker's Interlude - George Blake
- Coin & Card - George Blake
- Gags - Trevor Lewis
- T.V. Programmes - Harry Carnegie
- Ganson's Magic
- Linking and Unlinking
- The Twisting Move
- Linking Two Rings
- Spinning the Rings
- Unlinking Two Rings
- Overheard! - jokes
- Your Own Magical Motif - Harry Carnegie
- New Ways with Supreme's New Vanishing Wand - Ken de Courcy
- Miniature Bewitched, Bottles and Bewildered - A Variation - Howard L. Warringer USA)
- MagicIAN Adair on Magic
- Between Ourselves - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Bill Tube Shaker! - testimonial
- advertisements
- Volume 6, Number 8, April, 1974, 84 unnumbered pages - This Creative Business
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- Montovani Assists! - testimonial
- Ad Libs (Almost!) - jokes
- Fogel Epic - testimonial
- My Routine for ... 3 Smash Hits with Cards - Ken de Courcy
- Between Ourselves - comments from Edwin Hooper
- An Evening with David Berglas
- Three Coins and a Purse - Rex Taylor
- Sticky Spots - Johnny Geddes
- Hot-Line from Chicago - George Johnstone
- Two Figure Book Test - Rex Taylor
- Congratulations - testimonial
- Tips - Royston
- Smile! - jokes
- Astro Book Test - Rex Taylor
- The Best! - testimonials
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- This Creative Business - Ken de Courcy
- The Unwilling Pickpocket
- The Undercover Card Find
- Three Knives Through
- The Just Chance Prediction
- Visiting Card Publicity - Harry Carnegie
- Ganson's Magic
- Trevor Dawson's Not' N Ring
- Rees'isms - jokes - Peter Rees
- Music Hath Charms - Harry Carnegie
- They Went Thataway! - Harry Carnegie
- The Double Slate-Bottom Box - As a Closing Number - Stanton Carlisle
- Logical Legerdemain! - testimonials
- The Future Revealed? - Peter Reed
- Notions ... "Odd" and "Not so Odd" - Wilfred Tyler
- The Forgery - George Blake
- My Way with Fogel Epic - Kenneth Cage
- George Blake Writes
- A Peach on the Beach - George Blake
- Profile Docspell [Doc Shiels]
- David Wanted a Doll - story re: David Tomkins
- Rex Taylor's Teasers - puzzles
- Pulling the Wool Over Your Eyes - Peter Rooke
- MagicIAN Adair on Magic
- advertisement - British Ring
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Rees'isms - jokes - Peter Rees
- advertisements
- Volume 6, Number 9, May, 1974, 100 unnumbered pages - The Cincinnati Showcase
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Between Ourselves - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Whizz 1974 - A Wizard Show!
- MagicIAN Adair on Magic
- Mischevious Moggies - A Feature Item for the Children's Entertainer - Stanton Carlisle
- Crystal Cards - Bill Lainsbury
- They Say - testimonials
- Closing Line - humor
- The Hart Beat - ideas & gags - Kevin Hart
- My Routine for Supreme's Three Little Pigs - John Palfreyman
- Ganson's Magic
- John Alborough's Flip Under Vanish and Production
- Busy Belmont! - correspondence
- Tuckshop Capers - Harry Carnegie
- A Gag Item for the "Know-All" Smoker! - Arthur Saunders (New Zealand)
- Hot-Line from Chicago - George Johnstone
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- Miracle-After Anneman [sic]
- George Blake Writes
- Silk to Nest of Dolls - Peter Rees
- A Tip for the Limit Wallet - testimonial
- Cincinnati Showcase - compiled by Oran B. Dent
- The Cincinnati Academy of Magic and Allied Sciences
- The Great Jarvis - profile
- The Mechanics of a Magician - The Great Jarvis
- Bill Brewe - Brew, The Magician - profile
- Second Load Gimmick - William H. Brewe
- Instantaneous Stock Escape - William H. Brewe
- Ronald Edwin Maifield - Mr. E. - profile
- Some Ideas from Mr. E.
- Stephen C. Faris - profile
- Joint Discovery - Stephen C. Faris
- A Letter from Dennis Metz
- Oscar Kamleiter - profile
- The Shrinking Bill - Oscar Kamleiter
- John Braun - profile
- Three Chinese Coins - John Braun
- Some "Hanky Panky" from Stewart Judah's "Bag of Tricks"
- Torn Bill Routine
- Basic Three Rubber Balls Routine
- A Card Location
- Dividing 123 Among 13 Men
- Ken Klosterman - profile
- Egg to Dove in Hat - Ken Klosterman
- Oran B. Dent - Keenon - Dr. Eli - profile
- Scrambled Egg and Silk Revisited
- Mental Pictoria Presentation - Oran B. Dent
- Opening Remarks for the Occult Showman - Oran B. Dent
- Closing Remarks for the Occult Showman
- "Lollipop" Suggestions
- Milkette (The Milk in the Light Bulb) Occult Presentation
- Card Display Holder for Attache Case
- Flap-Fan Message Cone
- Whiffledorfer's Knot Disintergrator Powder
- Magic Circle Magic: Two Suggestions
- The "Ultimate" Telephone Trick - Sam Dalal
- Coffee Vase Routine - Harry Carnegie
- The King of Clubs Prediction - P. H. Coggan
- Irishism - joke
- Mason Reese - Magic's Friend - Profile by George Gore, Jr.
