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PANsylvania 3
by Mark Piazza


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PANsylvania 3 by Mark Piazza

Issue 3 of this short-lived publication featuring magical bizarre effects, reviews and an original short story of fiction.


  • Beneath The Toadstool (introduction of issue)
  • Pine Needles and Dirt (Tips, Reviews & Observations)

  • Dead Man Walking by EvilDan (Dan Terelmes): A questionable prison warden offers freedom to his inmates (includes additional props).
  • Stainless Steel, So Cold and Strange by Kotah (Ron Dayton): An effect about re-animation based on a true story . . . by a mortician.
  • Having Writ by Shane: Cross-dimensional stalking by the “Shadowpeople”.
  • The Ghost of ye Mage by Mark Piazza (also in ShudderShadow Mansion): A ghostly tribute to Tony Andruzzi.
  • Theatre in the Woods (fiction): Cruel Yule by EvilDan (Dan Terelmes) and P.S. Merry Christmas by Mark Piazza: Two twisted tales about the man in the red suit.

1st edition 2002, 12 pages
word count: 6001 which is equivalent to 24 standard pages of text

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Bizarre

Magic & Mentalism / Magazines & Journals / Pansylvania