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Poker Royal
by Felipe Suau


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Poker Royal by Felipe Suau

An extraordinary magic trick in which the spectators will see four jacks turn face down one by one. For the final climax, the magician explains that sometimes, if poker cards are used for magic, very strange things can happen: That's when the four jacks suddenly turn into a Royal Flush. A trick with which I bluffed the audience and magicians. All you need is a special card, which is very easy to find. But this little effort is really worth it.

An impromptu version of the effect is also described, in which the cards from Ace to Four, one at a time, turn face down and then magically transform into the four Aces.

1st edition 2021, PDF 9 pages, video 25 s.
word count: 2821 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text