- Prediction! - testimonial
- Sorcery in Scotland - A Magical Travelogue - Stanton Carlisle
- Try These - Trevor Lewis
- Six Card Repeat for Magicians
- Dicey
- It Really Happened to Me
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Brass Nut Off String - Sebastion [sic] Cody
- advertisements
- Volume 6, Number 10, June, 1974, 96 unnumbered pages = The Rink Lecture
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Silken Sorcery - testimonial
- Kids Stuff - testimonial
- Mental Magic - testimonials
- Service - testimonial
- The Magigram - testimonial
- Between Ourselves - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Hastings I.B.M. British Ring Convention - announcement
- Dice, Dice and more Dice!
- Award Winner - testimonial
- Psycho-Mentality - Stanton Carlisle
- Sign of the Twelve - testimonial
- joke
- A Letter from the U.S.A. - testimonial
- Easy Card in 7 - testimonial
- Favorable Reaction - testimonial
- Ganson's Magic
- No Help Needed - joke
- Music - joke
- Pop Away - testimonial
- My Way - Eric D. Widger
- The Hen Bag
- The Gag Bag
- Snakes and Ladders
- Finale for Silk Knotting Routine
- Ken's "Fill-Ins" - jokes
- Snappy - joke
- Presentation-Wise - Party-Piece - Stanton Carlisle
- The Big Parade - testimonial
- Pre-Clip-Tion for Children - Derek Lawrence
- Magical Alphabet - Peter D. Blanchard
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Surprising Releases - testimonial
- Banks and Bills! - jokes
- George Blake Writes
- Tape Recorder Just Chance
- Spontaneous Reaction! - testimonial
- Talking to Oneself [ventriloquism] - George Blake
- More Rees'isms - jokes - Peter Rees
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- A Special Magigram Feature - The Rink Lecture - compiled by Lewis Ganson
- Rope and Rings
- Loop-La-La Plus La
- Cut and Restored Rope
- Ring and Cord
- The Three Jokers
- Four Card Change
- The Change-Over Aces
- A Routine for the Supreme Cabaret Dove in Balloon - Poz
- Teeth Tale - Colin Smith
- Invaluable! - testimonials
- Session in Court - D.F. Parker
- March of the Kings
- The Shrinking Queen
- Abdication of the Kings
- Rees'isms - jokes - Peter Rees
- Memories - Scotty McGregor (USA) - correspondence
- The Green Man - A Road Safety Trick - Gerald Walker
- Spectator Do-As-I-Do - Harry Carnegie
- Dotty Dates! - joke
- Presentation for Jack the Giant Killer - John Palfreyman
- Hen House Tip! - G.L. Cooper
- A Patter Story for Mr and Mrs Green - Alan Shaxon
- Ring 'N' The Cards - Ravelle & Andree
- Hot-Line from Chicago - George Johnstone
- Taking a Liberty - C. Davies
- MagicIAN Adair on Magic
- Wizards Whoop it up Amid the Devil Heads - Tony Spicer reporting on the Associated Wizards of the South gathering
- Smile! - jokes
- Wandering with Wade - column by John Wade
- cartoon
- "Damn It" Note Production - Peter Rooke
- Busy Bruce [Jordan] - correspondence
- Top of the Pops - Harry Carnegie
- Billy McComb Down Under - Tony Wilson
- Halloween Comedy Trick - Gerry Walker
- Vanishing Lit Cigarette Surprise - Chong Yet Fye
- Did You Hear? - jokes
- A Thought - Jim Reilly
- Silkone Knots - Johnny Geddes
- The Haunted Poker Dice - J. Hunter
- Crazy World - jokes
- On the Illusion Scene - column by Jeffrey Atkins
- advertisements
- Volume 6, Number 11, July, 1974, 72 unnumbered pages - The Frank Sinclair Showcase
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Blank-O - Peter Rooke
- Yo-Yo [Ric Ellam] - correspondence
- Between Ourselves - comments from Edwin Hooper
- Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- T.V. Production - Jim Reilly
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
- The Lewis-Dove Cone - Jim Reilly
- I Saw It Move - John Gordon
- Did You Here? - jokes
- George Blake Writes
- A Rope a Ring and a Spectator!
- The Frank Sinclair Showcase
- Sinclair - profile
- Supreme Book Test - Sinclair
- Mammoth Memory - Sinclair
- Liquid Vanish - Sinclair
- Torn Card Plus - Sinclair
- Ribbon Cut - Sinclair
- The Bullion Train
- Catalogue Production - Frank Sincalir
- Your Choice - Frank Sinclair
- Tele-Design Extra - Frank Sinclair
- Bingo - Frank Sinclair
- How Many? - jokes
- Have Your Heard - jokes
- Rain-Rain - joke
- Cartoon
- Mental Jogger - Theo Dore
- Patter-Lines - jokes
- Talking to Oneself [ventriloquism] - George Blake
- The Little Things - Ken de COurcy
- MagicIAN Adair on Magic
- Routine for Supreme's Egg-Nigma - Poz
- Easy Way Out! - joke
- Karrell Fox photo
- advertisements
- Pentagram ... at the London Society of Magicians - Charles Bertram, Jr.
- Giant Oaks - re: The British Ring - George Blake
- Hastings I.B.M. British Ring Convention - announcement
- Ganson's Magic
- I Get the Impression ...
- More on Strippers
- Television Puppet Magic - Tops! - testimonial
- Mail Box - correspondence
- Hot-Line from Chicago - George Johnstone
- George's Gems - cartoons
- advertisements
- Volume 6, Number 12, August, 1974, 92 unnumbered pages - Bumper All Trick Issue
- advertisements
- Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Karrell Fox photo
- Hastings I.B.M. British Ring Convention - announcement
- advertisements
- Novelty Marionettes - R.C. Buff
- The Divinatory Dove Trick - Kevin Brown
- Laff Line - For a Sore Throat! - joke
- Satisfied! - testimonial
- The "Three-in-One" Mental Test - Stanton Carlisle
- A Singular Occurrence at Cornwall - A Raven May
- 8 Kings I Thank You - Jesse Demaline
- Off-Duty Mentalism - Stanton Carlisle
- Separated - Robert Kirkham
- Wayne's Giant Handkerchief - Wayne Rogers (New Zealand)
- Slogan Seen at Supreme! - humor
- Fashion Forecast for 1973 - humor
- Overheard at the Dentist's - humor
- Table Talk - Ken de Courcy
- It's a Double Cracker - Peter Rees
- Comedy Paint Brushes - Johnny Geddes
- Irish'isms - jokes
- Ideas from Indiana - Floyd Shotts
- Egged Extra
- On Levitations
- With the Manipulato Ball
- A Card Change
- Golf Ball Penetration
- Ball Transpo
- Mentalepathy
- The Psychic Glass
- No Skill
- Clairvoyance - Telepathy
- With Spirit Slates
- Impossible
- Twinkling Twins
- Colour Change and Vanish
- Separating Reds and Blacks
- Three Blind Mice - Subir Kumar Dhar
- Talking of Thumbtips - Ravelle and Andree
- The "Sew-So" Card Effect - Cyro
- Strong Effect! - testimonial
- Playing with Rope- R.C. Buff (USA)
- Fastest Figure Eight Knot
- Do It Again Only Different
- One Hand Figure Eight
- Still Another one
- One Arm Man Does a Figure Eight (Honest)
- No Hands Knot
- Double Stretch
- Continuity Rope Gag
- Rope Act from a Purse
- The Rope Maniac
- 'No-Cut' Rope Restored
- Here, There & Everywhere - Lu Brent
- From The Magic Circles of the World - testimonials
- Two Answers to the [Ken de Courcy] Problem - Ron Escott
- Random Thoughts
- Book Worm
- Book Note - testimonial
- A routine for Funny Fotos - Tommy Thomas
- Silk on Rope - Hans G. Witt
- A Free Hand with Puppets - Martinez (Mexico)
- Ten Card Miracle - Mysta
- A Frustrated Foreigner Writes - poem
- Elephant Catch - M.R. Robinson
- Three Kinds of People - humor
- Match Gags - Sebastian Cody
- Bautier de Kolta - profile by Peter Warlock
- Films Wanted - want ad
- The Do As I Do Bonus - Stanton Carlisle
- Tips on Supreme Tricks - Michael Symes
- Edwin's 'Supersonic Silk on Sash'
- Blendo Cone
- Back to the Repeat Vanishing Silk
- Consistent - testimonial
- Roll On a "Rollon" - testimonials
- One-Liners - Henrique
- Master Divination - Ken de Courcy
- Presentation-Wise - The Clairvoyants Miracle Reading - Stanton Carlisle
- The Lincoln Imp - John W. Thursby
- The Multiplying Toothbrushes - Stephanos
- Superb! - testimonial
- Mass Hypnosis? - Harry Carnegie
- The Second Duet - Ken de Courcy and Jeremy Crocket
- The Repeat Match trick - Joe Riding
- A Crazy Camera Extra - testimonial
- cartoon - Crockett
- Improvement for "The Chinese Linking Rings" - A.R. Hambling
- cartoon - Crockett
- Talking to Oneself [ventriloquism] - George Blake
- First Class! - testimonials
- Ken's Laugh Column
- advertisements
word count: 520001 which is equivalent to 2080 standard pages of text