(3 customer ratings) ★★★★★
From the preface:
To nearly every present day magician all these tricks will be new, as it was fifteen to twenty years ago that they appeared in The Eagle Magician. These tricks have been carefully selected from nearly six volumes of this valuable little magazine and accurately revised and condensed to fill this valuable book. But few of the old-timers and collectors have any of these magazines, so to the present day magi's they will be an invaluable addition to their act.
In the old days smokers used to roll their own. Today many magicians like to make their own; "Magic Tricks", To fill such a demand only tricks that are easily made up have been selected, accompanied with plain drawings showing just how this may be accomplished at a very small cost.
1st edition 1935, 60 pages; PDF 47 pages.word count: 15990 which is equivalent to 63 standard pages of text