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My Creepy Card 2
by Biagio Fasano

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My Creepy Card 2 by Biagio Fasano

This eBook contains the evolution of the effect previously covered in Volume I, but its understanding and execution does not require reading the previous one, although it is highly recommended.

The effect is totally impromptu, semi-automatic, quick to perform (only eight cards are used), does not require any complex card magic technique, and introduces for the spectator the possibility of secretly associating "Yes" and "No" with a single or double clap of the hands, in response to the few questions that the mentalist will ask during the experiment so that he cannot apparently know what the viewer is thinking of answering in his own mind.

In spite of all this, before he even begins, the illusionist promises that at the end of the experiment, the first card he will ask the spectator to turn over will be the very card he merely thought of. And what is even more incredible is that the experiment will be able to take place without the mentalist ever seeing the cards, until the end, remaining turned sideways or even blindfolded!

1st edition 2023, PDF 6 pages.
word count: 2856 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text