The mind reader begins by saying "Let's play an interesting game. Imagine you are a 'psychopath' on the run and I am a 'psychic detective'. We will use 4 continents and 4 directions...." And ends the effect by absolutely stunning the participant with an impossible-looking divination.
At its core, this is a quick, high-impact propless piece that you can deploy in almost any situation like on a voice call, in a virtual show, face to face close up, parlour, street etc. The performer divines the exact personality trait of a psychopath. The entire routine can be performed in about a minute.
This is a refreshing principle couched in a unique presentation. If you want you can even carry a "prop-version" in your wallet.
Pure and direct mentalism in a novel, simple form. Yet, easy to learn and perform, totally self-working but needs presentation skills. There are no sleights, no preshow, no stooges. No long drawn out process, like in most propless routines, the method is quick, effective, and deceptive. 100% surefire and hits every time. No peeks, no tears, no secret writing. No progressive anagrams, almost no memorization, no dual reality, no instant stooging. Although the routines are explained in English, the core principle can be used for almost any language.
"The UM teaches a one minute masterpiece, with an intriguing plot and reliable method. This is as simple as possible, but practice and acting will go a long way. Instead of equivoque between CONTINENTS and DIRECTIONS try "let's go on a journey, on a GPS - do you prefer locations or directions?" Do a short personality reading based on their choice. If they choose directions you are set (this is over 80 percent chosen with the GPS script. Otherwise say "I always prefer directions", and continue as noted." - Marc Salem
1st edition 2021, PDF 8 pages.
word count: 1743 which is equivalent to 6 standard pages of text