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Performance Investment
by Brian T. Lees

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Performance Investment by Brian T. Lees

Ever wonder why some magicians always seem to get hired over others? Do you want to get your quote higher in the piles of those being considered? If you position your quote with a return on investment approach you will have more success. Skills and performance content is important. But those who suggest better returns in terms of value are those who get hired. This ebook identifies the “value add” elements that, if included in your quote, helps push your information to the top of the list.

  • Preface
  • The Buyers Side
  • Disqualified Proposals
  • Value by Definition
  • Value Adds
  • Structure the Proposal
  • Dealing with Urgency
  • Wrapping it Up

1st edition 2016,
word count: 6158 which is equivalent to 24 standard pages of text