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Private Medium's Secret Guide
by Robert A. Nelson

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Private Medium's Secret Guide by Robert A. Nelson

What is the Private Medium's Secret Guide? What "secret" information does it contain? Is it the "Secret Blue Book" of the Spiritualists, often whispered about, but never seen? Just what does the guide contain?

The author is a person who has devoted his life to psychic research, both fraudulent and real--and writes not from theory, but from years of practical experience as a practicing psychologist and reader. His conclusions will be found in the pages of his guide. His advice and counsel on successful reading and counselling--and page upon page of "psychological readings", those exclusive patter lines that compose the readings.

Analyzation of problems--how for one to proceed to be a successful reader--cause and effect situations--the natural sequence of life--facts of life--trends of our lives--associations, all are artfully blended into a wealth of valuable information for all who hope to achieve success as a reader.

"If you understand human nature," says RaMayne, "then you have the 'Secret' or 'Key' to a person's life. To analyze his past and chart the tend of his future life is not difficult, if you have the 'key'."

Here is a wealth of information--much of revealed for the first time in this ebook--on the subtle art of private reading and counselling. The reading methods are adaptable to tarot cards, palmistry, crystal ball, one-on-one readings or other psychic efforts. This ebook should greatly improve whatever talent you have thus far developed.

While Nelson has authored other books on this subject, each of which has been highly praised, this book is an advanced course, allowing the psychic reader to be even more successful and offer a higher degree of personal counselling. Regard it as a sequel to Nelson's other offerings. Add it to your collection, and profit by the years of experience of this well-versed author.

It's the how-to-analyze, what-to-say, guidance and counsel book. Privately printed and circulated.

Are you a Nelson collector? This book was listed as No. 104 in the Nelson Enterprises catalog. It sold for the equivalent of $80 in today's money, when first released.

1st edition 1942; PDF 97 pages.
word count: 26119 which is equivalent to 104 standard pages of text
