$12(2 reviews, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★
MASQ Stack is a rotational or sequential stack that is very easy to learn and looks very random. You should be able to remember the sequence in under ten minutes. Given any card, you will know the next card instantly. Knowing this stack, you can perform almost all the routines out there which can be performed with a Si Stebbins or 8 Kings or similar stacks.
But behind the "MASQ" there is another hidden secret. Once you know the MASQ Stack you can also perform a magic square routine anytime, anywhere to anyone without breaking a single drop of sweat. Absolutely no extra effort is required. In fact, the name MASQ is short for MAgic SQuare.
So there it is - the proverbial two birds with one stone. Two "effects" with one "effort" is what you are getting here. And probably the MASQ Stack is the world's first stack in the history of magic which can also be used as it is for a magic square routine. Do let me know if there has been another one so far.
1st edition 2024, PDF 16 pages.
word count: 2271 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text
Reviewed by Bob Max (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Monday 07 October, 2024A very interesting and clever concept. It took me just a few minutes to get the stack and then it was a breeze to do the magic square effect. I think I will perform all my Si Stebbins routines using Masq from now on - this is far more random than SS. Also, now I am always ready to do magic square routine. Good buy for the price
Reviewed by Paul Warren (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Friday 27 September, 2024Recently acquired the unknown mentalist's "MASQ" pdf download from
lybrary.com and I am NOT disappointed! It's exactly what I hoped for. Great little PDF booklet - which does what it says.