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Modern Vaudeville Patter
by Collins Pentz

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Modern Vaudeville Patter by Collins Pentz

Excerpt from the preface:

Many magicians have told me they would like to obtain a good book on patter, that would fit some of the more modern tricks, and patter that could be used for various tricks.

Feeling that such a book would have a big sale and wishing to accommodate these seekers after original patter, which could be made use of while presenting some of the very latest tricks, I have taken upon myself the task of producing this handy vest pocket volume and trust it may be of much value in improving the acts of many magicians.

Although you may not care to use it word for word as written, the comedy is there and you can make changes to suit your requirements.

On the back is an advertisement for The Eagle Magician magazine.

  • Preface
  • Opening Outburst
  • General Patter
  • Ink Through The Hat
  • Solid Through Solid
  • Coffee And Milk

1st edition 1915, 12 pages; PDF 6 pages.
word count: 2118 which is equivalent to 8 standard pages of text