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Prequel Sequel by Allan Ackerman

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Four incredible card effects that defy explanation and invite complete examination.

Allan Ackerman is one of the world's foremost experts at sleight-of-hand magic and gambling moves with playing cards. On this amazing download DVD you will be treated to four of the most incredible card routines ever created - absolute stunners that simply defy explanation. Normally, a brother magician might exclaim, "You're using gaffed cards!" To which you reply, "Go ahead, take a look!" Examine to their heart's content and they will find nothing. That's because Allan has devised extremely devious and elegant methods for switching in and switching out the gaffs, leaving no trace of their existence. Allan also teaches numerous invaluable sleights and moves.

PREQUEL/SEQUEL: This is Allan's method for the classic MacDonald's Aces routine. Not only does he have beautiful handlings for each vanishing phase, but he also has devised a diabolical and magical way of beginning and ending clean, all in the guise of a magical effect. Unbelievable!

A & D SANDWICH: Two mates are removed from the deck, say the red fives. A spectator now thinks of any card in the deck. The face-up red fives are now touched to the top of the deck and a face-down card magically appears between them. It is the thought-of card. Stunning!

LAS VEGAS THREE-CARD MONTE: This is Allan's handling for the gaffed Three-Card Monte, made popular by Michael Skinner, Mike Rogers, Eddie Taytlebaum and many others. Not only has Allan devised a method that lets you start and end clean, but he has now added a new phase wherein the cards magically change places while held in a spectator's hand. You simply have to see it to believe it. Not only that, but it's easy to do.

FINALLY REASSEMBLED: This is Allan's incredible solution to the Slow-Motion Ace Assembly - supercharged. As with the other routines on this download DVD, the gaffs are secretly rung in and out in the context of an effect. The climax is a surprise reverse assembly culminating with a production of the aces from the deck and the pockets. Incredible.

Note: This DVD originally came with special cards. These are not included in this download. The cards that were included: McDonald's ace set (three double facers with an ace on one side and an indifferent card on the other side); a double facer with a Joker on one side and any other card on the other side; a gimmicked Monte set (two cards with a misprinted index, for example, a 3-of-Clubs with one index showing an Ace-of-Hearts, and an Ace-of-Hearts with one index showing a 3-of-Clubs); two double facers with queens on one side and nines on the other.

1st edition 2008, video 1 hour 18 minutes.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)