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The True Secret of Mind Reading as Performed by the Zancigs
by Laura G. Fixen


(1 review, 6 customer ratings) ★★★★

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The True Secret of Mind Reading as Performed by the Zancigs by Laura G. Fixen

This little booklet details the code the Zancigs used. Laura Fixen writes in the preface that she was a student with the Zancigs and was taught their code.

1st edition, 1912, Laura G. Fixen; 27 pages.

  1. Preface
  2. How the Zancig System Was Obtained
  3. How The Carter-Price Act Was Secured
  4. How to Apply the "Second Sight" System
  5. To Tell Letters
  6. The Zancigs' Code
  7. To Tell Numbers
  8. To Tell Dates
  9. To Tell Money
  10. To Tell Names
  11. To Tell Articles
  12. Articles by Series
  13. Countries
  14. Lodges and Orders
  15. Colors
  16. Silent Cues
  17. The Fays' Great Act
  18. Advertisement

word count: 4981 which is equivalent to 19 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Giovanni Iuliani (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 03 July, 2020

The system is based on knowing your A-B-C. Lacking is the phraseology that supports each cue. As an example, I don't think that the person holding an item retrieved from a spectator, would say: "Here tell ..." Five dollars. There is a hint on page 13 concerning a nickel.

Here, please, what is this? - Nickel.

This means that the one who asks the questions must compose a phrase in which he incorporates the secret word(s). Consequently, a complete transcript of a performance would reveal much more then just a basic code for communicating between two person.