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The Receptive Shroud
by Ken de Courcy


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The Receptive Shroud by Ken de Courcy

An unusual presentation detailing probably the easiest system for the two-person mind-reading act yet produced.


A clip-board is tossed into the audience. Under its elastic band is a pencil. The performer asks the person who catches it to pass the board to anyone in the row behind him. That person then writes anything he likes in the top space - a name, a date, a phone number, a question - anything. He then passes the board to someone behind him, who does the same thing, then the board is passed again.

When six people have written their thoughts, the board is returned to the performer. He pulls the paper from the board and tears it into small pieces, then these are burned in an ash-tray.

When this has been done, the Medium enters, sits down and is covered by a sheet. The performer stands well away or, if at a party, can leave the room. She then divines the thoughts and names of the people who wrote them.

The clip-board is unfaked, there are no impressions, and the Medium has no codes of any sort to learn.

1st digital edition 2013, 3 pages.
word count: 748 which is equivalent to 2 standard pages of text