(2 reviews, 10 customer ratings) ★★★★★
Learn how Docc Hilford flies first class when he only has coach tickets. A crash course in palm reading spiced up with magic.
Recorded live at the Convention at the Capital 1998.
runtime: 9min 48s
"A crash course in palm reading spiced up with magic."
Reading this made me believe I was going to get a crash course in palm reading, but this was not the case. The video will not teach you anything whatsoever about reading palms - but if you are looking for a mind-reading effect that is suitable for an audience of one, then this short video by Docc Hilford will teach you a sneaky way to peek information whilst examining someone's palms.
Personal Touch is devastatingly powerful and oh so simple to do. You can use this to reveal your spectator's innermost secrets and gain you some serious credibility. Docc says he uses this to get flight upgrades and VIP service in hotels, and I can definitely see why!
This is, and I don't use the term lightly, a reputation-maker.
Magic & Mentalism / Video clips (download)
Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading