A compilation of five impossible to find card magic manuscripts of the 1920s and 1930s from the self-styled Gambling Detective. These manuscripts originally cost the equivalent of $120 when first released. Now, in this compilation, they are available for less than the price of a fast food lunch.
You get Mickey's Favorite four Ace Routine: The four Aces are placed face up on the table, then three indifferent cards are placed on the top of each ace. After one pile is shown to actually contain an ace and three indifferent cards, the four cards are shown again, back and front, and the ace has vanished. This is repeated with the other piles, until the aces have all disappeared. The deck is picked up and the cards dealt out in a five-handed poker game. The hand that's designated by the audience contains the four missing aces. MacDougall has simplified the moves so anyone can achieve the same effect without practice or sleight of hand.
You also get Mickey's Perfect Poker Deal: An ordinary deck is genuinely shuffled. To make the demonstration more interesting the Aces, Tens and court cards are removed. Taking the cards just as they come from the shuffled deck, the performer deals out a four-handed poker game. Every hand is a pat hand, but the magician has the best hand of all: a Royal Flush. Four different times, the cards are dealt out and always the magician has the winning hand.
Finally, the performer asks a spectator to deal from the entire deck. The pack is shuffled and handed to the helper, who cuts and deals out the cards. The performer calls attention to the mediocre value of the hands dealt by the amateur and says, "If a professional were dealing, he'd deal a hand something like this." He then takes the deck that has just been thoroughly shuffled and deals himself a straight flush.
Included, too, are Mickey's Original Spelling Routine, Mickey's Mysterious Mental Marvels, and Mickey's Original Trick of the Ages. Five routines in all, plus a bonus effect.
"The tricks are excellent." - John Mulholland
"These are the tricks that created a sensation at the Chicago Magical Conclave at the Hotel Sherman." -Arthur Felsman
1st edition 1920, 1928, 1933; PDF 33 pages.
word count: 9215 which is equivalent to 36 standard pages of text