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Pretty N Propless
by Unknown Mentalist

#2 Mentalism & Spiritism author
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Pretty N Propless by Unknown Mentalist

At its core, this is a quick, high-impact propless piece that you can deploy in almost any situation like on a voice call, in a virtual show, face-to-face close up, parlor, street, etc. The performer divines a word being thought of by a participant.

But the true power is in its mind-boggling range of possibilities. You can literally plant about 48000 different possible words in a participant's mind and seemingly read their mind to exactly divine that word. The combination of principles is so flexible that you can again literally apply it to any theme of presentation you may want. If you want you can even carry a "prop-version" in your wallet.

Pure mentalism in a sublime form. Yet, easy to learn and perform, totally self-working but needs presentation skills. There are no sleights, no preshow, no stooges. No long drawn process like in most propless routines - the method is quick, effective, and deceptive. 100% surefire and hits every time. A different outcome every time. No peeks, no tears, no secret writing. No progressive anagrams, no memorization, no dual reality, no instant stooging. Although the routines are explained in English, the core principle can be used for almost any language.

You will read minds and win hearts with this one.

1st edition 2021, PDF 12 pages.
word count: 2754 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text